3 research outputs found


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    Union-Find (or Disjoint-Set Union) is one of the fundamental problems in computer science; it has been well-studied from both theoretical and practical perspectives in the sequential case. Recently, there has been mounting interest in analyzing this problem in the concurrent scenario, and several asymptotically-efficient algorithms have been proposed. Yet, to date, there is very little known about the practical performance of concurrent Union-Find. This work addresses this gap. We evaluate and analyze the performance of several concurrent Union-Find algorithms and optimization strategies across a wide range of platforms (Intel, AMD, and ARM) and workloads (social, random, and road networks, as well as integrations into more complex algorithms). We first observe that, due to the limited computational cost, the number of induced cache misses is the critical determining factor for the performance of existing algorithms. We introduce new techniques to reduce this cost by storing node priorities implicitly and by using plain reads and writes in a way that does not affect the correctness of the algorithms. Finally, we show that Union-Find implementations are an interesting application for Transactional Memory (TM): one of the fastest algorithm variants we discovered is a sequential one that uses coarse-grained locking with the lock elision optimization to reduce synchronization cost and increase scalability

    Provably-Efficient and Internally-Deterministic Parallel Union-Find

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    Determining the degree of inherent parallelism in classical sequential algorithms and leveraging it for fast parallel execution is a key topic in parallel computing, and detailed analyses are known for a wide range of classical algorithms. In this paper, we perform the first such analysis for the fundamental Union-Find problem, in which we are given a graph as a sequence of edges, and must maintain its connectivity structure under edge additions. We prove that classic sequential algorithms for this problem are well-parallelizable under reasonable assumptions, addressing a conjecture by [Blelloch, 2017]. More precisely, we show via a new potential argument that, under uniform random edge ordering, parallel union-find operations are unlikely to interfere: TT concurrent threads processing the graph in parallel will encounter memory contention O(T2logVlogE)O(T^2 \cdot \log |V| \cdot \log |E|) times in expectation, where E|E| and V|V| are the number of edges and nodes in the graph, respectively. We leverage this result to design a new parallel Union-Find algorithm that is both internally deterministic, i.e., its results are guaranteed to match those of a sequential execution, but also work-efficient and scalable, as long as the number of threads TT is O(E13ε)O(|E|^{\frac{1}{3} - \varepsilon}), for an arbitrarily small constant ε>0\varepsilon > 0, which holds for most large real-world graphs. We present lower bounds which show that our analysis is close to optimal, and experimental results suggesting that the performance cost of internal determinism is limited

    ConnectIt: A Framework for Static and Incremental Parallel Graph Connectivity Algorithms

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    Connected components is a fundamental kernel in graph applications due to its usefulness in measuring how well-connected a graph is, as well as its use as subroutines in many other graph algorithms. The fastest existing parallel multicore algorithms for connectivity are based on some form of edge sampling and/or linking and compressing trees. However, many combinations of these design choices have been left unexplored. In this paper, we design the ConnectIt framework, which provides different sampling strategies as well as various tree linking and compression schemes. ConnectIt enables us to obtain several hundred new variants of connectivity algorithms, most of which extend to computing spanning forest. In addition to static graphs, we also extend ConnectIt to support mixes of insertions and connectivity queries in the concurrent setting. We present an experimental evaluation of ConnectIt on a 72-core machine, which we believe is the most comprehensive evaluation of parallel connectivity algorithms to date. Compared to a collection of state-of-the-art static multicore algorithms, we obtain an average speedup of 37.4x (2.36x average speedup over the fastest existing implementation for each graph). Using ConnectIt, we are able to compute connectivity on the largest publicly-available graph (with over 3.5 billion vertices and 128 billion edges) in under 10 seconds using a 72-core machine, providing a 3.1x speedup over the fastest existing connectivity result for this graph, in any computational setting. For our incremental algorithms, we show that our algorithms can ingest graph updates at up to several billion edges per second. Finally, to guide the user in selecting the best variants in ConnectIt for different situations, we provide a detailed analysis of the different strategies in terms of their work and locality