24 research outputs found

    On Modal Logics of Partial Recursive Functions

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    The classical propositional logic is known to be sound and complete with respect to the set semantics that interprets connectives as set operations. The paper extends propositional language by a new binary modality that corresponds to partial recursive function type constructor under the above interpretation. The cases of deterministic and non-deterministic functions are considered and for both of them semantically complete modal logics are described and decidability of these logics is established

    Master Index to Volumes 51–60

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    Reasoning about modular datatypes with Mendler induction

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    In functional programming, datatypes a la carte provide a convenient modular representation of recursive datatypes, based on their initial algebra semantics. Unfortunately it is highly challenging to implement this technique in proof assistants that are based on type theory, like Coq. The reason is that it involves type definitions, such as those of type-level fixpoint operators, that are not strictly positive. The known work-around of impredicative encodings is problematic, insofar as it impedes conventional inductive reasoning. Weak induction principles can be used instead, but they considerably complicate proofs. This paper proposes a novel and simpler technique to reason inductively about impredicative encodings, based on Mendler-style induction. This technique involves dispensing with dependent induction, ensuring that datatypes can be lifted to predicates and relying on relational formulations. A case study on proving subject reduction for structural operational semantics illustrates that the approach enables modular proofs, and that these proofs are essentially similar to conventional ones.Comment: In Proceedings FICS 2015, arXiv:1509.0282

    Resumptions, Weak Bisimilarity and Big-Step Semantics for While with Interactive I/O: An Exercise in Mixed Induction-Coinduction

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    We look at the operational semantics of languages with interactive I/O through the glasses of constructive type theory. Following on from our earlier work on coinductive trace-based semantics for While, we define several big-step semantics for While with interactive I/O, based on resumptions and termination-sensitive weak bisimilarity. These require nesting inductive definitions in coinductive definitions, which is interesting both mathematically and from the point-of-view of implementation in a proof assistant. After first defining a basic semantics of statements in terms of resumptions with explicit internal actions (delays), we introduce a semantics in terms of delay-free resumptions that essentially removes finite sequences of delays on the fly from those resumptions that are responsive. Finally, we also look at a semantics in terms of delay-free resumptions supplemented with a silent divergence option. This semantics hinges on decisions between convergence and divergence and is only equivalent to the basic one classically. We have fully formalized our development in Coq.Comment: In Proceedings SOS 2010, arXiv:1008.190

    Strong normalization results by translation

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    We prove the strong normalization of full classical natural deduction (i.e. with conjunction, disjunction and permutative conversions) by using a translation into the simply typed lambda-mu-calculus. We also extend Mendler's result on recursive equations to this system.Comment: Submitted to APA

    Heterogeneous substitution systems revisited

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    Matthes and Uustalu (TCS 327(1-2):155-174, 2004) presented a categorical description of substitution systems capable of capturing syntax involving binding which is independent of whether the syntax is made up from least or greatest fixed points. We extend this work in two directions: we continue the analysis by creating more categorical structure, in particular by organizing substitution systems into a category and studying its properties, and we develop the proofs of the results of the cited paper and our new ones in UniMath, a recent library of univalent mathematics formalized in the Coq theorem prover.Comment: 24 page

    The Recursion Scheme from the Cofree Recursive Comonad

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    AbstractWe instantiate the general comonad-based construction of recursion schemes for the initial algebra of a functor F to the cofree recursive comonad on F. Differently from the scheme based on the cofree comonad on F in a similar fashion, this scheme allows not only recursive calls on elements structurally smaller than the given argument, but also subsidiary recursions. We develop a Mendler formulation of the scheme via a generalized Yoneda lemma for initial algebras involving strong dinaturality and hint a relation to circular proofs Ă  la Cockett, Santocanale

    CPS translating inductive and coinductive types

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