5 research outputs found

    On the editing distance of graphs

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    An edge-operation on a graph GG is defined to be either the deletion of an existing edge or the addition of a nonexisting edge. Given a family of graphs G\mathcal{G}, the editing distance from GG to G\mathcal{G} is the smallest number of edge-operations needed to modify GG into a graph from G\mathcal{G}. In this paper, we fix a graph HH and consider Forb(n,H){\rm Forb}(n,H), the set of all graphs on nn vertices that have no induced copy of HH. We provide bounds for the maximum over all nn-vertex graphs GG of the editing distance from GG to Forb(n,H){\rm Forb}(n,H), using an invariant we call the {\it binary chromatic number} of the graph HH. We give asymptotically tight bounds for that distance when HH is self-complementary and exact results for several small graphs HH

    Absolutely avoidable order-size pairs in hypergraphs

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    For fixed integer r≄2r\ge 2, we call a pair (m,f)(m,f) of integers, m≄1m\geq 1, 0≀f≀(mr)0\leq f \leq \binom{m}{r}, absolutelyabsolutely avoidableavoidable if there is n0n_0, such that for any pair of integers (n,e)(n,e) with n>n0n>n_0 and 0≀e≀(nr)0\leq e\leq \binom{n}{r} there is an rr-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices and ee edges that contains no induced sub-hypergraph on mm vertices and ff edges. Some pairs are clearly not absolutely avoidable, for example (m,0)(m,0) is not absolutely avoidable since any sufficiently sparse hypergraph on at least mm vertices contains independent sets on mm vertices. Here we show that for any r≄3r\ge 3 and m≄m0m \ge m_0, either the pair (m,⌊(mr)/2⌋)(m, \lfloor\binom mr/2\rfloor) or the pair (m,⌊(mr)/2⌋−m−1)(m, \lfloor\binom{m}{r}/2\rfloor-m-1) is absolutely avoidable. Next, following the definition of Erd\H{o}s, F\"uredi, Rothschild and S\'os, we define the densitydensity of a pair (m,f)(m,f) as σr(m,f)=lim sup⁥n→∞∣{e:(n,e)→(m,f)}∣(mr)\sigma_r(m,f) = \limsup_{n \to \infty} \frac{|\{e : (n,e) \to (m,f)\}|}{\binom mr}. We show that for r≄3 r\ge 3 most pairs (m,f)(m,f) satisfy σr(m,f)=0\sigma_r(m,f)=0, and that for m>rm > r, there exists no pair (m,f)(m,f) of density 1

    MĂ©trologie des graphes de terrain, application Ă  la construction de ressources lexicales et Ă  la recherche d'information

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    This thesis is organized in two parts : the first part focuses on measures of similarity (or proximity) between vertices of a graph, the second part on clustering methods for bipartite graph. A new measure of similarity between vertices, based on short time random walks, is introduced. The main advantage of the method is that it is insensitive to the density of the graph. A broad state of the art of similarities between vertices is then proposed, as well as experimental comparisons of these measures. This is followed by the proposal of a robust method for comparing graphs sharing the same set of vertices. This measure is shown to be applicable to the comparison and merging of synonymy networks. Finally an application for the enrichment of lexical resources is presented. It consists in providing candidate synonyms on the basis of already existing links. In the second part, a parallel between formal concept analysis and clustering of bipartite graph is established. This parallel leads to the particular case where a partition of one of the vertex groups can be determined whereas there is no corresponding partition on the other group of vertices. A simple method that addresses this problem is proposed and evaluated. Finally, a system of automatic classification of search results (Kodex) is presented. This system is an application of previously seen clustering methods. An evaluation on a collection of two million web pages shows the benefits of the approach and also helps to understand some differences between clustering methods.Cette thĂšse s'organise en deux parties : une premiĂšre partie s'intĂ©resse aux mesures de similaritĂ© (ou de proximitĂ©) dĂ©finies entre les sommets d'un graphe, une seconde aux mĂ©thodes de clustering de graphe biparti. Une nouvelle mesure de similaritĂ© entre sommets basĂ©e sur des marches alĂ©atoires en temps courts est introduite. Cette mĂ©thode a l'avantage, en particulier, d'ĂȘtre insensible Ă  la densitĂ© du graphe. Il est ensuite proposĂ© un large Ă©tat de l'art des similaritĂ©s entre sommets, ainsi qu'une comparaison expĂ©rimentale de ces diffĂ©rentes mesures. Cette premiĂšre partie se poursuit par la proposition d'une mĂ©thode robuste de comparaison de graphes partageant le mĂȘme ensemble de sommets. Cette mĂ©thode est mise en application pour comparer et fusionner des graphes de synonymie. Enfin une application d'aide Ă  la construction de ressources lexicales est prĂ©sentĂ©e. Elle consiste Ă  proposer de nouvelles relations de synonymie Ă  partir de l'ensemble des relations de synonymie dĂ©jĂ  existantes. Dans une seconde partie, un parallĂšle entre l'analyse formelle de concepts et le clustering de graphe biparti est Ă©tabli. Ce parallĂšle conduit Ă  l'Ă©tude d'un cas particulier pour lequel une partition d'un des groupes de sommets d'un graphe biparti peut-ĂȘtre dĂ©terminĂ©e alors qu'il n'existe pas de partitionnement correspondant sur l'autre type de sommets. Une mĂ©thode simple qui rĂ©pond Ă  ce problĂšme est proposĂ©e et Ă©valuĂ©e. Enfin Kodex, un systĂšme de classification automatique des rĂ©sultats d'une recherche d'information est prĂ©sentĂ©. Ce systĂšme est une application en RI des mĂ©thodes de clustering vues prĂ©cĂ©demment. Une Ă©valuation sur une collection de deux millions de pages web montre les avantages de l'approche et permet en outre de mieux comprendre certaines diffĂ©rences entre mĂ©thodes de clustering