4 research outputs found

    Industrial experiences with resource management under software randomization in ARINC653 avionics environments

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    Injecting randomization in different layers of the computing platform has been shown beneficial for security, resilience to software bugs and timing analysis. In this paper, with focus on the latter, we show our experience regarding memory and timing resource management when software randomization techniques are applied to one of the most stringent industrial environments, ARINC653-based avionics. We describe the challenges in this task, we propose a set of solutions and present the results obtained for two commercial avionics applications, executed on COTS hardware and RTOS.The work leading to these results has been funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) un- der the PROXIMA Project (grant agreement 611085). Moreover, it has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2015-65316-P and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Industrial experiences with resource management under software randomization in ARINC653 avionics environments

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    Injecting randomization in different layers of the computing platform has been shown beneficial for security, resilience to software bugs and timing analysis. In this paper, with focus on the latter, we show our experience regarding memory and timing resource management when software randomization techniques are applied to one of the most stringent industrial environments, ARINC653-based avionics. We describe the challenges in this task, we propose a set of solutions and present the results obtained for two commercial avionics applications, executed on COTS hardware and RTOS.The work leading to these results has been funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) un- der the PROXIMA Project (grant agreement 611085). Moreover, it has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2015-65316-P and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence.Peer Reviewe

    Analysis and evaluation of embedded graphics solutions for critical systems

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    En el camp dels sistemes crítics, que inclou l'automotriu, l'aviònica i els sistemes espacials, es necessita més capacitat de computació per aportar tant valor funcional com seguretat addicional. Per aconseguir-ho, la indústria està considerant noves arquitectures per futurs sistemes crítics. Una de les possibles opcions és l'ús de targetes gràfiques mòbils, que tenen un rendiment excel·lent per tasques computacionals complexes i un baix nivell de consum. Per desgràcia, les eines actuals de desenvolupament per programació de propòsit general de targetes gràfiques com CUDA o OpenCL no compleixen amb les regulacions dels estàndards de seguretat dels sistemes crítics segurs. Per altra banda, hi ha altres solucions per programar per gràfics, com ara OpenGL SC 2 i Brook Auto, que són fàcils de certificar. En aquest projecte, analitzem aquestes solucions per programar per targetes gràfiques i explorem els diferents aspectes del desenvolupament de programari de propòsit general amb elles. Us presentem la nostra experiència adaptant codi de dues aplicacions de dos sectors diferents de sistemes crítics, l'aviònica i els sistemes espacials, a diferents \textit{APIs} (OpenGL 2, OpenGL ES 2, OpenGL SC 2 i Brook Auto) i l'avaluació de les versions que nosaltres hem generat. En funcionalitat i rendiment, no s'ha observat cap diferència, tot i que sí que hem notat un gran salt comparatiu en la complexitat del desenvolupament i la productivitat entre eines orientades només a sistemes gràfics i Brook Auto.In the safety-critical systems domain, which includes automotive, avionics and space systems, more compute power is needed to provide additional functional value and safety. In order to achieve this, new hardware architectures are considered from industry for future critical systems. One of this approaches is the use of mobile GPUs, which have excellent performance capabilities for intensive computational tasks and low-power consumption. However, current programming models for general purpose programming of GPUs like CUDA and OpenCL do not comply with the safety standards of safety critical systems. On the other hand, there are alternative programming solutions based on graphics, namely OpenGL SC 2 and Brook Auto, which are certification-friendly. In this thesis, we perform an analysis of these safety-critical programming models for GPUs and we explore the different aspects of the development of general purpose software in them. We present our experience with porting two applications from two distinct safety-critical domains, aerospace and avionics, in several graphics-based APIs (OpenGL 2, OpenGL ES 2, OpenGL SC 2 and Brook Auto) and the evaluation of our produced versions. In terms of functionality and performance, no difference has been observed, whereas we noticed a big gap in the development complexity and productivity between pure graphics solutions and Brook Auto

    Network-on-Chip -based Multi-Processor System-on-Chip: Towards Mixed-Criticality System Certification

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