173 research outputs found

    On the Construction of Safe Controllable Regions for Affine Systems with Applications to Robotics

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    This paper studies the problem of constructing in-block controllable (IBC) regions for affine systems. That is, we are concerned with constructing regions in the state space of affine systems such that all the states in the interior of the region are mutually accessible through the region's interior by applying uniformly bounded inputs. We first show that existing results for checking in-block controllability on given polytopic regions cannot be easily extended to address the question of constructing IBC regions. We then explore the geometry of the problem to provide a computationally efficient algorithm for constructing IBC regions. We also prove the soundness of the algorithm. We then use the proposed algorithm to construct safe speed profiles for different robotic systems, including fully-actuated robots, ground robots modeled as unicycles with acceleration limits, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Finally, we present several experimental results on UAVs to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. For instance, we use the proposed algorithm for real-time collision avoidance for UAVs.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures, under review for publication in Automatic

    Combinatorial Hybrid Systems

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    Stabilization of Polytopes for Fully Actuated Euler-Lagrange Systems

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    Given an Euler-Lagrange system and a convex polytope in its output space, we design a switched feedback controller that drives the output to the polytope. On the polytope, the system output tracks assigned trajectories or follows assigned paths. The study of this problem is motivated by industrial applications such as robotic painting, welding and three dimensional printing. Many engineering systems, such as robotic manipulators, can be modelled with Euler-Lagrange equations, and many engineered surfaces, designed using software, are naturally modelled as convex polytopes. We use feedback linearization to decompose the design problem into two subproblems; stabilizing the polytope surface, and controlling its motion along the surface. The first subproblem, known as the design of the transversal controller, leverages the fact that a polytope can be represented as a finite union of facets. The controller determines the closest facet to the system output and stabilizes that facet by stabilizing its corresponding hyperplane via feedback linearization. The transversal dynamics can be stabilized using linear controllers. At the boundary of a facet, we propose a switching law that ensures weak invariance of the polytope for the closed-loop system. The second subproblem, known as the design of the tangential controller, enforces desired dynamics while the system output is restricted to the polytope. We investigate control specifications such as following a predefined path on the surface and tracking a trajectory that moves along the surface. The separation of the transversal and tangential control design phases is possible because feedback linearization decouples the transversal and tangential dynamic subsystems. This approach to control design is demonstrated experimentally on a four degree-of freedom robotic manipulator. The experimental implementation is made robust to modelling uncertainty via Lyapunov re-design methods

    Approximate Explicit MPC and Closed-loop Stability: Analysis based on PWA Lyapunov Functions

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    Model Predictive Control (MPC) is the de facto standard in advanced industrial automation systems. There are two main formulations of the MPC algorithm: an implicit one and an explicit MPC one. The first requires an optimization problem to be solved on-line, which is the main limitation when dealing with hard real-time applications. As the implicit MPC algorithm cannot be guaran- teed in terms of execution time, in many applications the explicit MPC solution is preferable. In order to deal with systems integrating mixed logic and dynam- ics, the class of the hybrid and piecewise affine models (PWA) were introduced and tackled by the explicit MPC strategy. However, the resulting controller complexity leads to a requirement on the CPU/memory combination which is as strict as the number of states, inputs and outputs increases. To reduce drasti- cally the complexity of the explicit controller while preserving the controller’s performance, a strategy combining switched MPC with discontinuous simpli- cial PWA models is introduced in this thesis. The latter is proven to be circuit implementable, e.g., in FPGA. To ensure that closed-loop stability properties are guaranteed, a stability analysis tool is proposed which exploits suitable and possibly discontinuous PWA Lyapunov-like functions. The tool requires solving offline a linear programming problem. Moreover, the tool is able to compute an invariant set for the closed-loop system, as well as ultimate boundedness and input-to-state stability properties

    On Minimum-time Control of Continuous Petri nets: Centralized and Decentralized Perspectives

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    Muchos sistemas artificiales, como los sistemas de manufactura, de logística, de telecomunicaciones o de tráfico, pueden ser vistos "de manera natural" como Sistemas Dinámicos de Eventos Discretos (DEDS). Desafortunadamente, cuando tienen grandes poblaciones, estos sistemas pueden sufrir del clásico problema de la explosión de estados. Con la intención de evitar este problema, se pueden aplicar técnicas de fluidificación, obteniendo una relajación fluida del modelo original discreto. Las redes de Petri continuas (CPNs) son una aproximación fluida de las redes de Petri discretas, un conocido formalismo para los DEDS. Una ventaja clave del empleo de las CPNs es que, a menudo, llevan a una substancial reducción del coste computacional. Esta tesis se centra en el control de Redes de Petri continuas temporizadas (TCPNs), donde las transiciones tienen una interpretación temporal asociada. Se asume que los sistemas siguen una semántica de servidores infinitos (velocidad variable) y que las acciones de control aplicables son la disminución de la velocidad del disparo de las transiciones. Se consideran dos interesantes problemas de control en esta tesis: 1) control del marcado objetivo, donde el objetivo es conducir el sistema (tan rápido como sea posible) desde un estado inicial a un estado final deseado, y es similar al problema de control set-point para cualquier sistema de estado continuo; 2) control del flujo óptimo, donde el objetivo es conducir el sistema a un flujo óptimo sin conocimiento a priori del estado final. En particular, estamos interesados en alcanzar el flujo máximo tan rápido como sea posible, lo cual suele ser deseable en la mayoría de sistemas prácticos. El problema de control del marcado objetivo se considera desde las perspectivas centralizada y descentralizada. Proponemos varios controladores centralizados en tiempo mínimo, y todos ellos están basados en una estrategia ON/OFF. Para algunas subclases, como las redes Choice-Free (CF), se garantiza la evolución en tiempo mínimo; mientras que para redes generales, los controladores propuestos son heurísticos. Respecto del problema de control descentralizado, proponemos en primer lugar un controlador descentralizado en tiempo mínimo para redes CF. Para redes generales, proponemos una aproximación distribuida del método Model Predictive Control (MPC); sin embargo en este método no se considera evolución en tiempo mínimo. El problema de control de flujo óptimo (en nuestro caso, flujo máximo) en tiempo mínimo se considera para redes CF. Proponemos un algoritmo heurístico en el que calculamos los "mejores" firing count vectors que llevan al sistema al flujo máximo, y aplicamos una estrategia de disparo ON/OFF. También demostramos que, debido a que las redes CF son persistentes, podemos reducir el tiempo que tarda en alcanzar el flujo máximo con algunos disparos adicionales. Los métodos de control propuestos se han implementado e integrado en una herramienta para Redes de Petri híbridas basada en Matlab, llamada SimHPN