114,013 research outputs found

    A Robust Online Method for Face Recognition under Illumination Invariant Conditions

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    In case of incremental inputs to an online face recognition with illumination invariant face samples which maximize the class-separation criterion but also incorporates the asymmetrical property of training data distributions In this paper we alleviate this problem with an incremental learning algorithm to effectively adjust a boosted strong classifier with domain-partitioning weak hypotheses to online samples which adopts a novel approach to efficient estimation of training losses received from offline samples An illumination invariant face representation is obtained by extracting local binary pattern LBP features NIR images The Ada-boost procedure is used to learn a powerful face recognition engine based on the invariant representation We use Incremental linear discriminant analysis ILDA in case of sparse function for active near infrared NIR imaging system that is able to produce face images of good condition regardless of visible lights in the environment accuracy by changes in environmental illumination The experiments show convincing results of our incremental method on challenging face detection in extreme illumination

    Deep Incremental Learning for Object Recognition

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    In recent years, deep learning techniques received great attention in the field of information technology. These techniques proved to be particularly useful and effective in domains like natural language processing, speech recognition and computer vision. In several real world applications deep learning approaches improved the state-of-the-art. In the field of machine learning, deep learning was a real revolution and a number of effective techniques have been proposed for both supervised and unsupervised learning and for representation learning. This thesis focuses on deep learning for object recognition, and in particular, it addresses incremental learning techniques. With incremental learning we denote approaches able to create an initial model from a small training set and to improve the model as new data are available. Using temporal coherent sequences proved to be useful for incremental learning since temporal coherence also allows to operate in unsupervised manners. A critical point of incremental learning is called forgetting which is the risk to forget previously learned patterns as new data are presented. In the first chapters of this work we introduce the basic theory on neural networks, Convolutional Neural Networks and incremental learning. CNN is today one of the most effective approaches for supervised object recognition; it is well accepted by the scientific community and largely used by ICT big players like Google and Facebook: relevant applications are Facebook face recognition and Google image search. The scientific community has several (large) datasets (e.g., ImageNet) for the development and evaluation of object recognition approaches. However very few temporally coherent datasets are available to study incremental approaches. For this reason we decided to collect a new dataset named TCD4R (Temporal Coherent Dataset For Robotics)

    A Few Days of A Robot's Life in the Human's World: Toward Incremental Individual Recognition

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    PhD thesisThis thesis presents an integrated framework and implementation for Mertz, an expressive robotic creature for exploring the task of face recognition through natural interaction in an incremental and unsupervised fashion. The goal of this thesis is to advance toward a framework which would allow robots to incrementally ``get to know'' a set of familiar individuals in a natural and extendable way. This thesis is motivated by the increasingly popular goal of integrating robots in the home. In order to be effective in human-centric tasks, the robots must be able to not only recognize each family member, but also to learn about the roles of various people in the household.In this thesis, we focus on two particular limitations of the current technology. Firstly, most of face recognition research concentrate on the supervised classification problem. Currently, one of the biggest problems in face recognition is how to generalize the system to be able to recognize new test data that vary from the training data. Thus, until this problem is solved completely, the existing supervised approaches may require multiple manual introduction and labelling sessions to include training data with enough variations. Secondly, there is typically a large gap between research prototypes and commercial products, largely due to lack of robustness and scalability to different environmental settings.In this thesis, we propose an unsupervised approach which wouldallow for a more adaptive system which can incrementally update thetraining set with more recent data or new individuals over time.Moreover, it gives the robots a more natural {\em socialrecognition} mechanism to learn not only to recognize each person'sappearance, but also to remember some relevant contextualinformation that the robot observed during previous interactionsessions. Therefore, this thesis focuses on integrating anunsupervised and incremental face recognition system within aphysical robot which interfaces directly with humans through naturalsocial interaction. The robot autonomously detects, tracks, andsegments face images during these interactions and automaticallygenerates a training set for its face recognition system. Moreover,in order to motivate robust solutions and address scalabilityissues, we chose to put the robot, Mertz, in unstructured publicenvironments to interact with naive passersby, instead of with onlythe researchers within the laboratory environment.While an unsupervised and incremental face recognition system is acrucial element toward our target goal, it is only a part of thestory. A face recognition system typically receives eitherpre-recorded face images or a streaming video from a static camera.As illustrated an ACLU review of a commercial face recognitioninstallation, a security application which interfaces with thelatter is already very challenging. In this case, our target goalis a robot that can recognize people in a home setting. Theinterface between robots and humans is even more dynamic. Both therobots and the humans move around.We present the robot implementation and its unsupervised incremental face recognition framework. We describe analgorithm for clustering local features extracted from a large set of automatically generated face data. We demonstrate the robot's capabilities and limitations in a series of experiments at a public lobby. In a final experiment, the robot interacted with a few hundred individuals in an eight day period and generated a training set of over a hundred thousand face images. We evaluate the clustering algorithm performance across a range of parameters on this automatically generated training data and also the Honda-UCSD video face database. Lastly, we present some recognition results using the self-labelled clusters

    Direct kernel biased discriminant analysis: a new content-based image retrieval relevance feedback algorithm

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    In recent years, a variety of relevance feedback (RF) schemes have been developed to improve the performance of content-based image retrieval (CBIR). Given user feedback information, the key to a RF scheme is how to select a subset of image features to construct a suitable dissimilarity measure. Among various RF schemes, biased discriminant analysis (BDA) based RF is one of the most promising. It is based on the observation that all positive samples are alike, while in general each negative sample is negative in its own way. However, to use BDA, the small sample size (SSS) problem is a big challenge, as users tend to give a small number of feedback samples. To explore solutions to this issue, this paper proposes a direct kernel BDA (DKBDA), which is less sensitive to SSS. An incremental DKBDA (IDKBDA) is also developed to speed up the analysis. Experimental results are reported on a real-world image collection to demonstrate that the proposed methods outperform the traditional kernel BDA (KBDA) and the support vector machine (SVM) based RF algorithms

    Semi-supervised Tuning from Temporal Coherence

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    Recent works demonstrated the usefulness of temporal coherence to regularize supervised training or to learn invariant features with deep architectures. In particular, enforcing smooth output changes while presenting temporally-closed frames from video sequences, proved to be an effective strategy. In this paper we prove the efficacy of temporal coherence for semi-supervised incremental tuning. We show that a deep architecture, just mildly trained in a supervised manner, can progressively improve its classification accuracy, if exposed to video sequences of unlabeled data. The extent to which, in some cases, a semi-supervised tuning allows to improve classification accuracy (approaching the supervised one) is somewhat surprising. A number of control experiments pointed out the fundamental role of temporal coherence.Comment: Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 201