9 research outputs found

    Interesting things and curious people: Exploration and engagement as transient states and enduring strengths.

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    Curiosity, interest, and intrinsic motivation are critical to the development of competence, knowledge, and expertise. Without a mechanism of intrinsic motivation, people would rarely explore new things, learn for its own sake, or engage with uncertain tasks despite feelings of confusion and anxiety. This article explores two sides of interest: momentary feelings (the emotion of interest) and enduring traits (the character strength of curiosity). Recent theories in emotion psychology can explain why and when people experience feelings of interest; recent research has illuminated the role of curiosity in cultivating knowledge, meaning in life, close relationships, and physical and mental resilience. The problem for future research—and for social and personality psychology more generally—is how to bridge the dynamics of everyday experience with stable, lifespan aspects of personality

    Why and How Physical Activity Promotes Experience-Induced Brain Plasticity

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    Adult hippocampal neurogenesis is an unusual case of brain plasticity, since new neurons (and not just neurites and synapses) are added to the network in an activity-dependent way. At the behavioral level the plasticity-inducing stimuli include both physical and cognitive activity. In reductionistic animal studies these types of activity can be studied separately in paradigms like voluntary wheel running and environmental enrichment. In both of these, adult neurogenesis is increased but the net effect is primarily due to different mechanisms at the cellular level. Locomotion appears to stimulate the precursor cells, from which adult neurogenesis originates, to increased proliferation and maintenance over time, whereas environmental enrichment, as well as learning, predominantly promotes survival of immature neurons, that is the progeny of the proliferating precursor cells. Surprisingly, these effects are additive: boosting the potential for adult neurogenesis by physical activity increases the recruitment of cells following cognitive stimulation in an enriched environment. Why is that? We argue that locomotion actually serves as an intrinsic feedback mechanism, signaling to the brain, including its neural precursor cells, increasing the likelihood of cognitive challenges. In the wild (other than in front of a TV), no separation of physical and cognitive activity occurs. Physical activity might thus be much more than a generally healthy garnish to leading “an active life” but an evolutionarily fundamental aspect of “activity,” which is needed to provide the brain and its systems of plastic adaptation with the appropriate regulatory input and feedback

    Effects of exploring a novel environment on memory across the lifespan

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    Health and self-regulatio

    I wonder...? The Presence and Implications of Curiosity as a Foundational Ingredient Across Couple and Family Therapy Models

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    Theoretical and anecdotal accounts highlight the power of curiosity within the therapeutic process of particular models of therapy, with specific influences noted in regard to forming, maintaining, and evolving intra- and interpersonal relationships. The mention of curiosity in the therapeutic process is not surprising given its profound and evidence-based influence on the promotion of relationships and influence on social-emotional health and well-being. What is surprising however, is the lack of comprehensive review and exploration into how exactly curiosity is being conceptually used within and across therapeutic models. Additionally, such a review is missing in terms of whether curiosity is model dependent or is perhaps an integral piece of the larger therapeutic common factors’ movement. To address this aforementioned gap between curiosity and the therapeutic process, I (BTH) and my research team (T.B. and M.F.) reviewed 28 book length texts that encompassed seven different theoretical approaches to therapy. An explanatory sequential mixed methods design was utilized, wherein quantitative data showed that the included language of curiosity was used 773 times between the 28 included texts. These 773 data points were then analyzed through a deductive qualitative process based on the sensitizing constructs of the therapeutic pyramid. Throughout this analysis, curiosity was most commonly coded as being a skill/technique, with additional coding of the therapeutic alliance and a way of being. The therapeutic pyramid was efficacious in describing the various functions of curiosity. However, upon further review and analysis, the research team\u27s conceptualization of curiosity was refined to two primary themes: connection and challenge. It is within each of these two headings where the value of curiosity lies across therapeutic modalities, as curiosity independently or simultaneously served as a conceptual tool for promoting connection and relationships while also functioning as an agent of challenge, growth, and change

    Análisis neurocognitivo de la dinámica de las redes de memoria en el envejecimiento

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    Durant l’envelliment es dónen canvis estructurals i funcionals al cervell, especialment a l’escorça prefrontal, un dels substractes anatòmics responsables del control atencional. Aquest es va mesurar emprant tècniques neuropsicològioques i neurofuncionals durant l’execució de tasques de canvi amb senyals implícites (tipus WCST). 80 subjectes majors sans es varen dividir segons la seva edat i el seu nivell de control cognitiu. El baix control cognitiu (però no l’edat) s’associà a un augment dels costos residuals de resposta, en paral.lel amb una major amplitud del component P2 davant els senyals. L’edad avançada, en conjunt amb un baix nivell de control s’associà a un increment dels costos locals de resposta durant el canvi de tasca, paral.lelament amb l’augment de les ones lentes durant la fase de senyalització. Mantenir dues tasques en memòria es més difícil per als subectes amb baix control, reflexat per una reducció en l’amplitud de les ones lentes fronto-parietal