242 research outputs found

    Framing Revolution: Simón Bolívar’s Rhetoric and Reason

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    Thesis advisor: Sylvia Sellers-GarcíaBetween 1812-1829, the Spanish American colonies waged a war of independence against the Spanish crown. In Northern South America, this movement was spearheaded by the Enlightenment-educated Simón Bolívar, who understood that expelling the Spaniards necessitated winning widespread support from Spanish America's many distinct interest groups. Bolívar capitalized on his leadership and love for public speaking to wage a war of words against the Spanish that framed the actual revolution in such a way as to give it meaning. This campaign featured a number of varied rhetorical devices; each device intended in a unique way to appeal to its unique audience. By appealing to South America's many interest groups, Bolívar united South Americans under the common banner of independence and provided justification for the acts of violence that revolution necessitated.Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2015.Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences.Discipline: Departmental Honors.Discipline: History

    Geopolitical traditions of Colombia in comparison to Argentina, Brazil and Chile

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu çalışmanın amacı, eleştirel jeopolitiği kavramsal çerçevesiyle Kolombiya klasik jeopolitik geleneklerini analiz etmektir. Klasik jeopolitik yaklaşımlarını göz önünde bulundurarak, Latin Amerika'nın alternatif bir jeopolitik sıralaması yer almaktadır; Arjantin, Brezilya ve Şili jeopolitik geleneklerini incelenmektedir. Son olarak, jeopolitiğin yeni bir düşünce alanını açmak amacıyla Kolombiya jeopolitik geleneklerini gözden geçirilmektedir. Çalışmanın aşağıdaki gibi sorunun cevaplamasını hedeflemiştir: • Kolombiya'nın zayıf ve belirsiz bir jeopolitik tasavvurun sebepleri nedir? Bu sorunun cevabına bağlı, • "Latin Amerika'nın jeopolitik gelenekleri Kolombiya'da uyum sağlamamasının sebebi nedir? Kolombiya'nın aşırı merkezi bir jeopolitik tasavvuru savunarak sınırlar ve siyasi bütünlüğünü sürdürebilecek mi?" konusunu araştırılmaktadır2012 is catalogued as one of the darkest years regarding the direction of Colombian Foreign Policy due to the verdict given by the International Court of Justice related to a maritime and territorial dispute against Nicaragua, a tiny Central American nation. With the confirmation of Colombian sovereignty over the totality of isles, islets and cays, Nicaragua failed on its pretentions, nevertheless annexing 75000 square kilometers to its maritime platform in prejudice of the counterpart. Inside academia and political institutions in Colombia, the judgment is seen as an extremely harmful loss against national sovereignty, as well as a direct threat against national interests such as exploration of petroleum sites and fishing resources for native population, among others. Also, the judgment as a whole is seen within public opinion as one of the constant mistakes in the planning and execution of goals, as well as the consequence of state ignorance on border regions from entities like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This study aims at analyze Colombian geopolitical traditions with the objective of demonstrating the excessively central character of public administration concreted in geopolitical isolationism and the lack of even a classical conception of geography around the country. Deductive analysis of geopolitical imagination is performed using theoretical tools and concepts suggested by Gearóid Ó Tuathail's critical geopolitics (1996), implementing mentioned assumptions in a regional scale taking three examples (Brazil, Argentina and Chile), and finally performing a conjunction between formal conceptions on spatialization by intellectuals of statecraft into practical, formal and popular spheres of action (Dalby & Ó Tuathail, 1998; Dodds, 2009

    From Conquest to Constitutions: Retrieving a Latin American Tradition of the Idea of Human Rights

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    This article explores the historical roots of the Latin American region\u27s strong commitment to the idea of universal human rights, focusing on four key intellectual moments: the ethical response to the Spanish conquest; the rights ideology of the continent\u27s liberal republican revolutions; the articulation of social and economic rights in the Mexican Constitution of 1917; and the Latin American contributions to the genesis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Constructing a narrative from these examples, the article argues for the recognition of a distinct Latin American tradition within the global discourse of human rights

