2,334 research outputs found

    Incrementally Mining Temporal Patterns in Interval-based Databases

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    [[abstract]]In several applications, sequence databases generally update incrementally with time. Obviously, it is impractical and inefficient to re-mine sequential patterns from scratch every time a number of new sequences are added into the database. Some recent studies have focused on mining sequential patterns in an incremental manner; however, most of them only considered patterns extracted from time point-based data. In this paper, we proposed an efficient algorithm, Inc_TPMiner, to incrementally mine sequential patterns from interval-based data. We also employ some optimization techniques to reduce the search space effectively. The experimental results indicate that Inc_TPMiner is efficient in execution time and possesses scalability. Finally, we show the practicability of incremental mining of interval-based sequential patterns on real datasets.[[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20141030~20141101[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Shanhai, Chin

    Sampling Algorithms for Evolving Datasets

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    Perhaps the most flexible synopsis of a database is a uniform random sample of the data; such samples are widely used to speed up the processing of analytic queries and data-mining tasks, to enhance query optimization, and to facilitate information integration. Most of the existing work on database sampling focuses on how to create or exploit a random sample of a static database, that is, a database that does not change over time. The assumption of a static database, however, severely limits the applicability of these techniques in practice, where data is often not static but continuously evolving. In order to maintain the statistical validity of the sample, any changes to the database have to be appropriately reflected in the sample. In this thesis, we study efficient methods for incrementally maintaining a uniform random sample of the items in a dataset in the presence of an arbitrary sequence of insertions, updates, and deletions. We consider instances of the maintenance problem that arise when sampling from an evolving set, from an evolving multiset, from the distinct items in an evolving multiset, or from a sliding window over a data stream. Our algorithms completely avoid any accesses to the base data and can be several orders of magnitude faster than algorithms that do rely on such expensive accesses. The improved efficiency of our algorithms comes at virtually no cost: the resulting samples are provably uniform and only a small amount of auxiliary information is associated with the sample. We show that the auxiliary information not only facilitates efficient maintenance, but it can also be exploited to derive unbiased, low-variance estimators for counts, sums, averages, and the number of distinct items in the underlying dataset. In addition to sample maintenance, we discuss methods that greatly improve the flexibility of random sampling from a system's point of view. More specifically, we initiate the study of algorithms that resize a random sample upwards or downwards. Our resizing algorithms can be exploited to dynamically control the size of the sample when the dataset grows or shrinks; they facilitate resource management and help to avoid under- or oversized samples. Furthermore, in large-scale databases with data being distributed across several remote locations, it is usually infeasible to reconstruct the entire dataset for the purpose of sampling. To address this problem, we provide efficient algorithms that directly combine the local samples maintained at each location into a sample of the global dataset. We also consider a more general problem, where the global dataset is defined as an arbitrary set or multiset expression involving the local datasets, and provide efficient solutions based on hashing

    New Approaches to Frequent and Incremental Frequent Pattern Mining

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    Data Mining (DM) is a process for extracting interesting patterns from large volumes of data. It is one of the crucial steps in Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD). It involves various data mining methods that mainly fall into predictive and descriptive models. Descriptive models look for patterns, rules, relationships and associations within data. One of the descriptive methods is association rule analysis, which represents co-occurrence of items or events. Association rules are commonly used in market basket analysis. An association rule is in the form of X → Y and it shows that X and Y co-occur with a given level of support and confidence. Association rule mining is a common technique used in discovering interesting frequent patterns in large datasets acquired in various application domains. Having petabytes of data finding its way into data storages in perhaps every day, made many researchers look for efficient methods for analyzing these large datasets. Many algorithms have been proposed for searching for frequent patterns. The search space combinatorically explodes as the size of the source data increases. Simply using more powerful computers, or even super-computers to handle ever-increasing size of large data sets is not sufficient. Hence, incremental algorithms have been developed and used to improve the efficiency of frequent pattern mining. One of the challenges of frequent itemset mining is long running times of the algorithms. Two major costs of long running times of frequent itemset mining are due to the number of database scans and the number of candidates generated (the latter one requires memory, and the more the number of candidates there are the more memory space is needed. When the candidates do not fit in memory then page swapping will occur which will increase the running time of the algorithms). In this dissertation we propose a new implementation of Apriori algorithm, NCLAT (Near Candidate-less Apriori with Tidlists), which scans the database only once and creates candidates only for level one (1-itemsets) which is equivalent to the total number of unique items in the database. In addition, we also show the results of choice of data structures used whether they are probabilistic or not, whether the datasets are horizontal or vertical, how counting is done, whether the algorithms are computed single or parallel way. We implement, explore and devise incremental algorithm UWEP with single as well as parallel computation. We have also cleaned a minor bug in UWEP and created a more efficient version UWEP2, which reduces the number of candidates created and the number of database scans. We have run all of our tests against three datasets with different features for different minimum support levels. We show both frequent and incremental frequent itemset mining implementation test results and comparison to each other. While there has been a lot of work done on frequent itemset mining on structured data, very little work has been done on the unstructured data. So, we have created a new hybrid pattern search algorithm, Double-Hash, which performed better for all of our test scenarios than the known pattern search algorithms. Double-Hash can potentially be used in frequent itemset mining on unstructured data in the future. We will be presenting our work and test results on this as well

    Incrementally updating the high average-utility patterns with pre-large concept

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    High-utility itemset mining (HUIM) is considered as an emerging approach to detect the high-utility patterns from databases. Most existing algorithms of HUIM only consider the itemset utility regardless of the length. This limitation raises the utility as a result of a growing itemset size. High average-utility itemset mining (HAUIM) considers the size of the itemset, thus providing a more balanced scale to measure the average-utility for decision-making. Several algorithms were presented to efficiently mine the set of high average-utility itemsets (HAUIs) but most of them focus on handling static databases. In the past, a fast-updated (FUP)-based algorithm was developed to efficiently handle the incremental problem but it still has to re-scan the database when the itemset in the original database is small but there is a high average-utility upper-bound itemset (HAUUBI) in the newly inserted transactions. In this paper, an efficient framework called PRE-HAUIMI for transaction insertion in dynamic databases is developed, which relies on the average-utility-list (AUL) structures. Moreover, we apply the pre-large concept on HAUIM. A pre-large concept is used to speed up the mining performance, which can ensure that if the total utility in the newly inserted transaction is within the safety bound, the small itemsets in the original database could not be the large ones after the database is updated. This, in turn, reduces the recurring database scans and obtains the correct HAUIs. Experiments demonstrate that the PRE-HAUIMI outperforms the state-of-the-art batch mode HAUI-Miner, and the state-of-the-art incremental IHAUPM and FUP-based algorithms in terms of runtime, memory, number of assessed patterns and scalability.publishedVersio