79 research outputs found

    A Fuzzy set-based method to identify the car position in a road lane at intersections by smartphone GPS data

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    Abstract Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) work by collections of data in real time. Average speed, travel time and delay at intersections are some of the most important measures, often used for monitoring the performance of transportation systems, and useful for system management and planning. In urban transportation planning, intersections are usually considered critical points, acting as bottlenecks and clog points for urban traffic. Thus, detecting the travel time at intersections in different turning directions is an activity useful to improve the urban transport efficiency. Smartphones represent a low-cost technology, with which is possible to obtain information about traffic state. However, smartphone GPS data suffer for low precision, mainly in urban areas. In this paper, we present a fuzzy set-based method for car positioning identification within road lanes near intersections using GPS data coming from smartphones. We have introduced the fuzzy sets to take into account uncertainty embedded in GPS data when trying to identify the position of cars within the road lanes. Moreover, we introduced a Genetic Algorithm to calibrate the fuzzy parameters in order to obtain a novel supervised clustering technique. We applied the proposed method to one intersection in the urban road network of Bari (Italy). First results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed methodology when comparing the outcomes of the proposed method with two well-known clustering techniques (Fuzzy C-means, K-means)

    Experimental Verification of Inertial Navigation with MEMS for Forensic Investigation of Vehicle Collision

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    This paper studies whether low-grade inertial sensors can be adequate source of data for the accident characterization and the estimation of vehicle trajectory near crash. Paper presents outcomes of an experiment carried out in accredited safety performance assessment facility in which full-size passenger car was crashed and the recordings of different types of motion sensors were compared to investigate practical level of accuracy of consumer grade sensors versus reference equipment and cameras. Inertial navigation system was developed by combining motion sensors of different dynamic ranges to acquire and process vehicle crash data. Vehicle position was reconstructed in three-dimensional space using strap-down inertial mechanization. Difference between the computed trajectory and the ground-truth position acquired by cameras was on decimeter level within short time window of 750 ms. Experiment findings suggest that inertial sensors of this grade, despite significant stochastic variations and imperfections, can be valuable for estimation of velocity vector change, crash severity, direction of impact force, and for estimation of vehicle trajectory in crash proximity

    Inertial-sensor bias estimation from brightness/depth images and based on SO(3)-invariant integro/partial-differential equations on the unit sphere

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    Constant biases associated to measured linear and angular velocities of a moving object can be estimated from measurements of a static scene by embedded brightness and depth sensors. We propose here a Lyapunov-based observer taking advantage of the SO(3)-invariance of the partial differential equations satisfied by the measured brightness and depth fields. The resulting asymptotic observer is governed by a non-linear integro/partial differential system where the two independent scalar variables indexing the pixels live on the unit sphere of the 3D Euclidian space. The observer design and analysis are strongly simplified by coordinate-free differential calculus on the unit sphere equipped with its natural Riemannian structure. The observer convergence is investigated under C^1 regularity assumptions on the object motion and its scene. It relies on Ascoli-Arzela theorem and pre-compactness of the observer trajectories. It is proved that the estimated biases converge towards the true ones, if and only if, the scene admits no cylindrical symmetry. The observer design can be adapted to realistic sensors where brightness and depth data are only available on a subset of the unit sphere. Preliminary simulations with synthetic brightness and depth images (corrupted by noise around 10%) indicate that such Lyapunov-based observers should be robust and convergent for much weaker regularity assumptions.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, submitte

    An innovative information fusion method with adaptive Kalman filter for integrated INS/GPS navigation of autonomous vehicles

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    Information fusion method of INS/GPS navigation system based on filtering technology is a research focus at present. In order to improve the precision of navigation information, a navigation technology based on Adaptive Kalman Filter with attenuation factor is proposed to restrain noise in this paper. The algorithm continuously updates the measurement noise variance and processes noise variance of the system by collecting the estimated and measured values, and this method can suppress white noise. Because a measured value closer to the current time would more accurately reflect the characteristics of the noise, an attenuation factor is introduced to increase the weight of the current value, in order to deal with the noise variance caused by environment disturbance. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, a series of road tests are carried out in urban environment. The GPS and IMU data of the experiments were collected and processed by dSPACE and MATLAB/Simulink. Based on the test results, the accuracy of the proposed algorithm is 20% higher than that of a traditional Adaptive Kalman Filter. It also shows that the precision of the integrated navigation can be improved due to the reduction of the influence of environment noise

    Lane Departure Detecting with Classification of Roadway Based on Bezier Curve Fitting Using DGPS/GIS

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    Lane departure warning system plays an important role in safety driving by detecting a departure from a lane that is inadvertently operated on the driving trajectory. This paper suggestion detection algorithm when a vehicle departs lane boundary using GIS based on DGPS in the whole roadways. Lane segments obtained from the GIS are calculated their relative distances based on the vehicle position. Lane segments consist of consecutive straight lines and have a steady numerical error of design. In the curved section, the numerical error is bigger due to the characteristics. Accurate information about lane segments is required to reduce errors. Bezier curves are one way to extract lane segments from a curved section. The proposed lane departure algorithm is processed in two ways according to the lane type. Firstly, roads should be classified as lane type with straight and curved sections. Intersection points (IP) algorithm can easily classify the curve segments. Classified lane segments handle arithmetic relative distances for each algorithm. The lane segment of the base boundary, which is a straight lane section, has a virtual line based on the requirements of ISO 17361. The overlap area, consisting of a curve lane section and a Bezier curve, calculates the departure distance through the continuity of the driving characteristic and determines the lane departure from the curved roadways. To verify the proposed algorithm, the lane departure test led to two lane departures on each roadway. The comparison between visual sight and the departure alarm shows the driver within 0.1 second