    From Conquest to Constitutions: Retrieving a Latin American Tradition of the Idea of Human Rights

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    This article explores the historical roots of the Latin American region\u27s strong commitment to the idea of universal human rights, focusing on four key intellectual moments: the ethical response to the Spanish conquest; the rights ideology of the continent\u27s liberal republican revolutions; the articulation of social and economic rights in the Mexican Constitution of 1917; and the Latin American contributions to the genesis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Constructing a narrative from these examples, the article argues for the recognition of a distinct Latin American tradition within the global discourse of human rights

    The Birth of Exceptionalism: American Newspaper Coverage in the Revolutionary era

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    This thesis explores American exceptionalism through the lens of American newspapers during the Revolutionary era. As American newspapers covered the revolutions in France, Haiti, and Latin America, unique narratives developed around controversial leaders like Thomas Paine, Toussaint Louverture, and Simón Bolívar. Although at first newspapers covered the events in France and Latin America with glee, their coverage gradually began to change over time, increasingly finding flaws large and small in revolutions other than their own—chaos and violence in France and Haiti, and failures in the realization of republicanism in Latin America. If Americans initially believed their revolution was responsible for the Revolutionary era, newspapers increasingly touted the success of the American Revolution and the failures of other revolutions. A feeling of superiority began to develop in the United States regarding its own revolution, which created a powerful sense of American exceptionalism. American newspapers, this thesis shows, sought to downplay the success of subsequent movements by casting doubt on the success of the movements overall. Over the course of the Revolutionary era, American newspapers reinforced American patriotic values by creating narratives that justified a sense of American superiority based on a contrast of the American Revolution with the other revolutions in the Atlantic world during the early republic

    Misión Madres Del Barrio: A Bolivarian Social Program Recognizing Housework and Creating A Caring Economy in Venezuela

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    ABSTRACT: This thesis began as a project about Misión Madres del Barrio; and it quickly transformed into a glimpse of the Bolivarian Revolution underway in Venezuela. Misión Madres del Barrio (MMB) is one of the pioneering social programs in Venezuela that is confronting the poverty that years of underdevelopment, debt crisis and corruption have left behind. Misión Madres del Barrio is best described as a short-term community directed public assistance program that incorporates poor mothers into political organizations, socio-political schools and other social programs that tend to basic primary care. Ultimately the Mission provides training and no-interest loans for the formation of small-scale cooperative businesses for mothers in extreme poverty. The overtly anti-capitalist elements of MMB set it apart from other public assistance programs because the program re-defines labor relations, emphasizes the value of unpaid domestic work, and provides the skills, training, and financing for poor women to become self-employed in small-scale cooperatives, as opposed to low-wage employment. MMB's emphasis on socio-political formation, political enfranchisement, basic primary care, and training and financing affirms that the cash assistance is only one element of the program. MMB does not actually remunerate women for housework, more accurately it is a complex poverty reduction program that examines the root causes of the extreme poverty of female -headed households and proposes a multi-faceted strategy for addressing it

    Santander and the Vogue of Benthamism in Colombia and Nueva Granada

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    The Full Story of United States v. Smith, America’s Most Important Piracy Case

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    This article explores the seminal United States Supreme Court decision of United States v. Smith (1820). Smith, an early piracy case, has influenced developments in both domestic and international law on piracy, universal jurisdiction, and a range of broader themes. This article is the first to explore the context within which the case arose, as well as the circumstances of the case itself. In addition to the details of the case, the story of the men prosecuted for their cruise aboard the vessel known as the Irresistible in the late spring and early summer of 1819 also offers a window into important issues of the day, including growing federal assertions of power over the states, the roles of Congress and the courts in defining and punishing piracy under the Constitution, theories of punishment, and the power of the press