24 research outputs found

    Using auxiliary sources of knowledge for automatic speech recognition

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    Standard hidden Markov model (HMM) based automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems usually use cepstral features as acoustic observation and phonemes as subword units. Speech signal exhibits wide range of variability such as, due to environmental variation, speaker variation. This leads to different kinds of mismatch, such as, mismatch between acoustic features and acoustic models or mismatch between acoustic features and pronunciation models (given the acoustic models). The main focus of this work is on integrating auxiliary knowledge sources into standard ASR systems so as to make the acoustic models more robust to the variabilities in the speech signal. We refer to the sources of knowledge that are able to provide additional information about the sources of variability as auxiliary sources of knowledge. The auxiliary knowledge sources that have been primarily investigated in the present work are auxiliary features and auxiliary subword units. Auxiliary features are secondary source of information that are outside of the standard cepstral features. They can be estimation from the speech signal (e.g., pitch frequency, short-term energy and rate-of-speech), or additional measurements (e.g., articulator positions or visual information). They are correlated to the standard acoustic features, and thus can aid in estimating better acoustic models, which would be more robust to variabilities present in the speech signal. The auxiliary features that have been investigated are pitch frequency, short-term energy and rate-of-speech. These features can be modelled in standard ASR either by concatenating them to the standard acoustic feature vectors or by using them to condition the emission distribution (as done in gender-based acoustic modelling). We have studied these two approaches within the framework of hybrid HMM/artificial neural networks based ASR, dynamic Bayesian network based ASR and TANDEM system on different ASR tasks. Our studies show that by modelling auxiliary features along with standard acoustic features the performance of the ASR system can be improved in both clean and noisy conditions. We have also proposed an approach to evaluate the adequacy of the baseform pronunciation model of words. This approach allows us to compare between different acoustic models as well as to extract pronunciation variants. Through the proposed approach to evaluate baseform pronunciation model, we show that the matching and discriminative properties of single baseform pronunciation can be improved by integrating auxiliary knowledge sources in standard ASR. Standard ASR systems use usually phonemes as the subword units in a Markov chain to model words. In the present thesis, we also study a system where word models are described by two parallel chains of subword units: one for phonemes and the other are for graphemes (phoneme-grapheme based ASR). Models for both types of subword units are jointly learned using maximum likelihood training. During recognition, decoding is performed using either or both of the subword unit chains. In doing so, we thus have used graphemes as auxiliary subword units. The main advantage of using graphemes is that the word models can be defined easily using the orthographic transcription, thus being relatively noise free as compared to word models based upon phoneme units. At the same time, there are drawbacks to using graphemes as subword units, since there is a weak correspondence between the grapheme and the phoneme in languages such as English. Experimental studies conducted for American English on different ASR tasks have shown that the proposed phoneme-grapheme based ASR system can perform better than the standard ASR system that uses only phonemes as its subword units. Furthermore, while modelling context-dependent graphemes (similar to context-dependent phonemes), we observed that context-dependent graphemes behave like phonemes. ASR studies conducted on different tasks showed that by modelling context-dependent graphemes only (without any phonetic information) performance competitive to the state-of-the-art context-dependent phoneme-based ASR system can be obtained

    Towards multi-domain speech understanding with flexible and dynamic vocabulary

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. 201-208).In developing telephone-based conversational systems, we foresee future systems capable of supporting multiple domains and flexible vocabulary. Users can pursue several topics of interest within a single telephone call, and the system is able to switch transparently among domains within a single dialog. This system is able to detect the presence of any out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, and automatically hypothesizes each of their pronunciation, spelling and meaning. These can be confirmed with the user and the new words are subsequently incorporated into the recognizer lexicon for future use. This thesis will describe our work towards realizing such a vision, using a multi-stage architecture. Our work is focused on organizing the application of linguistic constraints in order to accommodate multiple domain topics and dynamic vocabulary at the spoken input. The philosophy is to exclusively apply below word-level linguistic knowledge at the initial stage. Such knowledge is domain-independent and general to all of the English language. Hence, this is broad enough to support any unknown words that may appear at the input, as well as input from several topic domains. At the same time, the initial pass narrows the search space for the next stage, where domain-specific knowledge that resides at the word-level or above is applied. In the second stage, we envision several parallel recognizers, each with higher order language models tailored specifically to its domain. A final decision algorithm selects a final hypothesis from the set of parallel recognizers.(cont.) Part of our contribution is the development of a novel first stage which attempts to maximize linguistic constraints, using only below word-level information. The goals are to prevent sequences of unknown words from being pruned away prematurely while maintaining performance on in-vocabulary items, as well as reducing the search space for later stages. Our solution coordinates the application of various subword level knowledge sources. The recognizer lexicon is implemented with an inventory of linguistically motivated units called morphs, which are syllables augmented with spelling and word position. This first stage is designed to output a phonetic network so that we are not committed to the initial hypotheses. This adds robustness, as later stages can propose words directly from phones. To maximize performance on the first stage, much of our focus has centered on the integration of a set of hierarchical sublexical models into this first pass. To do this, we utilize the ANGIE framework which supports a trainable context-free grammar, and is designed to acquire subword-level and phonological information statistically. Its models can generalize knowledge about word structure, learned from in-vocabulary data, to previously unseen words. We explore methods for collapsing the ANGIE models into a finite-state transducer (FST) representation which enables these complex models to be efficiently integrated into recognition. The ANGIE-FST needs to encapsulate the hierarchical knowledge of ANGIE and replicate ANGIE's ability to support previously unobserved phonetic sequences ...by Grace Chung.Ph.D

    Subword lexical modelling for speech recognition

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 155-160).by Raymond Lau.Ph.D

    Unsupervised pattern discovery in speech : applications to word acquisition and speaker segmentation

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, February 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-176).We present a novel approach to speech processing based on the principle of pattern discovery. Our work represents a departure from traditional models of speech recognition, where the end goal is to classify speech into categories defined by a pre-specified inventory of lexical units (i.e. phones or words). Instead, we attempt to discover such an inventory in an unsupervised manner by exploiting the structure of repeating patterns within the speech signal. We show how pattern discovery can be used to automatically acquire lexical entities directly from an untranscribed audio stream. Our approach to unsupervised word acquisition utilizes a segmental variant of a widely used dynamic programming technique, which allows us to find matching acoustic patterns between spoken utterances. By aggregating information about these matching patterns across audio streams, we demonstrate how to group similar acoustic sequences together to form clusters corresponding to lexical entities such as words and short multi-word phrases. On a corpus of academic lecture material, we demonstrate that clusters found using this technique exhibit high purity and that many of the corresponding lexical identities are relevant to the underlying audio stream.(cont.) We demonstrate two applications of our pattern discovery procedure. First, we propose and evaluate two methods for automatically identifying sound clusters generated through pattern discovery. Our results show that high identification accuracy can be achieved for single word clusters using a constrained isolated word recognizer. Second, we apply acoustic pattern matching to the problem of speaker segmentation by attempting to find word-level speech patterns that are repeated by the same speaker. When used to segment a ten hour corpus of multi-speaker lectures, we found that our approach is able to generate segmentations that correlate well to independently generated human segmentations.by Alex Seungryong Park.Ph.D

    Acoustic Data-Driven Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion in the Probabilistic Lexical Modeling Framework

