18 research outputs found

    The Role of Fetal MRI in the Diagnosis of Agenesis of Corpus Callosum (ACC) and other Associated Cerebral Anomalies

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    The corpus callosum is the main transverse tract of fibers that connects the two cerebral hemispheres. In rare conditions an absence of fusion of the main commissural pathway connecting the cerebral hemispheres is observed. This malformation develops in utero and is classified as partial and complete agenesis or hypoplasia of corpus callosum. The condition is found in 3 to 7: 1000 live births. Fetal ultrasound (US) is first-line modality in evaluating corpus callosum by 18-20 weeks of gestation. Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is useful for exact assessment of the degree of malformation as well as for detecting frequently associated anomalies. This pictorial review aims to present the role of fetal MRI as a valuable adjunct to US in various abnormalities of corpus callosum in fetuses, which is an important issue for prognostic counseling

    Longitudinal MRI in the context of in utero surgery for open spina bifida: A descriptive study

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    Introduction: Fetal surgery for open spina bifida (OSB) requires comprehensive preoperative assessment using imaging for appropriate patient selection and to evaluate postoperative efficacy and complications. We explored patient access and conduct of fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for prenatal assessment of OSB patients eligible for fetal surgery. We compared imaging acquisition and reporting to the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology MRI performance guidelines.// Material and methods: We surveyed access to fetal MRI for OSB in referring fetal medicine units (FMUs) in the UK and Ireland, and two NHS England specialist commissioned fetal surgery centers (FSCs) at University College London Hospital, and University Hospitals KU Leuven Belgium. To study MRI acquisition protocols, we retrospectively analyzed fetal MRI images before and after fetal surgery for OSB.// Results: MRI for fetal OSB was accessible with appropriate specialists available to supervise, perform, and report scans. The average time to arrange a fetal MRI appointment from request was 4 ± 3 days (range, 0–10), the average scan time available was 37 ± 16 min (range, 20–80 min), with 15 ± 11 min (range, 0–30 min) extra time to repeat sequences as required. Specific MRI acquisition protocols, and MRI reporting templates were available in only 32% and 18% of units, respectively. Satisfactory T2-weighted (T2W) brain imaging acquired in three orthogonal planes was achieved preoperatively in all centers, and 6 weeks postoperatively in 96% of FSCs and 78% of referring FMUs. However, for T2W spine image acquisition referring FMUs were less able to provide three orthogonal planes presurgery (98% FSC vs. 50% FMU, p < 0.001), and 6 weeks post-surgery (100% FSC vs. 48% FMU, p < 0.001). Other standard imaging recommendations such as T1-weighted (T1W), gradient echo (GE) or echoplanar fetal brain and spine imaging in one or two orthogonal planes were more likely available in FSCs compared to FMUs pre- and post-surgery (p < 0.001).// Conclusions: There was timely access to supervised MRI for OSB fetal surgery assessment. However, the provision of images of the fetal brain and spine in sufficient orthogonal planes, which are required for determining eligibility and to determine the reversal of hindbrain herniation after fetal surgery, were less frequently acquired. Our evidence suggests the need for specific guidance in relation to fetal MRI for OSB. We propose an example guidance for MRI acquisition and reporting

    Neonatal Neurobehavior and Diffusion MRI Changes in Brain Reorganization Due to Intrauterine Growth Restriction in a Rabbit Model

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    Background: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) affects 5–10 % of all newborns and is associated with a high risk of abnormal neurodevelopment. The timing and patterns of brain reorganization underlying IUGR are poorly documented. We developed a rabbit model of IUGR allowing neonatal neurobehavioral assessment and high resolution brain diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The aim of the study was to describe the pattern and functional correlates of fetal brain reorganization induced by IUGR. Methodology/Principal Findings: IUGR was induced in 10 New Zealand fetal rabbits by ligation of 40–50 % of uteroplacental vessels in one horn at 25 days of gestation. Ten contralateral horn fetuses were used as controls. Cesarean section was performed at 30 days (term 31 days). At postnatal day +1, neonates were assessed by validated neurobehavioral tests including evaluation of tone, spontaneous locomotion, reflex motor activity, motor responses to olfactory stimuli, and coordination of suck and swallow. Subsequently, brains were collected and fixed and MRI was performed using a high resolution acquisition scheme. Global and regional (manual delineation and voxel based analysis) diffusion tensor imaging parameters were analyzed. IUGR was associated with significantly poorer neurobehavioral performance in most domains. Voxel based analysis revealed fractional anisotropy (FA) differences in multiple brain regions of gray and white matter, including frontal, insular, occipital and temporal cortex, hippocampus, putamen, thalamus, claustrum, medial septa

