965 research outputs found

    Incommensurate heterostructures in momentum space

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    To make the investigation of electronic structure of incommensurate heterostructures computationally tractable, effective alternatives to Bloch theory must be developed. In [Multiscale Model. Simul., 15(2017), pp. 476--499] we developed and analyzed a real space scheme that exploits spatial ergodicity and near-sightedness. In the present work, we present an analogous scheme formulated in momentum space, which we prove has significant computational advantages in specific incommensurate systems of physical interest, e.g., bilayers of a specified class of materials with small rotation angles. We use our theoretical analysis to obtain estimates for improved rates of convergence with respect to total CPU time for our momentum space method that are confirmed in computational experiments

    Long-range charge density wave proximity effect at cuprate-manganate interfaces

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    The interplay between charge density waves (CDWs) and high-temperature superconductivity is currently under intense investigation. Experimental research on this issue is difficult because CDW formation in bulk copper-oxides is strongly influenced by random disorder, and a long-range-ordered CDW state in high magnetic fields is difficult to access with spectroscopic and diffraction probes. Here we use resonant x-ray scattering in zero magnetic field to show that interfaces with the metallic ferromagnet La2/3_{2/3}Ca1/3_{1/3}MnO3_3 greatly enhance CDW formation in the optimally doped high-temperature superconductor YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+δ_{6+\delta} (δ1\bf \delta \sim 1), and that this effect persists over several tens of nm. The wavevector of the incommensurate CDW serves as an internal calibration standard of the charge carrier concentration, which allows us to rule out any significant influence of oxygen non-stoichiometry, and to attribute the observed phenomenon to a genuine electronic proximity effect. Long-range proximity effects induced by heterointerfaces thus offer a powerful method to stabilize the charge density wave state in the cuprates, and more generally, to manipulate the interplay between different collective phenomena in metal oxides.Comment: modified version published in Nature Material

    2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures

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    The physics of two-dimensional (2D) materials and heterostructures based on such crystals has been developing extremely fast. With new 2D materials, truly 2D physics has started to appear (e.g. absence of long-range order, 2D excitons, commensurate-incommensurate transition, etc). Novel heterostructure devices are also starting to appear - tunneling transistors, resonant tunneling diodes, light emitting diodes, etc. Composed from individual 2D crystals, such devices utilize the properties of those crystals to create functionalities that are not accessible to us in other heterostructures. We review the properties of novel 2D crystals and how their properties are used in new heterostructure devices

    Electron quantum metamaterials in van der Waals heterostructures

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    In recent decades, scientists have developed the means to engineer synthetic periodic arrays with feature sizes below the wavelength of light. When such features are appropriately structured, electromagnetic radiation can be manipulated in unusual ways, resulting in optical metamaterials whose function is directly controlled through nanoscale structure. Nature, too, has adopted such techniques -- for example in the unique coloring of butterfly wings -- to manipulate photons as they propagate through nanoscale periodic assemblies. In this Perspective, we highlight the intriguing potential of designer sub-electron wavelength (as well as wavelength-scale) structuring of electronic matter, which affords a new range of synthetic quantum metamaterials with unconventional responses. Driven by experimental developments in stacking atomically layered heterostructures -- e.g., mechanical pick-up/transfer assembly -- atomic scale registrations and structures can be readily tuned over distances smaller than characteristic electronic length-scales (such as electron wavelength, screening length, and electron mean free path). Yet electronic metamaterials promise far richer categories of behavior than those found in conventional optical metamaterial technologies. This is because unlike photons that scarcely interact with each other, electrons in subwavelength structured metamaterials are charged, and strongly interact. As a result, an enormous variety of emergent phenomena can be expected, and radically new classes of interacting quantum metamaterials designed

    Two-dimensional topological superconductivity in Pb/Co/Si(111)

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    Just like insulators can host topological Dirac states at their edges, superconductors can also exhibit topological phases characterized by Majorana edge states. Remarkable zero-energy states have been recently observed at the two ends of proximity induced superconducting wires, and were interpreted as localized Majorana end states in one-dimensional (1D) topological superconductor. By contrast, propagating Majorana states should exist at the 1D edges of two-dimensional (2D) topological superconductors. Here we report the direct observation of dispersive in-gap states surrounding topological superconducting domains made of a single atomic layer of Pb covering magnetic islands of Co/Si(111). We interpret the observed continuous dispersion across the superconducting gap in terms of a spatial topological transition accompanied by a chiral edge mode and residual gaped helical edge states. Our experimental approach enables the engineering and control of a large variety of novel quantum phases. This opens new horizons in the field of quantum materials and quantum electronics where the magnetization of the domains could be used as a control parameter for the manipulation of topological states.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Phase separation and long wave-length charge instabilities in spin-orbit coupled systems

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    We investigate a two-dimensional electron model with Rashba spin-orbit interaction where the coupling constant g=g(n)g=g(n) depends on the electronic density. It is shown that this dependence may drive the system unstable towards a long-wave length charge density wave (CDW) where the associated second order instability occurs in close vicinity to global phase separation. For very low electron densities the CDW instability is nesting-induced and the modulation follows the Fermi momentum kFk_F. At higher density the instability criterion becomes independent of kFk_F and the system may become unstable in a broad momentum range. Finally, upon filling the upper spin-orbit split band, finite momentum instabilities disappear in favor of phase separation alone. We discuss our results with regard to the inhomogeneous phases observed at the LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 or LaTiO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interfaces.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure