9 research outputs found

    Spatial joins in main memory: implementation matters!

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    A recent PVLDB paper reports on experimental analyses of ten spatial join techniques in main memory. We build on this comprehensive study to raise awareness of the fact that empirical running time performance findings in main-memory settings are results of not only the algorithms and data structures employed, but also their implementation, which complicates the interpretation of the results. In particular, we re-implement the worst performing technique without changing the underlying high-level algorithm, and we then offer evidence that the resulting re-implementation is capable of outperforming all the other techniques. This study demonstrates that in main memory, where no time-consuming I/O can mask variations in implementation, implementation details are very important; and it offers a concrete illustration of how it is difficult to make conclusions from empirical running time performance findings in main-memory settings about data structures and algorithms studied

    Spatial Data Management Challenges in the Simulation Sciences

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    Scientists in many disciplines have progressively been using simulations to better understand the natural systems they study. Faster hardware, as well as increasingly precise instruments, allow the construction and simulation of progressively advanced models of various systems. Governed by algorithms and equations, the spatial models at the core of simulations are changed and updated at every simulation step through spatial queries, implementing massive updates. Therefore, the efficient execution of these numerous spatial queries is essential. Two reasons render current spatial indexes inadequate for simulation applications. First, to ensure quick access to data, most of the spatial models in simulations are stored in memory. Most spatial access methods, however, have been optimized for use on disk and are not efficient in memory. Second, in every time step of a simulation, almost all spatial elements change their position, challenging update mechanisms for spatial indexes. In this paper we discuss how these challenges create opportunities for exciting data management research

    OCTOPUS: Efficient Query Execution on Dynamic Mesh Datasets

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    Scientists in many disciplines use spatial mesh models to study physical phenomena. Simulating natural phenomena by changing meshes over time helps to understand and predict future behavior of the phenomena. The higher the precision of the mesh models, the more insight do the scientists gain and they thus continuously increase the detail of the meshes and build them as detailed as their instruments and the simulation hardware allow. In the process, the data volume also increases, slowing down the execution of spatial range queries needed to monitor the simulation considerably. Indexing speeds up range query execution, but the overhead to maintain the indexes is considerable because almost the entire mesh changes unpredictably at every simulation step. Using a simple linear scan, on the other hand, requires accessing the entire mesh and the performance deteriorates as the size of the dataset grows. In this paper we propose OCTOPUS, a strategy for executing range queries on mesh datasets that change unpredictably during simulations. In OCTOPUS we use the key insight that the mesh surface along with the mesh connectivity is sufficient to retrieve accurate query results efficiently. With this novel query execution strategy, OCTOPUS minimizes index maintenance cost and reduces query execution time considerably. Our experiments show that OCTOPUS achieves a speedup between 7.2x and 9.2x compared to the state of the art and that it scales better with increasing mesh dataset size and detail

    City-Scale Traffic Simulation - Performance and Calibration

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