    White matter maturation of normal human fetal brain. An in vivo diffusion tensor tractography study

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    We demonstrate for the first time the ability to determine in vivo and in utero the transitions between the main stages of white matter (WM) maturation in normal human fetuses using magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) tractography. Biophysical characteristics of water motion are used as an indirect probe to evaluate progression of the tissue matrix organization in cortico-spinal tracts (CSTs), optic radiations (OR), and corpus callosum (CC) in 17 normal human fetuses explored between 23 and 38 weeks of gestation (GW) and selected strictly on minimal motion artifacts. Nonlinear polynomial (third order) curve fittings of normalized longitudinal and radial water diffusivities (Z-scores) as a function of age identify three different phases of maturation with specific dynamics for each WM bundle type. These phases may correspond to distinct cellular events such as axonal organization, myelination gliosis, and myelination, previously reported by other groups on post-mortem fetuses using immunostaining methods. According to the DTI parameter dynamics, we suggest that myelination (phase 3) appears early in the CSTs, followed by the OR and by the CC, respectively. DTI tractography provides access to a better understanding of fetal WM maturation

    Fetal functional imaging portrays heterogeneous development of emerging human brain networks

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    The functional connectivity architecture of the adult human brain enables complex cognitive processes, and exhibits a remarkably complex structure shared across individuals. We are only beginning to understand its heterogeneous structure, ranging from a strongly hierarchical organization in sensorimotor areas to widely distributed networks in areas such as the parieto-frontal cortex. Our study relied on the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data of 32 fetuses with no detectable morphological abnormalities. After adapting functional magnetic resonance acquisition, motion correction, and nuisance signal reduction procedures of resting-state functional data analysis to fetuses, we extracted neural activity information for major cortical and subcortical structures. Resting fMRI networks were observed for increasing regional functional connectivity from 21st to 38th gestational weeks (GWs) with a network-based statistical inference approach. The overall connectivity network, short range, and interhemispheric connections showed sigmoid expansion curve peaking at the 26–29 GW. In contrast, long-range connections exhibited linear increase with no periods of peaking development. Region-specific increase of functional signal synchrony followed a sequence of occipital (peak: 24.8 GW), temporal (peak: 26 GW), frontal (peak: 26.4 GW), and parietal expansion (peak: 27.5 GW). We successfully adapted functional neuroimaging and image post-processing approaches to correlate macroscopical scale activations in the fetal brain with gestational age. This in vivo study reflects the fact that the mid-fetal period hosts events that cause the architecture of the brain circuitry to mature, which presumably manifests in increasing strength of intra- and interhemispheric functional macro connectivity.Seventh Framework Programme (European Commission) (KHRESMOI Project

    White and grey matter development in utero assessed using motion-corrected diffusion tensor imaging and its comparison to ex utero measures

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    Fetal brain diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) offers quantitative analysis of the developing brain. The objective was to 1) quantify DTI measures across gestation in a cohort of fetuses without brain abnormalities using full retrospective correction for fetal head motion 2) compare results obtained in utero to those in preterm infants. Motion-corrected DTI analysis was performed on data sets obtained at 1.5T from 32 fetuses scanned between 21.29 and 37.57 (median 31.86) weeks. Results were compared to 32 preterm infants scanned at 3T between 27.43 and 37.14 (median 33.07) weeks. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA) were quantified by region of interest measurements and tractography was performed. Fetal DTI was successful in 84% of fetuses for whom there was sufficient data for DTI estimation, and at least one tract could be obtained in 25 cases. Fetal FA values increased and ADC values decreased with age at scan (PLIC FA: p = 0.001; R  = 0.469; slope = 0.011; splenium FA: p < 0.001; R  = 0.597; slope = 0.019; thalamus ADC: p = 0.001; R  = 0.420; slope = - 0.023); similar trends were found in preterm infants. This study demonstrates that stable DTI is feasible on fetuses and provides evidence for normative values of diffusion properties that are consistent with aged matched preterm infants

    Development of white matter microstructure and executive functions during childhood and adolescence: a review of diffusion MRI studies

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    Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) provides indirect measures of white matter microstructure that can be used to make inferences about structural connectivity within the brain. Over the last decade, a growing literature of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have documented relationships between dMRI indices and cognitive development. In this review, we provide a brief overview of dMRI methods and how they can be used to study white matter and connectivity and review the extant literature examining the links between dMRI indices and executive functions during development. We explore the links between white matter microstructure and specific executive functions: inhibition, working memory and cognitive shifting, as well as performance on complex executive function tasks. Concordance in findings across studies are highlighted, and potential explanations for discrepancies between results, together with challenges with using dMRI in child and adolescent populations, are discussed. Finally, we explore future directions that are necessary to better understand the links between child and adolescent development of structural connectivity of the brain and executive functions

