1,290 research outputs found

    Incremental Verification of Timing Constraints for Real-Time Systems

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    Testing constraints for real-time systems are usually verified through the satisfiability of propositional formulae. In this paper, we propose an alternative where the verification of timing constraints can be done by counting the number of truth assignments instead of boolean satisfiability. This number can also tell us how “far away” is a given specification from satisfying its safety assertion. Furthermore, specifications and safety assertions are often modified in an incremental fashion, where problematic bugs are fixed one at a time. To support this development, we propose an incremental algorithm for counting satisfiability. Our proposed incremental algorithm is optimal as no unnecessary nodes are created during each counting. This works for the class of path RTL. To illustrate this application, we show how incremental satisfiability counting can be applied to a well-known rail-road crossing example, particularly when its specification is still being refined.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    A Metric for Linear Temporal Logic

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    We propose a measure and a metric on the sets of infinite traces generated by a set of atomic propositions. To compute these quantities, we first map properties to subsets of the real numbers and then take the Lebesgue measure of the resulting sets. We analyze how this measure is computed for Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas. An implementation for computing the measure of bounded LTL properties is provided and explained. This implementation leverages SAT model counting and effects independence checks on subexpressions to compute the measure and metric compositionally

    Towards Understanding Reasoning Complexity in Practice

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    Although the computational complexity of the logic underlying the standard OWL 2 for the Web Ontology Language (OWL) appears discouraging for real applications, several contributions have shown that reasoning with OWL ontologies is feasible in practice. It turns out that reasoning in practice is often far less complex than is suggested by the established theoretical complexity bound, which reflects the worstcase scenario. State-of-the reasoners like FACT++, HERMIT, PELLET and RACER have demonstrated that, even with fairly expressive fragments of OWL 2, acceptable performances can be achieved. However, it is still not well understood why reasoning is feasible in practice and it is rather unclear how to study this problem. In this paper, we suggest first steps that in our opinion could lead to a better understanding of practical complexity. We also provide and discuss some initial empirical results with HERMIT on prominent ontologie

    A Logic Your Typechecker Can Count On: Unordered Tree Types in Practice

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    Type systems featuring counting constraints are often stud- ied, but seldom implemented. We describe an efficient im- plementation of a type system for unordered, edge-labeled trees based on Presburger arithmetic constraints. We begin with a type system for unordered trees and give a compilation into counting automata. We then describe an optimized implementation that provides the fundamental operations of membership and emptiness testing. Although each operation has worst-case exponential complexity, we show how to achieve reasonable performance in practice using a combination of techniques, including syntactic translations, lazy automata unfolding, hash-consing, memoization, and incremental tree processing implemented using partial evaluation. These techniques avoid constructing and examining large structures in many cases and amortize the costs of expensive operations across many computations. To demonstrate the effectiveness of these optimizations, we present experimental data from executions on realistically sized examples drawn from the Harmony data synchronizer