397 research outputs found

    Empowering Knowledge Bases: a Machine Learning Perspective

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    The construction of Knowledge Bases requires quite often the intervention of knowledge engineering and domain experts, resulting in a time consuming task. Alternative approaches have been developed for building knowledge bases from existing sources of information such as web pages and crowdsourcing; seminal examples are NELL, DBPedia, YAGO and several others. With the goal of building very large sources of knowledge, as recently for the case of Knowledge Graphs, even more complex integration processes have been set up, involving multiple sources of information, human expert intervention, crowdsourcing. Despite signi - cant e orts for making Knowledge Graphs as comprehensive and reliable as possible, they tend to su er of incompleteness and noise, due to the complex building process. Nevertheless, even for highly human curated knowledge bases, cases of incompleteness can be found, for instance with disjointness axioms missing quite often. Machine learning methods have been proposed with the purpose of re ning, enriching, completing and possibly raising potential issues in existing knowledge bases while showing the ability to cope with noise. The talk will concentrate on classes of mostly symbol-based machine learning methods, speci cally focusing on concept learning, rule learning and disjointness axioms learning problems, showing how the developed methods can be exploited for enriching existing knowledge bases. During the talk it will be highlighted as, a key element of the illustrated solutions, is represented by the integration of: background knowledge, deductive reasoning and the evidence coming from the mass of the data. The last part of the talk will be devoted to the presentation of an approach for injecting background knowledge into numeric-based embedding models to be used for predictive tasks on Knowledge Graphs

    An unsupervised approach to disjointness learning based on terminological cluster trees

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    In the context of the Semantic Web regarded as a Web of Data, research efforts have been devoted to improving the quality of the ontologies that are used as vocabularies to enable complex services based on automated reasoning. From various surveys it emerges that many domains would require better ontologies that include non-negligible constraints for properly conveying the intended semantics. In this respect, disjointness axioms are representative of this general problem: these axioms are essential for making the negative knowledge about the domain of interest explicit yet they are often overlooked during the modeling process (thus affecting the efficacy of the reasoning services). To tackle this problem, automated methods for discovering these axioms can be used as a tool for supporting knowledge engineers in modeling new ontologies or evolving existing ones. The current solutions, either based on statistical correlations or relying on external corpora, often do not fully exploit the terminology. Stemming from this consideration, we have been investigating on alternative methods to elicit disjointness axioms from existing ontologies based on the induction of terminological cluster trees, which are logic trees in which each node stands for a cluster of individuals which emerges as a sub-concept. The growth of such trees relies on a divide-and-conquer procedure that assigns, for the cluster representing the root node, one of the concept descriptions generated via a refinement operator and selected according to a heuristic based on the minimization of the risk of overlap between the candidate sub-clusters (quantified in terms of the distance between two prototypical individuals). Preliminary works have showed some shortcomings that are tackled in this paper. To tackle the task of disjointness axioms discovery we have extended the terminological cluster tree induction framework with various contributions: 1) the adoption of different distance measures for clustering the individuals of a knowledge base; 2) the adoption of different heuristics for selecting the most promising concept descriptions; 3) a modified version of the refinement operator to prevent the introduction of inconsistency during the elicitation of the new axioms. A wide empirical evaluation showed the feasibility of the proposed extensions and the improvement with respect to alternative approaches

    ORE - A Tool for Repairing and Enriching Knowledge Bases

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    Universal OWL Axiom Enrichment for Large Knowledge Bases

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    Abstract. The Semantic Web has seen a rise in the availability and usage of knowledge bases over the past years, in particular in the Linked Open Data initiative. Despite this growth, there is still a lack of knowl-edge bases that consist of high quality schema information and instance data adhering to this schema. Several knowledge bases only consist of schema information, while others are, to a large extent, a mere collec-tion of facts without a clear structure. The combination of rich schema and instance data would allow powerful reasoning, consistency check-ing, and improved querying possibilities as well as provide more generic ways to interact with the underlying data. In this article, we present a light-weight method to enrich knowledge bases accessible via SPARQL endpoints with almost all types of OWL 2 axioms. This allows to semi-automatically create schemata, which we evaluate and discuss using DB-pedia.

    Machine Learning Meets the Semantic Web

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    Remarkable progress in research has shown the efficiency of Knowledge Graphs (KGs) in extracting valuable external knowledge in various domains. A Knowledge Graph (KG) can illustrate high-order relations that connect two objects with one or multiple related attributes. The emerging Graph Neural Networks (GNN) can extract both object characteristics and relations from KGs. This paper presents how Machine Learning (ML) meets the Semantic Web and how KGs are related to Neural Networks and Deep Learning. The paper also highlights important aspects of this area of research, discussing open issues such as the bias hidden in KGs at different levels of graph representation

    Learning Class Disjointness Axioms Using Grammatical Evolution

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    International audienceoday, with the development of the Semantic Web, LinkedOpen Data (LOD), expressed using the Resource Description Frame-work (RDF), has reached the status of “big data” and can be consideredas a giant data resource from which knowledge can be discovered. Theprocess of learning knowledge defined in terms of OWL 2 axioms fromthe RDF datasets can be viewed as a special case of knowledge discov-ery from data or “data mining”, which can be called “RDF mining”.The approaches to automated generation of the axioms from recordedRDF facts on the Web may be regarded as a case of inductive reasoningand ontology learning. The instances, represented by RDF triples, playthe role of specific observations, from which axioms can be extracted bygeneralization. Based on the insight that discovering new knowledge isessentially an evolutionary process, whereby hypotheses are generatedby some heuristic mechanism and then tested against the available evi-dence, so that only the best hypotheses survive, we propose the use ofGrammatical Evolution, one type of evolutionary algorithm, for miningdisjointness OWL 2 axioms from an RDF data repository such as DBpe-dia. For the evaluation of candidate axioms against the DBpedia dataset,we adopt an approach based on possibility theory

    Description Logic for Scene Understanding at the Example of Urban Road Intersections

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    Understanding a natural scene on the basis of external sensors is a task yet to be solved by computer algorithms. The present thesis investigates the suitability of a particular family of explicit, formal representation and reasoning formalisms for this task, which are subsumed under the term Description Logic
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