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    One of the primary steps in building automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech systems is the development of a phonemic lexicon that provides a mapping between each word and its pronunciation as a sequence of phonemes. Phoneme lexicons can be developed by humans through use of linguistic knowledge, however, this would be a costly and time-consuming task. To facilitate this process, grapheme-to phoneme conversion (G2P) techniques are used in which, given an initial phoneme lexicon, the relationship between graphemes and phonemes is learned through data-driven methods. This article presents a novel G2P formalism which learns the grapheme-to-phoneme relationship through acoustic data and potentially relaxes the need for an initial phonemic lexicon in the target language. The formalism involves a training part followed by an inference part. In the training part, the grapheme-to-phoneme relationship is captured in a probabilistic lexical modeling framework. In this framework, a hidden Markov model (HMM) is trained in which each HMM state representing a grapheme is parameterized by a categorical distribution of phonemes. Then in the inference part, given the orthographic transcription of the word and the learned HMM, the most probable sequence of phonemes is inferred. In this article, we show that the recently proposed acoustic G2P approach in the Kullback Leibler divergence-based HMM (KL-HMM) framework is a particular case of this formalism. We then benchmark the approach against two popular G2P approaches, namely joint multigram approach and decision tree-based approach. Our experimental studies on English and French show that despite relatively poor performance at the pronunciation level, the performance of the proposed approach is not significantly different than the state-of-the-art G2P methods at the ASR level. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Pronunciation modelling in end-to-end text-to-speech synthesis

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    Sequence-to-sequence (S2S) models in text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) can achieve high-quality naturalness scores without extensive processing of text-input. Since S2S models have been proposed in multiple aspects of the TTS pipeline, the field has focused on embedding the pipeline toward End-to-End (E2E-) TTS where a waveform is predicted directly from a sequence of text or phone characters. Early work on E2ETTS in English, such as Char2Wav [1] and Tacotron [2], suggested that phonetisation (lexicon-lookup and/or G2P modelling) could be implicitly learnt in a text-encoder during training. The benefits of a learned text encoding include improved modelling of phonetic context, which make contextual linguistic features traditionally used in TTS pipelines redundant [3]. Subsequent work on E2E-TTS has since shown similar naturalness scores with text- or phone-input (e.g. as in [4]). Successful modelling of phonetic context has led some to question the benefit of using phone- instead of text-input altogether (see [5]). The use of text-input brings into question the value of the pronunciation lexicon in E2E-TTS. Without phone-input, a S2S encoder learns an implicit grapheme-tophoneme (G2P) model from text-audio pairs during training. With common datasets for E2E-TTS in English, I simulated implicit G2P models, finding increased error rates compared to a traditional, lexicon-based G2P model. Ultimately, successful G2P generalisation is difficult for some words (e.g. foreign words and proper names) since the knowledge to disambiguate their pronunciations may not be provided by the local grapheme context and may require knowledge beyond that contained in sentence-level text-audio sequences. When test stimuli were selected according to G2P difficulty, increased mispronunciations in E2E-TTS with text-input were observed. Following the proposed benefits of subword decomposition in S2S modelling in other language tasks (e.g. neural machine translation), the effects of morphological decomposition were investigated on pronunciation modelling. Learning of the French post-lexical phenomenon liaison was also evaluated. With the goal of an inexpensive, large-scale evaluation of pronunciation modelling, the reliability of automatic speech recognition (ASR) to measure TTS intelligibility was investigated. A re-evaluation of 6 years of results from the Blizzard Challenge was conducted. ASR reliably found similar significant differences between systems as paid listeners in controlled conditions in English. An analysis of transcriptions for words exhibiting difficult-to-predict G2P relations was also conducted. The E2E-ASR Transformer model used was found to be unreliable in its transcription of difficult G2P relations due to homophonic transcription and incorrect transcription of words with difficult G2P relations. A further evaluation of representation mixing in Tacotron finds pronunciation correction is possible when mixing text- and phone-inputs. The thesis concludes that there is still a place for the pronunciation lexicon in E2E-TTS as a pronunciation guide since it can provide assurances that G2P generalisation cannot

    Unsupervised model adaptation for continuous speech recognition using model-level confidence measures.

