37,338 research outputs found

    Unconventional methods of strategic distribution of the incertitude

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    The incertitude became a phenomenon in itself, and it can be due both to the theoretical errors of the deciding factor, and to the imprecision and lack of informational wholeness. In order to reduce the incertitude, one has crystallized several directions of strategic management, through which the managers could manifest a logically structured attitude in limit situations. Practically, we cannot speak about the exclusive use of a specific category of methods and techniques, as their combination is realized by referring to concrete decisional situations. A group of these methods according to their nature might be the following: technocratic methods, political methods, structural methods and methods of strategic redistribution of the incertitude. The last one which suppose the absorption of the incertitude, through less conventional instruments, different from those previously presented. In this paperwork, our purpose is to bring into focus several instruments, which allow the participants to the economical activities to be able to approach the incertitude in this field.uncertainty, strategic management, technocratic methods, political methods, structural methods , methods of strategic redistribution of the incertitude

    Technology assessment between risk, uncertainty and ignorance

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    The use of most if not all technologies is accompanied by negative side effects, While we may profit from today’s technologies, it is most often future generations who bear most risks. Risk analysis therefore becomes a delicate issue, because future risks often cannot be assigned a meaningful occurance probability. This paper argues that technology assessement most often deal with uncertainty and ignorance rather than risk when we include future generations into our ethical, political or juridal thinking. This has serious implications as probabilistic decision approaches are not applicable anymore. I contend that a virtue ethical approach in which dianoetic virtues play a central role may supplement a welfare based ethics in order to overcome the difficulties in dealing with uncertainty and ignorance in technology assessement

    Solutions to incertitude: risk management in insurances

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    Business and risk have always been considered complementary concepts. Many companies are successful because of their ability to correctly recognize and to direct successfully all the risks resulting from the activities developed. Thus, we may say without being wrong, that risk represents an essential part in business.insurances, risk management, operational risk, financial risk, strategical sisk, hazard

    Design issues of a variable thermal resistance

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    Some years ago we have proposed a thermal mount with electronically variable thermal resistance [1]. In this earlier work the feasibility of such a structure has been demonstrated. Now we intend to realize this mount in a maturated form, suitable to the everyday use in the practice of package thermal qualification and modeling. The design of such a device raises a number of new questions and problems. The present paper is dealing with these problems and the possible solutions.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    Archéologie et incertitude

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    National audienceQue pouvons-nous établir avec certitude lorsque nous faisons de l’archéologie et quel est le périmètre de cette pratique de nos jours ? En nous restreignant à l’opération de démontage d’agrégats d’un type particulier présents dans le sous-sol – ce que l’on appelle couramment des « sites archéologiques » –, on peut scinder la première interrogation en deux questions : d’une ontologie de la substance (« qu’y-a-t-il ici ? »), on embraye vers une ontologie du temps (« que s’est-il passé ici ? »), laquelle doit également supposer des individus et des collectifs susceptibles d’actions, ceux-ci et celles-là demeurant largement indéfinies. Outre le caractère lacunaire des données archéologiques, il faut également compter sur le découplage entre l’espace et le temps, source de nombreuses indéterminations. En dépit de ces incertitudes, une « bonne fouille ne saurait mentir » car aucun point de vue ne se manifeste dans un agrégat, à la différence des textes et des images principalement étudiés par les historiens

    Dynamics of the magnetic and structural a -> e phase transition in Iron

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    We have studied the high-pressure iron bcc to hcp phase transition by simultaneous X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) with an X-ray dispersive spectrometer. The combination of the two techniques allows us to obtain simultaneously information on both the structure and the magnetic state of Iron under pressure. The magnetic and structural transitions simultaneously observed are sharp. Both are of first order in agreement with theoretical prediction. The pressure domain of the transition observed (2.4 ±\pm 0.2 GPa) is narrower than that usually cited in the literature (8 GPa). Our data indicate that the magnetic transition slightly precedes the structural one, suggesting that the origin of the instability of the bcc phase in iron with increasing pressure is to be attributed to the effect of pressure on magnetism as predicted by spin-polarized full potential total energy calculations

    Challenges for the Adoption of Model-Driven Web Engineering Approaches in Industry

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    Model-driven web engineering approaches have become an attractive research and technology solution for Web application development. However, after 20 years of development, they have attracted little attention from the Industry due to the mismatch between technical versus research requirements. In this joint work between academia and industry, the authors present the current problems of using these approaches in scale and provide guidelines to convert them into viable industry solutions.Ministerio de ciencia e Innovación TIN2016-76956-C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED