50,746 research outputs found

    Entropy of eigenfunctions on quantum graphs

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    We consider families of finite quantum graphs of increasing size and we are interested in how eigenfunctions are distributed over the graph. As a measure for the distribution of an eigenfunction on a graph we introduce the entropy, it has the property that a large value of the entropy of an eigenfunction implies that it cannot be localised on a small set on the graph. We then derive lower bounds for the entropy of eigenfunctions which depend on the topology of the graph and the boundary conditions at the vertices. The optimal bounds are obtained for expanders with large girth, the bounds are similar to the ones obtained by Anantharaman et.al. for eigenfunctions on manifolds of negative curvature, and are based on the entropic uncertainty principle. For comparison we compute as well the average behaviour of entropies on Neumann star graphs, where the entropies are much smaller. Finally we compare our lower bounds with numerical results for regular graphs and star graphs with different boundary conditions.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figure

    Sparse random graphs: regularization and concentration of the Laplacian

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    We study random graphs with possibly different edge probabilities in the challenging sparse regime of bounded expected degrees. Unlike in the dense case, neither the graph adjacency matrix nor its Laplacian concentrate around their expectations due to the highly irregular distribution of node degrees. It has been empirically observed that simply adding a constant of order 1/n1/n to each entry of the adjacency matrix substantially improves the behavior of Laplacian. Here we prove that this regularization indeed forces Laplacian to concentrate even in sparse graphs. As an immediate consequence in network analysis, we establish the validity of one of the simplest and fastest approaches to community detection -- regularized spectral clustering, under the stochastic block model. Our proof of concentration of regularized Laplacian is based on Grothendieck's inequality and factorization, combined with paving arguments.Comment: Added reference

    Propagation Kernels

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    We introduce propagation kernels, a general graph-kernel framework for efficiently measuring the similarity of structured data. Propagation kernels are based on monitoring how information spreads through a set of given graphs. They leverage early-stage distributions from propagation schemes such as random walks to capture structural information encoded in node labels, attributes, and edge information. This has two benefits. First, off-the-shelf propagation schemes can be used to naturally construct kernels for many graph types, including labeled, partially labeled, unlabeled, directed, and attributed graphs. Second, by leveraging existing efficient and informative propagation schemes, propagation kernels can be considerably faster than state-of-the-art approaches without sacrificing predictive performance. We will also show that if the graphs at hand have a regular structure, for instance when modeling image or video data, one can exploit this regularity to scale the kernel computation to large databases of graphs with thousands of nodes. We support our contributions by exhaustive experiments on a number of real-world graphs from a variety of application domains

    No-gaps delocalization for general random matrices

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    We prove that with high probability, every eigenvector of a random matrix is delocalized in the sense that any subset of its coordinates carries a non-negligible portion of its â„“2\ell_2 norm. Our results pertain to a wide class of random matrices, including matrices with independent entries, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices, as well as some other naturally arising ensembles. The matrices can be real and complex; in the latter case we assume that the real and imaginary parts of the entries are independent.Comment: 45 page

    Partitioning Graph Drawings and Triangulated Simple Polygons into Greedily Routable Regions

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    A greedily routable region (GRR) is a closed subset of R2\mathbb R^2, in which each destination point can be reached from each starting point by choosing the direction with maximum reduction of the distance to the destination in each point of the path. Recently, Tan and Kermarrec proposed a geographic routing protocol for dense wireless sensor networks based on decomposing the network area into a small number of interior-disjoint GRRs. They showed that minimum decomposition is NP-hard for polygons with holes. We consider minimum GRR decomposition for plane straight-line drawings of graphs. Here, GRRs coincide with self-approaching drawings of trees, a drawing style which has become a popular research topic in graph drawing. We show that minimum decomposition is still NP-hard for graphs with cycles, but can be solved optimally for trees in polynomial time. Additionally, we give a 2-approximation for simple polygons, if a given triangulation has to be respected.Comment: full version of a paper appearing in ISAAC 201

    Four lectures on probabilistic methods for data science

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    Methods of high-dimensional probability play a central role in applications for statistics, signal processing theoretical computer science and related fields. These lectures present a sample of particularly useful tools of high-dimensional probability, focusing on the classical and matrix Bernstein's inequality and the uniform matrix deviation inequality. We illustrate these tools with applications for dimension reduction, network analysis, covariance estimation, matrix completion and sparse signal recovery. The lectures are geared towards beginning graduate students who have taken a rigorous course in probability but may not have any experience in data science applications.Comment: Lectures given at 2016 PCMI Graduate Summer School in Mathematics of Data. Some typos, inaccuracies fixe
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