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    ABSTRACT Refusal belongs to illocutionary acts of commissive. It occurs in all languages and is formulated differently based on their cultural background. People refuse either directly or indirectly. Beebe and Takahashi (1990) provided a classification of refusal strategy that can be used to analyze the form of refusal utterances. This study aims to discover the refusal strategies used in the novel of Ayat-ayat Cinta by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. The analysis was done to the speech act of refusals (SARs) in response to requests, questions, suggestions, orders, and invitations. The data were analyzed and categorized according to the refusal taxonomy by Beebe et al. The IFIDs are also used to indicate the performative verbs of refusals utterances. The finding showed that the refusers perform different SARs. Indirect SARs of excuse/reason/explanation, statement of principle, and statement of regret were the preferred formula used in refusing. Besides, the power relation of the refusers who were higher, equal, and lower also distinguished the choice of semantic formula. The indirect SAR of flat “no” was not much prefered by the three power relation of the refusers. The performative verbs used in the refusal utterances are “tell, ask, threaten, promise, request, inform, forbid, and beg”. Key words: speech acts of refusals, refusal strategy, directive speech acts xii INTISARI Penolakan merupakan tindak illokusi komisif. Tindak penolakan terjadi dalam semua bahasa dan dirumuskan secara berbeda berdasarkan latar belakang budayanya. Orang-orang melakukan penolakan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Beebe dan Takahashi (1990) membuat urutan formula semantik yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis bentuk strategi penolakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan formula semantik atau strategi-strategi penolakan yang digunakan dalam novel Ayat-ayat Cinta karangan Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Analisis dilakukan pada pada tindak tutur penolakan (SARs) terhadap tindak tutur permintaan, pertanyaan, saran, perintah, dan undangan. Data dianalisis dan dikelompokkan sesuai dengan taksonomi penolakan oleh Beebe dkk. Untuk melihat kata kerja performatif dalam tuturan-tuturan penolakan digunakan juga Piranti Daya Ilokusi (IFIDs). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para penolak melakukan tindak tutur penolakan yang berbeda. Tindak tutur penolakan tidak langsung berupa alasan/keterangan, pernyataan prinsip, dan pernyataan penyesalan merupakan formula yang banyak digunakan dalam menolak. Selain itu, status sosial para penolak juga membedakan pemilihan formula semantik. Tindak tutur tidak langsung no tidak menjadi pilihan penolak dari ketiga status sosial. Kata kerja performatif yang digunakan dalam tuturantuturan penolakan adalah “tell, ask, threaten, promise, request, inform, forbid, and beg”. Kata kunci: tindak tutur penolakan, strategi penolakan, tindak tutur direkti

    Analysing the speech act of refusing in the TV show Grey’s Anatomy

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    XXI Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials (Any 2016)Appropriate refusal interactions may be a difficult task for learners of English in a foreign context since they tend to apply the pragmatic rules of their native language to the target language. As a consequence, they may be seen as rude and impolite. An increasing number of scholars are focusing their efforts on the importance of pragmatics in the Foreign Language (FL) classroom. Recent studies have shown that video materials such as TV shows, news broadcasts or films provide students with authentic pragmatic input, by portraying plenty of instances of refusing situations in real settings. However, some researchers have questioned the validity of these situations considering that the language used in video materials is not real but ‘fictitious’, as it has been written in advance. Bearing in mind the results obtained by Fernández-Guerra in her 2008 and 2013 studies empirically proving the benefits of using TV series to teach the speech act of refusing, the present paper analyses the occurrences of all refusal situations appearing in three episodes from the first season of the TV show Grey’s Anatomy, to determine its usefulness in the FL classroom

    A Linguistic Specification of Aesthetic Judgments

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    This paper aims to delineate the class of aesthetic judgments linguistically. The main idea is that aesthetic judgments can be specified by a certain set of assertibility conditions, i.e., by norms that govern appropriate speech-acts. This idea is spelled out in detail and defended against various objections. The suggestion leads to an interesting account of aesthetic judgments that is theoretically fruitful: It provides the basis for a non-circular and satisfying characterization of the whole domain of aesthetic research and it marks an important linguistic difference between aesthetic judgments and judgments of personal taste

    Clause-Type, Force, and Normative Judgment in the Semantics of Imperatives

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    I argue that imperatives express contents that are both cognitively and semantically related to, but nevertheless distinct from, modal propositions. Imperatives, on this analysis, semantically encode features of planning that are modally specified. Uttering an imperative amounts to tokening this feature in discourse, and thereby proffering it for adoption by the audience. This analysis deals smoothly with the problems afflicting Portner's Dynamic Pragmatic account and Kaufmann's Modal account. It also suggests an appealing reorientation of clause-type theorizing, in which the cognitive act of updating on a typed sentence plays a central role in theorizing about both its semantics and role in discourse

    Translating near-synonyms: Possibilities and preferences in the interlingua

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    This paper argues that an interlingual representation must explicitly represent some parts of the meaning of a situation as possibilities (or preferences), not as necessary or definite components of meaning (or constraints). Possibilities enable the analysis and generation of nuance, something required for faithful translation. Furthermore, the representation of the meaning of words, especially of near-synonyms, is crucial, because it specifies which nuances words can convey in which contexts.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX2e, 1 eps figure, uses colacl.sty, epsfig.sty, avm.sty, times.st

    Children's suggestibility in relation to their understanding about sources of knowledge

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    In the experiments reported here, children chose either to maintain their initial belief about an object's identity or to accept the experimenter's contradicting suggestion. Both 3– to 4–year–olds and 4– to 5–year–olds were good at accepting the suggestion only when the experimenter was better informed than they were (implicit source monitoring). They were less accurate at recalling both their own and the experimenter's information access (explicit recall of experience), though they performed well above chance. Children were least accurate at reporting whether their final belief was based on what they were told or on what they experienced directly (explicit source monitoring). Contrasting results emerged when children decided between contradictory suggestions from two differentially informed adults: Three– to 4–year–olds were more accurate at reporting the knowledge source of the adult they believed than at deciding which suggestion was reliable. Decision making in this observation task may require reflective understanding akin to that required for explicit source judgments when the child participates in the task
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