2 research outputs found

    The Knowledge-Remixing Bottleneck

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    One of the primary examples of Web Science is the study of political movements and how they are mediated by the Web in an effort to understand the challenges involved in information-remixing. The lack of transparency around the decisions made during knowledge base creation becomes more pernicious as users move farther away from a single data source where a particular decision can be connected more readily back to its origin. DBpedia and other Web-sourced knowledge bases are extremely useful as a resource for analysis of these issues. These resources are being integrated into text analytics pipelines, which is a key technique for Web science, data science, and computational social science. The lack of transparency can also be solved through careful and extensive forensic work

    Complete results for Including Co-referent URIs in a SPARQL Query

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    <p>Raw results file used to generate the graphs.</p> <p>Complete set of graphs for the experiments in the paper with the same name.</p