3,266 research outputs found

    In-Domain GAN Inversion for Faithful Reconstruction and Editability

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have significantly advanced image synthesis through mapping randomly sampled latent codes to high-fidelity synthesized images. However, applying well-trained GANs to real image editing remains challenging. A common solution is to find an approximate latent code that can adequately recover the input image to edit, which is also known as GAN inversion. To invert a GAN model, prior works typically focus on reconstructing the target image at the pixel level, yet few studies are conducted on whether the inverted result can well support manipulation at the semantic level. This work fills in this gap by proposing in-domain GAN inversion, which consists of a domain-guided encoder and a domain-regularized optimizer, to regularize the inverted code in the native latent space of the pre-trained GAN model. In this way, we manage to sufficiently reuse the knowledge learned by GANs for image reconstruction, facilitating a wide range of editing applications without any retraining. We further make comprehensive analyses on the effects of the encoder structure, the starting inversion point, as well as the inversion parameter space, and observe the trade-off between the reconstruction quality and the editing property. Such a trade-off sheds light on how a GAN model represents an image with various semantics encoded in the learned latent distribution. Code, models, and demo are available at the project page: https://genforce.github.io/idinvert/

    Unsupervised Domain Adaptation GAN Inversion for Image Editing

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    Existing GAN inversion methods work brilliantly for high-quality image reconstruction and editing while struggling with finding the corresponding high-quality images for low-quality inputs. Therefore, recent works are directed toward leveraging the supervision of paired high-quality and low-quality images for inversion. However, these methods are infeasible in real-world scenarios and further hinder performance improvement. In this paper, we resolve this problem by introducing Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) into the Inversion process, namely UDA-Inversion, for both high-quality and low-quality image inversion and editing. Particularly, UDA-Inversion first regards the high-quality and low-quality images as the source domain and unlabeled target domain, respectively. Then, a discrepancy function is presented to measure the difference between two domains, after which we minimize the source error and the discrepancy between the distributions of two domains in the latent space to obtain accurate latent codes for low-quality images. Without direct supervision, constructive representations of high-quality images can be spontaneously learned and transformed into low-quality images based on unsupervised domain adaptation. Experimental results indicate that UDA-inversion is the first that achieves a comparable level of performance with supervised methods in low-quality images across multiple domain datasets. We hope this work provides a unique inspiration for latent embedding distributions in image process tasks

    InfoScrub: Towards Attribute Privacy by Targeted Obfuscation

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    Personal photos of individuals when shared online, apart from exhibiting a myriad of memorable details, also reveals a wide range of private information and potentially entails privacy risks (e.g., online harassment, tracking). To mitigate such risks, it is crucial to study techniques that allow individuals to limit the private information leaked in visual data. We tackle this problem in a novel image obfuscation framework: to maximize entropy on inferences over targeted privacy attributes, while retaining image fidelity. We approach the problem based on an encoder-decoder style architecture, with two key novelties: (a) introducing a discriminator to perform bi-directional translation simultaneously from multiple unpaired domains; (b) predicting an image interpolation which maximizes uncertainty over a target set of attributes. We find our approach generates obfuscated images faithful to the original input images, and additionally increase uncertainty by 6.2×\times (or up to 0.85 bits) over the non-obfuscated counterparts.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Out-of-domain GAN inversion via Invertibility Decomposition for Photo-Realistic Human Face Manipulation

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    The fidelity of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) inversion is impeded by Out-Of-Domain (OOD) areas (e.g., background, accessories) in the image. Detecting the OOD areas beyond the generation ability of the pre-trained model and blending these regions with the input image can enhance fidelity. The "invertibility mask" figures out these OOD areas, and existing methods predict the mask with the reconstruction error. However, the estimated mask is usually inaccurate due to the influence of the reconstruction error in the In-Domain (ID) area. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that enhances the fidelity of human face inversion by designing a new module to decompose the input images to ID and OOD partitions with invertibility masks. Unlike previous works, our invertibility detector is simultaneously learned with a spatial alignment module. We iteratively align the generated features to the input geometry and reduce the reconstruction error in the ID regions. Thus, the OOD areas are more distinguishable and can be precisely predicted. Then, we improve the fidelity of our results by blending the OOD areas from the input image with the ID GAN inversion results. Our method produces photo-realistic results for real-world human face image inversion and manipulation. Extensive experiments demonstrate our method's superiority over existing methods in the quality of GAN inversion and attribute manipulation

    GAN Inversion: A Survey

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    GAN inversion aims to invert a given image back into the latent space of a pretrained GAN model, for the image to be faithfully reconstructed from the inverted code by the generator. As an emerging technique to bridge the real and fake image domains, GAN inversion plays an essential role in enabling the pretrained GAN models such as StyleGAN and BigGAN to be used for real image editing applications. Meanwhile, GAN inversion also provides insights on the interpretation of GAN's latent space and how the realistic images can be generated. In this paper, we provide an overview of GAN inversion with a focus on its recent algorithms and applications. We cover important techniques of GAN inversion and their applications to image restoration and image manipulation. We further elaborate on some trends and challenges for future directions

    Spatial-Contextual Discrepancy Information Compensation for GAN Inversion

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    Most existing GAN inversion methods either achieve accurate reconstruction but lack editability or offer strong editability at the cost of fidelity. Hence, how to balance the distortioneditability trade-off is a significant challenge for GAN inversion. To address this challenge, we introduce a novel spatial-contextual discrepancy information compensationbased GAN-inversion method (SDIC), which consists of a discrepancy information prediction network (DIPN) and a discrepancy information compensation network (DICN). SDIC follows a "compensate-and-edit" paradigm and successfully bridges the gap in image details between the original image and the reconstructed/edited image. On the one hand, DIPN encodes the multi-level spatial-contextual information of the original and initial reconstructed images and then predicts a spatial-contextual guided discrepancy map with two hourglass modules. In this way, a reliable discrepancy map that models the contextual relationship and captures finegrained image details is learned. On the other hand, DICN incorporates the predicted discrepancy information into both the latent code and the GAN generator with different transformations, generating high-quality reconstructed/edited images. This effectively compensates for the loss of image details during GAN inversion. Both quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate that our proposed method achieves the excellent distortion-editability trade-off at a fast inference speed for both image inversion and editing tasks
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