13 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT: An implementation of the weakly compressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (WCSPH) method is demonstrated to determine the hydrodynamics coefficients through radiation problem of an oscillating 2D rectangular box. Three possible modes of motion namely swaying, heaving, and rolling are carried out to establish the influence of oscillating motions in predicting the added mass and damping. Both solid boundary and fluid flow are modelled by WCSPH and validated by the potential flow and experimental results. Discrepancies observed at lower frequencies are further investigated using different particle resolutions, different time steps, and extending the domain with longer runtime to demonstrate the performance of WCSPH. Finally, flow separation and vortices are discussed and compared with experimental results. ABSTRAK: Bagi fenomena yang melibatkan radiasi dalam air, segiempat kotak 2D diosilasikan dengan menggunakan simulasi WCSPH untuk memperoleh pekali hidrodinamik. Mod osilasi terbahagi kepada 3 iaitu sway, heave dan roll. Osilasi dengan mengguna pakai kotak akan mempengaruhi pergerakan air dalam menentukan nilai penambahan jisim dan rendaman. Keseluruhan domain air dan sempadan telah dimodelkan dengan menggunakan WCSPH. Semua model tersebut kemudiannya akan dibandingkan melalui keputusan eksperimen dan teori. Jika keputusan melalui kaedah WCSPH ini berbeza, terutama pada frekuensi rendah, penyelidikan lanjut akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan zarah resolusi yang berbeza, langkah masa yang berbeza dan menambah masa domain ujikaji bagi menilai keputusan WCSPH. Akhirnya, kriteria aliran dan kadar pusaran yang terhasil di sekeliling kotak akan dibincang dan dibandingkan bersama keputusan eksperimen

    High Weissenberg number simulations with incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and the log-conformation formulation

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    Viscoelastic flows occur widely, and numerical simulations of them are important for a range of industrial applications. Simulations of viscoelastic flows are more challenging than their Newtonian counterparts due to the presence of exponential gradients in polymeric stress fields, which can lead to catastrophic instabilities if not carefully handled. A key development to overcome this issue is the log-conformation formulation, which has been applied to a range of numerical methods, but not previously applied to Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). Here we present a 2D incompressible SPH algorithm for viscoelastic flows which, for the first time, incorporates a log-conformation formulation with an elasto-viscous stress splitting (EVSS) technique. The resulting scheme enables simulations of flows at high Weissenberg numbers (accurate up to Wi=85 for Poiseuille flow). The method is robust, and able to handle both internal and free-surface flows, and a range of linear and non-linear constitutive models. Several test cases are considerd included flow past a periodic array of cylinders and jet buckling. This presents a significant step change in capabilties compared to previous SPH algorithms for viscoelastic flows, and has the potential to simulate a wide range of new and challenging applications.Comment: submitted to JNNFM Sept. 2020, revised March 202

    Numerical study on the structural response of a masonry arch bridge subject to flood flow and debris impact

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    Extreme flood flows in rivers and the floating debris they carry have the potential to generate significant impact forces on bridges spanning the watercourse. Recent flood events have highlighted the vulnerability of masonry arch bridges in flood events. This paper explores the structural response of a typical masonry arch bridge subject to flood flow and impact from flood-borne debris using a validated numerical modelling approach. The meshless method smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is used to model the fluid behaviour giving the pressure distributions on a single-span arch bridge arising from both the fluid and debris impact. Taking the pressure-time histories derived from the SPH model, the response of the bridge structure is then simulated using a nonlinear finite element (FE) model via Abaqus/Explicit. The effects of submergence ratio of bridge components: abutment, arch barrel, spandrel wall, debris orientation and flow velocity are explored. Results indicate that the debris impact resulted in greatest increase in the stresses in the bridge with a fully submerged abutment and side-on (0-degree) debris orientation. The influence of the debris impact with end-on (90-degree) orientation on the structural response was relatively low despite its higher peak pressure values. Moreover, for the type of realistic flow scenarios considered, significant local tensile stresses can be generated in the spandrel wall and arch barrel leading to structural damage

    Boundary condition enforcement for renormalised weakly compressible meshless Lagrangian methods

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    This paper introduces a boundary condition scheme for weakly compressible (WC) renormalised first-order accurate meshless Lagrangian methods (MLM) by considering both solid and free surface conditions. A hybrid meshless Lagrangian method-finite difference (MLM-FD) scheme on prescribed boundary nodes is proposed to enforce Neumann boundary conditions. This is used to enforce symmetry boundary conditions and the implied Neumann pressure boundary conditions on solid boundaries in a manner consistent with the Navier-Stokes equation leading to the accurate recovery of surface pressures. The free surface boundary conditions allow all differential operators to be approximated by the same renormalised scheme while also efficiently determining free surface particles. The boundary conditions schemes are implemented for two renormalised MLMs. A WC smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) solver is compared to a WC generalised finite difference (GFD) solver. Applications in both 2D and 3D are explored. A substantial performance benefit was found when comparing the WCGFD solver to the WCSPH solver with the WCGFD solver realising a maximum speedup in the range of three times over WCSPH in both 2D and 3D configurations. The solvers were implemented in C++ and used the NVIDIA CUDA 10.1 toolkit for the parallelisation of the solvers.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/enganaboundhj2022Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineerin

    DualSPHysics: from fluid dynamics to multiphysics problems

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    DualSPHysics is a weakly compressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) Navier–Stokes solver initially conceived to deal with coastal engineering problems, especially those related to wave impact with coastal structures. Since the first release back in 2011, DualSPHysics has shown to be robust and accurate for simulating extreme wave events along with a continuous improvement in efficiency thanks to the exploitation of hardware such as graphics processing units for scientific computing or the coupling with wave propagating models such as SWASH and OceanWave3D. Numerous additional functionalities have also been included in the DualSPHysics package over the last few years which allow the simulation of fluid-driven objects. The use of the discrete element method has allowed the solver to simulate the interaction among different bodies (sliding rocks, for example), which provides a unique tool to analyse debris flows. In addition, the recent coupling with other solvers like Project Chrono or MoorDyn has been a milestone in the development of the solver. Project Chrono allows the simulation of articulated structures with joints, hinges, sliders and springs and MoorDyn allows simulating moored structures. Both functionalities make DualSPHysics especially suited for the simulation of offshore energy harvesting devices. Lately, the present state of maturity of the solver goes beyond single-phase simulations, allowing multi-phase simulations with gas–liquid and a combination of Newtonian and non-Newtonian models expanding further the capabilities and range of applications for the DualSPHysics solver. These advances and functionalities make DualSPHysics an advanced meshless solver with emphasis on free-surface flow modelling

    Incompressible SPH (ISPH) with fast Poisson solver on a GPU

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    This paper presents a fast incompressible SPH (ISPH) solver implemented to run entirely on a graphics processing unit (GPU) capable of simulating several millions of particles in three dimensions on a single GPU. The ISPH algorithm is implemented by converting the highly optimised open-source weakly-compressible SPH (WCSPH) code DualSPHysics to run ISPH on the GPU, combining it with the open-source linear algebra library ViennaCL for fast solutions of the pressure Poisson equation (PPE). Several challenges are addressed with this research: constructing a PPE matrix every timestep on the GPU for moving particles, optimising the limited GPU memory, and exploiting fast matrix solvers. The ISPH pressure projection algorithm is implemented as 4 separate stages, each with a particle sweep, including an algorithm for the population of the PPE matrix suitable for the GPU, and mixed precision storage methods. An accurate and robust ISPH boundary condition ideal for parallel processing is also established by adapting an existing WCSPH boundary condition for ISPH. A variety of validation cases are presented: an impulsively started plate, incompressible flow around a moving square in a box, and dambreaks (2-D and 3-D) which demonstrate the accuracy, flexibility, and speed of the methodology. Fragmentation of the free surface is shown to influence the performance of matrix preconditioners and therefore the PPE matrix solution time. The Jacobi preconditioner demonstrates robustness and reliability in the presence of fragmented flows. For a dambreak simulation, GPU speed ups demonstrate up to 10–18 times and 1.1–4.5 times compared to single-threaded and 16-threaded CPU run times respectively

    Incompressible SPH (ISPH) with fast Poisson solver on a GPU

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    This paper presents a fast incompressible SPH (ISPH) solver implemented to run entirely on a graphics processing unit (GPU) capable of simulating several millions of particles in three dimensions on a single GPU. The ISPH algorithm is implemented by converting the highly optimised open-source weakly-compressible SPH (WCSPH) code DualSPHysics to run ISPH on the GPU, combining it with the open-source linear algebra library ViennaCL for fast solutions of the pressure Poisson equation (PPE). Several challenges are addressed with this research: constructing a PPE matrix every timestep on the GPU for moving particles, optimising the limited GPU memory, and exploiting fast matrix solvers. The ISPH pressure projection algorithm is implemented as 4 separate stages, each with a particle sweep, including an algorithm for the population of the PPE matrix suitable for the GPU, and mixed precision storage methods. An accurate and robust ISPH boundary condition ideal for parallel processing is also established by adapting an existing WCSPH boundary condition for ISPH. A variety of validation cases are presented: an impulsively started plate, incompressible flow around a moving square in a box, and dambreaks (2-D and 3-D) which demonstrate the accuracy, flexibility, and speed of the methodology. Fragmentation of the free surface is shown to influence the performance of matrix preconditioners and therefore the PPE matrix solution time. The Jacobi preconditioner demonstrates robustness and reliability in the presence of fragmented flows. For a dambreak simulation, GPU speed ups demonstrate up to 10–18 times and 1.1–4.5 times compared to single-threaded and 16-threaded CPU run times respectively