93 research outputs found

    Inducing Suffix and LCP Arrays in External Memory

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    We consider full text index construction in external memory (EM). Our first contribution is an inducing algorithm for suffix arrays in external memory, which utilizes an efficient EM priority queue and runs in sorting complexity. Practical tests show that this algorithm outperforms the previous best EM suffix sorter [Dementiev et al., JEA 2008] by a factor of about two in time and I/O-volume. Our second contribution is to augment the first algorithm to also construct the array of longest common prefixes (LCPs). This yields the first EM construction algorithm for LCP arrays. The overhead in time and I/O volume for this extended algorithm over plain suffix array construction is roughly two. Our algorithms scale far beyond problem sizes previously considered in the literature (text size of 80 GiB using only 4 GiB of RAM in our experiments).

    Lightweight LCP Construction for Very Large Collections of Strings

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    The longest common prefix array is a very advantageous data structure that, combined with the suffix array and the Burrows-Wheeler transform, allows to efficiently compute some combinatorial properties of a string useful in several applications, especially in biological contexts. Nowadays, the input data for many problems are big collections of strings, for instance the data coming from "next-generation" DNA sequencing (NGS) technologies. In this paper we present the first lightweight algorithm (called extLCP) for the simultaneous computation of the longest common prefix array and the Burrows-Wheeler transform of a very large collection of strings having any length. The computation is realized by performing disk data accesses only via sequential scans, and the total disk space usage never needs more than twice the output size, excluding the disk space required for the input. Moreover, extLCP allows to compute also the suffix array of the strings of the collection, without any other further data structure is needed. Finally, we test our algorithm on real data and compare our results with another tool capable to work in external memory on large collections of strings.Comment: This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ The final version of this manuscript is in press in Journal of Discrete Algorithm

    Low Space External Memory Construction of the Succinct Permuted Longest Common Prefix Array

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    The longest common prefix (LCP) array is a versatile auxiliary data structure in indexed string matching. It can be used to speed up searching using the suffix array (SA) and provides an implicit representation of the topology of an underlying suffix tree. The LCP array of a string of length nn can be represented as an array of length nn words, or, in the presence of the SA, as a bit vector of 2n2n bits plus asymptotically negligible support data structures. External memory construction algorithms for the LCP array have been proposed, but those proposed so far have a space requirement of O(n)O(n) words (i.e. O(nlogn)O(n \log n) bits) in external memory. This space requirement is in some practical cases prohibitively expensive. We present an external memory algorithm for constructing the 2n2n bit version of the LCP array which uses O(nlogσ)O(n \log \sigma) bits of additional space in external memory when given a (compressed) BWT with alphabet size σ\sigma and a sampled inverse suffix array at sampling rate O(logn)O(\log n). This is often a significant space gain in practice where σ\sigma is usually much smaller than nn or even constant. We also consider the case of computing succinct LCP arrays for circular strings

    Scalable String and Suffix Sorting: Algorithms, Techniques, and Tools

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    This dissertation focuses on two fundamental sorting problems: string sorting and suffix sorting. The first part considers parallel string sorting on shared-memory multi-core machines, the second part external memory suffix sorting using the induced sorting principle, and the third part distributed external memory suffix sorting with a new distributed algorithmic big data framework named Thrill.Comment: 396 pages, dissertation, Karlsruher Instituts f\"ur Technologie (2018). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1101.3448 by other author

    Lempel-Ziv Parsing in External Memory

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    For decades, computing the LZ factorization (or LZ77 parsing) of a string has been a requisite and computationally intensive step in many diverse applications, including text indexing and data compression. Many algorithms for LZ77 parsing have been discovered over the years; however, despite the increasing need to apply LZ77 to massive data sets, no algorithm to date scales to inputs that exceed the size of internal memory. In this paper we describe the first algorithm for computing the LZ77 parsing in external memory. Our algorithm is fast in practice and will allow the next generation of text indexes to be realised for massive strings and string collections.Comment: 10 page

    Parallel text index construction

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    In dieser Dissertation betrachten wir die parallele Konstruktion von Text-Indizes. Text-Indizes stellen Zusatzinformationen über Texte bereit, die Anfragen hinsichtlich dieser Texte beschleunigen können. Ein Beispiel hierfür sind Volltext-Indizes, welche für eine effiziente Phrasensuche genutzt werden, also etwa für die Frage, ob eine Phrase in einem Text vorkommt oder nicht. Diese Dissertation befasst sich hauptsächlich, aber nicht ausschließlich mit der parallelen Konstruktion von Text-Indizes im geteilten und verteilten Speicher. Im ersten Teil der Dissertation betrachten wir Wavelet-Trees. Dabei handelt es sich um kompakte Indizes, welche Rank- und Select-Anfragen von binären Alphabeten auf Alphabete beliebiger Größe verallgemeinern. Im zweiten Teil der Dissertation betrachten wir das Suffix-Array, den am besten erforschten Text-Index überhaupt. Das Suffix-Array enthält die Startpositionen aller lexikografisch sortierten Suffixe eines Textes, d.h., wir möchten alle Suffixe eines Textes sortieren. Oft wird das Suffix-Array um das Longest-Common-Prefix-Array (LCP-Array) erweitert. Das LCP-Array enthält die Länge der längsten gemeinsamen Präfixe zweier lexikografisch konsekutiven Suffixe. Abschließend nutzen wir verteilte Suffix- und LCP-Arrays, um den Distributed-Patricia-Trie zu konstruieren. Dieser erlaubt es uns, verschiedene Phrase-Anfragen effizienter zu beantworten, als wenn wir nur das Suffix-Array nutzen.The focus of this dissertation is the parallel construction of text indices. Text indices provide additional information about a text that allow to answer queries faster. Full-text indices for example are used to efficiently answer phrase queries, i.e., if and where a phrase occurs in a text. The research in this dissertation is focused on but not limited to parallel construction algorithms for text indices in both shared and distributed memory. In the first part, we look at wavelet trees: a compact index that generalizes rank and select queries from binary alphabets to alphabets of arbitrary size. In the second part of this dissertation, we consider the suffix array---one of the most researched text indices.The suffix array of a text contains the starting positions of the text's lexicographically sorted suffixes, i.e., we want to sort all its suffixes. Finally, we use the distributed suffix arrays (and LCP arrays) to compute distributed Patricia tries. This allows us to answer different phrase queries more efficiently than using only the suffix array

    Faster algorithms for 1-mappability of a sequence

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    In the k-mappability problem, we are given a string x of length n and integers m and k, and we are asked to count, for each length-m factor y of x, the number of other factors of length m of x that are at Hamming distance at most k from y. We focus here on the version of the problem where k = 1. The fastest known algorithm for k = 1 requires time O(mn log n/ log log n) and space O(n). We present two algorithms that require worst-case time O(mn) and O(n log^2 n), respectively, and space O(n), thus greatly improving the state of the art. Moreover, we present an algorithm that requires average-case time and space O(n) for integer alphabets if m = {\Omega}(log n/ log {\sigma}), where {\sigma} is the alphabet size

    External Batched Range Minimum Queries and LCP Construction

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    This work deals with I/O-optimal suffix array (SA) and longest common prefix (LCP) array construction in external memory. For this purpose, the I/O-optimale DC3 algorithm is enhanced by LCP construction and adapted accordingly to the external memory model. In this context we present a method to construct the required range minimum queries (RMQs) efficiently in external memory. The core of this work is a description and implementation of the resulting external DC3-LCP algorithm using the Stxxl - the C++ Standard Template Library for Extra Large Data Sets. Experimental results based on realistic, real-world instances rounds off this work