3 research outputs found

    Inducing and evaluating classification trees with statistical implicative criteria

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    sia08rpzInternational audienceImplicative statistics criteria have proven to be valuable interestingness measures for association rules. Here we highlight their interest for classification trees. We start by showing how Gras' implication index may be defined for rules derived from an induced decision tree. This index is especially helpful when the aim is not classification itself, but characterizing the most typical conditions of a given conclusion. We show that the index looks like a standardized residual and propose as alternatives other forms of residuals borrowed from the modeling of contingency tables. We then consider two main usages of these indexes. The first is purely descriptive and concerns the a posteriori individual evaluation of the classification rules. The second usage relies upon the strength of implication for assigning the most appropriate conclusion to each leaf of the induced tree. We demonstrate the practical usefulness of this statistical implicative view on decision trees through a full scale real world application

    La communauté apprenante et ses effets sur le développement professionnel et le sentiment d'efficacité collective promus par la collaboration et la coconstruction des apprentissages : représentations de personnels à l'Enseignement catholique français en Guadeloupe

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    Depuis la refonte des politiques en Ă©ducation, les Ă©tablissements scolaires en Guadeloupe sont invitĂ©s Ă  revisiter leur fonctionnement en accordant une large place au travail collectif. DĂšs lors, la collaboration, inscrite au cƓur des pratiques professionnelles, est mise de l’avant, notamment, dans la formation continue destinĂ©e aux chefs d’établissements scolaires ainsi qu’aux enseignants. Les institutions, que sont le ministĂšre de l’Éducation nationale de l’Enseignement supĂ©rieur et de la recherche et l’Enseignement catholique français, incitent les communautĂ©s Ă©ducatives Ă  coconstruire leurs apprentissages dans une visĂ©e d’ajustement des pratiques (Couture, Dionne et Savoie-Zajc, 2012), voire de dĂ©veloppement professionnel (Uwamariya et Mukamurera, 2005). Toutefois, nous en savons peu sur les dispositifs pouvant ĂȘtre instaurĂ©s qui valoriseraient la collaboration dans une visĂ©e de dĂ©veloppement continue des apprentissages au sein des communautĂ©s Ă©ducatives que forment les personnels scolaires oeuvrant dans les collĂšges et lycĂ©es Ă  l’Enseignement catholique français en Guadeloupe. De lĂ , la pertinence sociale de l’objet d’étude. Pour leur part, les recherches menĂ©es en Europe, en AmĂ©rique du Nord et plus singuliĂšrement en France ont contribuĂ© aux connaissances sur le dĂ©veloppement professionnel valorisant la mise Ă  jour des compĂ©tences de ces derniers. Selon Roussel (2015), pour ce faire, il est incontournable qu’ils dĂ©finissent eux-mĂȘmes celles-ci en tant qu’acteur premier en les coconstruisant par l’intermĂ©diaire de la collaboration. Cependant, la ‘‘timidité’’ des recherches par rapport aux relations entre la coconstruction instaurĂ©e dans des dynamiques collaboratives et l’émergence d’une communautĂ© apprenante, s’instaurant au sein des communautĂ©s Ă©ducatives que sont les personnels des Ă©coles, nous a amenĂ© Ă  considĂ©rer la pertinence scientifique de l’objet d’étude, mais Ă©galement sa pertinence pour les milieux de pratique. Ainsi, l’étude que nous avons menĂ©e interpelle la question de recherche qui suit: Dans une perspective d’apprentissage sociale, quelles sont les dynamiques relationnelles entre coconstruction, collaboration, communautĂ© apprenante et reprĂ©sentations? Afin d’y rĂ©pondre scientifiquement, le cadre conceptuel articule les concepts et construits qui suivent: l’apprentissage social (Bandura, 1976; Miller et Dollard, 1941) et la coconstruction des apprentissages (Fourdriat, 2016; Girault, 2005); la collaboration (Cook et Friend, 1991; Farouk, 2007; Leclerc, 2012) et la communautĂ© apprenante (Labelle et Leclerc, 2013; Orellana, 2005); les reprĂ©sentations cognitives (Denis et Dubois, 1976) et les reprĂ©sentations sociales (Abric, 1987; Jodelet, 1989; Moscovici, 1961). Pour sa part, l’objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral visait Ă  identifier les reprĂ©sentations de personnels scolaires au regard de la communautĂ© apprenante, gĂ©nĂ©rant collaboration et coconstruction des apprentissages, ainsi que ses effets sur le dĂ©veloppement professionnel et un sentiment d'efficacitĂ© collective. Cette recherche descriptive cible la population des personnels scolaires Ă  l’Enseignement catholique français en Guadeloupe. Quant Ă  l’échantillon, il est rĂ©parti comme suit en deux sous-Ă©chantillons totalisant 46 sujets: le sous-Ă©chantillon 1 rĂ©unissant la direction diocĂ©saine (N=1), la tutelle congrĂ©ganiste de Saint-Joseph de Cluny (N=2) et les chefs d’établissements scolaires en Guadeloupe (N=15); le sous-Ă©chantillon 2 composĂ© d’enseignants du collĂšge et du lycĂ©e professionnel de l’Externat de Saint-Joseph de Cluny (N=20), mais aussi d’enseignants du lycĂ©e professionnel et technique de Versailles (N=8). Le recueil des donnĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© par la diffusion d’un questionnaire et la passation d’une entrevue (individuelle, en dyade ou de groupe) donnant lieu Ă  des analyses quantitatives (Deslauriers, 1991), mais Ă©galement qualitatives (Bardin, 