403,411 research outputs found

    Un-Haunting From the Ghost We Killed: IS Research and Education in the Post-Industrial Economy

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    The field of management emerged in response to the challenges of the industrial age that is now coming to an end. Since its inception, the information systems (IS) research community has argued that the information technology will bring fundamental challenges to the forces that underpin the way we organize our work. The IS discipline played a significant role in bringing the end of the industrial age, fulfilling its early promises. However, the IS community is struggling to find a way to move beyond the powerful institutional and intellectual hegemony based on the industrial-age organization. The proposed panel will take up this challenge and debate several ways of going beyond the hegemony of industrial age organization that has dominated both research and education of the field

    Research Avenues on use of Augmented Reality in Education

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    The use of Innovative technology in education enhances the grasping ability of the student to gain knowledge proactively and provides a platform for a constructive process of learning and understanding. Augmented Reality (AR) plays an essential role in active learning and critical thinking in the current information age because technology enables students to interact with the virtual world with an immersive experience. Moreover, the integration of AR in education has attracted researcher’s attention towards AR due to its immersive, naturalistic experience. Augmented reality plays a vital role in Medical Science, the Aviation industry, the Advertising industry, the Printing Industry, Maintenance, Tourism, Education, the Automobile industry and many more upcoming industries. The use of AR is going to be spread in the coming days. This paper comprises an overview and the study of augmented reality in different sectors. On emphasising the uses of AR in the education field, to give a real-life interactive experience to the user on his mobile. The review narrates the ability of AR, and applications of AR in the field of education such as science education, Industrial training, and biomedical education. The review summarises the potential of technology integration

    Revolving and Evolving-Early dc Machines

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    In an age largely characterized by information and communication technology (ICT), which uses more and more feeble currents, electrical power is also experiencing a period of excellent health and heads towards a bright future. This success is largely due to electric motors, which are available in different types and powered by direct current (DC) as well as alternating current (AC) sources, provided by power grids or by inverters at variable frequencies. Their versatility and ubiquity is so wide that they can be found almost everywhere: in many household appliances, technician power tools, building fans, factory machine tools, blowers and pumps of industrial fluid systems, cableways, railway and streetcar locomotives, computer disk drives, drivers and printers and cellphone vibration alerts. Tens of billions of electric motors are produced every year, with powers ranging from a few hundredths of a milliwatt to some tens of megawatts. Their future looks bright due to the rise of electric-powered transport, which will be enforced by government measures in many countries in the coming years

    The Evolution of Sociology of Software Architecture

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    The dialectical interplay of technology and sociological development goes back to the early days of human development, starting with stone tools and fire, and coming through the scientific and industrial revolutions; but it has never been as intense or as rapid as in the modern information age of software development and accelerating knowledge society (Mansell and Wehn, 1988; and Nico, 1994, p. 1602-1604). Software development causes social change, and social challenges demand software solutions. In turn, software solutions demand software application architecture. Software architecture (“SA”) (Fielding and Taylor, 2000) is a process for “defining a structural solution that meets all the technical and operations requirements...” (Microsoft, 2009, Chapter I). In the SA process, there is neither much emphasis on the sociological requirements of all social stakeholders nor on the society in w hich these stakeholders use, operate, group, manage, transact, dispute, and resolve social conflicts. For problems of society demanding sociological as well as software solutions, this study redefines software application architecture as “the process of defining a structured solution that meets all of the sociological , technical, and operational requirements…” This investigation aims to l ay the groundwork for, evolve, and develop an innovative and novel sub-branch of scientific study we name the “Sociology of Software Architecture” (hereinafter referred to as “SSA”). SSA is an interdisciplinary and comparative study integrating, synthesizing, and combining elements of the disciplines of sociology, sociology of technology, history of technology, sociology of knowledge society, epistemology, science methodology (philosophy of science), and software architecture. Sociology and technology have a strong, dynamic, and dialectical relationship and interplay, especially in software development. This thesis investigates and answers important and relevant questions, evolves and develops new scientific knowledge, proposes solutions, demonstrates and validates its benefits, shares its case studies and experiences, and advocates, promotes, and helps the future and further development of this novel method of science


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    The industrial relations implications of automation

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Boston Universit

    The Role Of Technology and Innovation In The Framework Of The Information Society

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    The literature on the information society indicates that it is a still-developing field of research. It can be explained by the lack of consensus on basic definitions and research methods. There are also different judgments on the importance and the significance of the information society. Some social scientists write about a change of era, others emphasize parallelism with the past. There are some authors who expect that the information society will solve the problems of social inequalities, poverty and unemployment, while others blame it on the widening social gap between the information haves and have-nots. Various models of the information society have been developed so far and they are so different from country to country that it would be rather unwise to look for a single, all-encompassing definition. In our time a number of profound socio-economic changes are underway. Almost every field of our life is affected by the different phenomena of globalization, beside the growing role of the individual; another important characteristic of this process is the development of an organizing principle based on the free creation, distribution, access and use of knowledge and information. The 1990s and the 21st century is undoubtedly characterized by the world of the information society (as a form of the post-industrial society), which represents a different quality compared to the previous ones. The application of these theories and schools on ICT is problematic in many respects. First, as we stated above, there is not a single, widely used paradigm which has synthesized the various schools and theories dealing with technology and society. Second, these fragmented approaches do not have a fully-fledged mode of application to the relationship of ICT and (information) society. Third, SCOT, ANT, the evolutionary- or the systems approach to the history of technology – when dealing with information society – does not take into account the results of approaches (such as information science or information systems literature or social informatics, information management and knowledge management, communication and media studies) studying the very essence of the information age: information, communication and knowledge. The list of unnoticed or partially incorporated sciences, which focuses on the role of ICT in human information processing and other cognitive activities, is much longer