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    Kwan Ka Yan.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002.Includes bibliographical references.Abstracts in English and Chinese.Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1. --- Automatic Speech Recognition --- p.1Chapter 1.2. --- Robustness of ASR Systems --- p.3Chapter 1.3. --- Model Adaptation for Robust ASR --- p.4Chapter 1.4. --- Thesis outline --- p.6References --- p.8Chapter 2. --- Fundamentals of Continuous Speech Recognition --- p.10Chapter 2.1. --- Acoustic Front-End --- p.10Chapter 2.2. --- Recognition Module --- p.11Chapter 2.2.1. --- Acoustic Modeling with HMM --- p.12Chapter 2.2.2. --- Basic Phonology of Cantonese --- p.14Chapter 2.2.3. --- Acoustic Modeling for Cantonese --- p.15Chapter 2.2.4. --- Language Modeling --- p.16References --- p.17Chapter 3. --- Unsupervised Model Adaptation --- p.18Chapter 3.1. --- A General Review of Model Adaptation --- p.18Chapter 3.1.1. --- Supervised and Unsupervised Adaptation --- p.20Chapter 3.1.2. --- N-Best Adaptation --- p.22Chapter 3.2. --- MAP --- p.23Chapter 3.3. --- MLLR --- p.25Chapter 3.3.1. --- Adaptation Approach --- p.26Chapter 3.3.2. --- Estimation of MLLR regression matrices --- p.27Chapter 3.3.3. --- Least Mean Squares Regression --- p.29Chapter 3.3.4. --- Number of Transformations --- p.30Chapter 3.4. --- Experiment Results --- p.32Chapter 3.4.1. --- Standard MLLR versus LMS MLLR --- p.36Chapter 3.4.2. --- Effect of the Number of Transformations --- p.43Chapter 3.4.3. --- MAP Vs. MLLR --- p.46Chapter 3.5. --- Conclusions --- p.48ReferencesxlixChapter 4. --- Use of Confidence Measure for MLLR based Adaptation --- p.50Chapter 4.1. --- Introduction to Confidence Measure --- p.50Chapter 4.2. --- Confidence Measure Based on Word Density --- p.51Chapter 4.3. --- Model-level confidence measure --- p.53Chapter 4.4. --- Integrating Confusion Information into Confidence Measure --- p.55Chapter 4.5. --- Adaptation Data Distributions in Different Confidence Measures..… --- p.57References --- p.65Chapter 5. --- Experimental Results and Analysis --- p.66Chapter 5.1. --- Supervised Adaptation --- p.67Chapter 5.2. --- Cheated Confidence Measure --- p.69Chapter 5.3. --- Confidence Measures of Different Levels --- p.71Chapter 5.4. --- Incorporation of Confusion Matrix --- p.81Chapter 5.5. --- Conclusions --- p.83Chapter 6. --- Conclusions --- p.35Chapter 6.1. --- Future Works --- p.8

    Articulatory feature based continuous speech recognition using probabilistic lexical modeling

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    Phonological studies suggest that the typical subword units such as phones or phonemes used in automatic speech recognition systems can be decomposed into a set of features based on the articulators used to produce the sound. Most of the current approaches to integrate articulatory feature (AF) representations into an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system are based on a deterministic knowledge-based phoneme-to-AF relationship. In this paper, we propose a novel two stage approach in the framework of probabilistic lexical modeling to integrate AF representations into an ASR system. In the first stage, the relationship between acoustic feature observations and various AFs is modeled. In the second stage, a probabilistic relationship between subword units and AFs is learned using transcribed speech data. Our studies on a continuous speech recognition task show that the proposed approach effectively integrates AFs into an ASR system. Furthermore, the studies show that either phonemes or graphemes can be used as subword units. Analysis of the probabilistic relationship captured by the parameters has shown that the approach is capable of adapting the knowledge-based phoneme-to-AF representations using speech data; and allows different AFs to evolve asynchronously