1977). Les analyses mettent de l’avant des reprĂ©sentations communes et partagĂ©es par les participants. Ainsi, la collaboration se manifeste dans des espaces institutionnalisĂ©s que sont les rencontres formelles avec le chef d’établissement et celles informelles entre collĂšgues en “salle des profs”, mais aussi lors des formations continues inter-Ă©tablissements. Si ce sont lieux d’apprentissages, elles constituent les fondements de la nature rĂ©cursive de la vie sociale (Giddens, 2012) et institutionnelle des pratiques professionnelles, voire managĂ©riales au sein des communautĂ©s. Les relations entre collaboration, coapprentissage et reprĂ©sentations au sein des communautĂ©s apprenantes qui s’établissent, renforcent les interactions entre les personnels scolaires qui affirment ressentir un sentiment d’efficacitĂ© personnelle et collective. Nul doute que le principe de rĂ©cursivitĂ©, dans cet espace institutionnel y contribue, et permettrait ainsi Ă  rendre l’environnement en milieu scolaire “capacitant” si chacun des membres y trouvait les conditions de son propre dĂ©veloppement.Abstract: Since the overhaul of educational policies, schools in Guadeloupe are invited to revisit their operation by giving a large space forcollective work. Therefore, collaboration, which is at the heart of professional practices, is put forward, in particular, in continuing education for headteachers and teachers. The institutions, which are the Ministry of National Education of Higher Education and Research and French Catholic Education, promoteeducational communities to co-construct their learning with the aim of adjusting practices (Couture, Dionne and Savoie-Zajc, 2012), or even professional development (Uwamariya and Mukamurera, 2005). However, we know little about the mechanisms that can be implemented that would value collaboration in a goal of continuous development of learning withineducational communities that train school personnel working in colleges and high schools to French Catholic Education in Guadeloupe. Hence, the social relevance of the object of study. For their part, research conducted in Europe, North America and moreparticularly in France contributed to the knowledge of professional development, valuing the updating of their skills. According to Roussel (2015), to do this, it is essential that they themselves define these as a primary actor by co-constructing them through collaboration. However, the "shyness" of research in relation to the relationships between co-construction established in collaborative dynamics and the emergence of a learning community, established within the educational communities that are the school staff, has brought us to consider the scientific relevance of the object of study, but also its relevance for practice environments. Thus, the study that we conducted questions the following research question: In a social learning perspective, what are the relational dynamics between co-construction, collaboration, learning community and representations? In order to answer them scientifically, the conceptual framework articulates the concepts and constructs that follow: social learning (Bandura, 1976, Miller and Dollard, 1941) and the co-construction of learning (Fourdriat, 2016, Girault, 2005); collaboration (Cook and Friend 1991, Farouk 2007, Leclerc 2012) and the learning community (Labelle and Leclerc 2013, Orellana 2005); cognitive representations (Denis and Dubois, 1976) and social representations (Abric, 1987, Jodelet, 1989; Moscovici, 1961). For its part, the general objective was to identify representations of school personnel with regard to the learning community, generating collaboration and co-construction of learning, as well as its effects on professional development and a sense of collective effectiveness. This descriptive research targets the population of school personnel at the French Catholic Teaching in Guadeloupe. As for the sample, it is divided as follows into two sub-samples totaling 46 subjects: the sub-sample 1 bringing together the diocesan direction (N = 1), the Congregational tutelage of Saint-Joseph de Cluny (N=2) and Heads of schools in Guadeloupe (N=15); sub-sample 2 composed of teachers from the college and vocational high school of the Saint-Joseph de Cluny School (N=20), but also teachers from the vocational and technical high school of Versailles (N=8). The data was collected by distributing a questionnaire and conducting an interview (individual, dyad or group) giving rise to quantitative analyzes (Deslauriers, 1991), but also qualitative (Bardin, 1977). The analyzes put forward common and shared representations by the participants. Thus, the collaboration is manifested in institutionalized spaces that are the formal meetings with the head of the establishment and those informal between colleagues in "teachers' room", but also during the continuous inter-institutional training. If they are places of learning, they constitute the foundations of the recursive nature of social life (Giddens, 2012) and institutional professional practices, even managerial within communities. The relationships between collaboration, co-learning and representations within established learning communities reinforce the interactions between school staff who claim to feel a sense of personal and collective effectiveness. There is no doubt that the principle of recursion, in this institutional space, contributes to this, and would thus make theenvironment in the school environment "capacitive" if each member found the conditions for its own development