    Fiber Pathways for Language in the Developing Brain: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Study

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    The present study characterized two fiber pathways important for language, the superior longitudinal fasciculus/arcuate fasciculus (SLF/AF) and the frontal aslant tract (FAT), and related these tracts to speech, language, and literacy skill in children five to eight years old. We used Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) to characterize the fiber pathways and administered several language assessments. The FAT was identified for the first time in children. Results showed no age-related change in integrity of the FAT, but did show age-related change in the left (but not right) SLF/AF. Moreover, only the integrity of the right FAT was related to phonology but not audiovisual speech perception, articulation, language, or literacy. Both the left and right SLF/AF related to language measures, specifically receptive and expressive language, and language content. These findings are important for understanding the neurobiology of language in the developing brain, and can be incorporated within contemporary dorsal-ventral-motor models for language

    An ode to fetal, infant, and toddler neuroimaging: chronicling early clinical to research applications with MRI, and an introduction to an academic society connecting the field

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    Fetal, infant, and toddler neuroimaging is commonly thought of as a development of modern times (last two decades). Yet, this field mobilized shortly after the discovery and implementation of MRI technology. Here, we provide a review of the parallel advancements in the fields of fetal, infant, and toddler neuroimaging, noting the shifts from clinical to research use, and the ongoing challenges in this fast-growing field. We chronicle the pioneering science of fetal, infant, and toddler neuroimaging, highlighting the early studies that set the stage for modern advances in imaging during this developmental period, and the large-scale multi-site efforts which ultimately led to the explosion of interest in the field today. Lastly, we consider the growing pains of the community and the need for an academic society that bridges expertise in developmental neuroscience, clinical science, as well as computational and biomedical engineering, to ensure special consideration of the vulnerable mother-offspring dyad (especially during pregnancy), data quality, and image processing tools that are created, rather than adapted, for the young brain.UL1 TR001863 - NCATS NIH HHS; R01 MH117983 - NIMH NIH HHS; K24 MH127381 - NIMH NIH HHS; UL1 TR001873 - NCATS NIH HHS; TL1 TR001875 - NCATS NIH HHS; T32 MH018268 - NIMH NIH HHS; ZIA MH002782 - Intramural NIH HHS; UL1 TR003015 - NCATS NIH HHS; KL2 TR003016 - NCATS NIH HHS; R01 HD065762 - NICHD NIH HHS; R03 EB022754 - NIBIB NIH HHS; R21 HD095338 - NICHD NIH HHS; R01 HD093578 - NICHD NIH HHS; R01 HD099846 - NICHD NIH HHS; R01 HD100560 - NICHD NIH HHSPublished versio

    Interactive histogenesis of axonal strata and proliferative zones in the human fetal cerebral wall

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    Development of the cerebral wall is characterized by partially overlapping histogenetic events. However, little is known with regards to when, where, and how growing axonal pathways interact with progenitor cell lineages in the proliferative zones of the human fetal cerebrum. We analyzed the developmental continuity and spatial distribution of the axonal sagittal strata (SS) and their relationship with proliferative zones in a series of human brains (8-40 post-conceptional weeks; PCW) by comparing histological, histochemical, and immunocytochemical data with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Between 8.5 and 11 PCW, thalamocortical fibers from the intermediate zone (IZ) were initially dispersed throughout the subventricular zone (SVZ), while sizeable axonal "invasion" occurred between 12.5 and 15 PCW followed by callosal fibers which "delaminated" the ventricular zone-inner SVZ from the outer SVZ (OSVZ). During midgestation, the SS extensively invaded the OSVZ, separating cell bands, and a new multilaminar axonal-cellular compartment (MACC) was formed. Preterm period reveals increased complexity of the MACC in terms of glial architecture and the thinning of proliferative bands. The addition of associative fibers and the formation of the centrum semiovale separated the SS from the subplate. In vivo MRI of the occipital SS indicates a "triplet" structure of alternating hypointense and hyperintense bands. Our results highlighted the developmental continuity of sagittally oriented "corridors" of projection, commissural and associative fibers, and histogenetic interaction with progenitors, neurons, and glia. Histogenetical changes in the MACC, and consequently, delineation of the SS on MRI, may serve as a relevant indicator of white matter microstructural integrity in the developing brain