8,647 research outputs found

    Linear Encodings of Bounded LTL Model Checking

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    We consider the problem of bounded model checking (BMC) for linear temporal logic (LTL). We present several efficient encodings that have size linear in the bound. Furthermore, we show how the encodings can be extended to LTL with past operators (PLTL). The generalised encoding is still of linear size, but cannot detect minimal length counterexamples. By using the virtual unrolling technique minimal length counterexamples can be captured, however, the size of the encoding is quadratic in the specification. We also extend virtual unrolling to Buchi automata, enabling them to accept minimal length counterexamples. Our BMC encodings can be made incremental in order to benefit from incremental SAT technology. With fairly small modifications the incremental encoding can be further enhanced with a termination check, allowing us to prove properties with BMC. Experiments clearly show that our new encodings improve performance of BMC considerably, particularly in the case of the incremental encoding, and that they are very competitive for finding bugs. An analysis of the liveness-to-safety transformation reveals many similarities to the BMC encodings in this paper. Using the liveness-to-safety translation with BDD-based invariant checking results in an efficient method to find shortest counterexamples that complements the BMC-based approach.Comment: Final version for Logical Methods in Computer Science CAV 2005 special issu

    Separating Incremental and Non-Incremental Bottom-Up Compilation

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    The aim of a compiler is, given a function represented in some language, to generate an equivalent representation in a target language L. In bottom-up (BU) compilation of functions given as CNF formulas, constructing the new representation requires compiling several subformulas in L. The compiler starts by compiling the clauses in L and iteratively constructs representations for new subformulas using an "Apply" operator that performs conjunction in L, until all clauses are combined into one representation. In principle, BU compilation can generate representations for any subformulas and conjoin them in any way. But an attractive strategy from a practical point of view is to augment one main representation - which we call the core - by conjoining to it the clauses one at a time. We refer to this strategy as incremental BU compilation. We prove that, for known relevant languages L for BU compilation, there is a class of CNF formulas that admit BU compilations to L that generate only polynomial-size intermediate representations, while their incremental BU compilations all generate an exponential-size core

    Trading inference effort versus size in CNF Knowledge Compilation

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    Knowledge Compilation (KC) studies compilation of boolean functions f into some formalism F, which allows to answer all queries of a certain kind in polynomial time. Due to its relevance for SAT solving, we concentrate on the query type "clausal entailment" (CE), i.e., whether a clause C follows from f or not, and we consider subclasses of CNF, i.e., clause-sets F with special properties. In this report we do not allow auxiliary variables (except of the Outlook), and thus F needs to be equivalent to f. We consider the hierarchies UC_k <= WC_k, which were introduced by the authors in 2012. Each level allows CE queries. The first two levels are well-known classes for KC. Namely UC_0 = WC_0 is the same as PI as studied in KC, that is, f is represented by the set of all prime implicates, while UC_1 = WC_1 is the same as UC, the class of unit-refutation complete clause-sets introduced by del Val 1994. We show that for each k there are (sequences of) boolean functions with polysize representations in UC_{k+1}, but with an exponential lower bound on representations in WC_k. Such a separation was previously only know for k=0. We also consider PC < UC, the class of propagation-complete clause-sets. We show that there are (sequences of) boolean functions with polysize representations in UC, while there is an exponential lower bound for representations in PC. These separations are steps towards a general conjecture determining the representation power of the hierarchies PC_k < UC_k <= WC_k. The strong form of this conjecture also allows auxiliary variables, as discussed in depth in the Outlook.Comment: 43 pages, second version with literature updates. Proceeds with the separation results from the discontinued arXiv:1302.442
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