385,795 research outputs found

    An evaluation of electronic individual peer assessment in an introductory programming course

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    [Abstract]: Peer learning is a powerful pedagogical practice delivering improved outcomes over conventional teacher-student interactions while offering marking relief to instructors. Peer review enables learning by requiring students to evaluate the work of others. PRAISE is an on-line peer-review system that facilitates anonymous review and delivers prompt feedback from multiple sources. This study is an evaluation of the use of PRAISE in an introductory programming course. Use of the system is examined and attitudes of novice programmers towards the use of peer review are compared to those of students from other disciplines, raising a number of interesting issues. Recommendations are made to introductory programming instructors who may be considering peer review in assignments

    Positive reinforcement in probation practice:The practice and dilemmas of praise

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    Positive reinforcement is a key part of probation practice, and linked to client desistance from offending. The main way practitioners positively reinforce clients’ prosocial comments or behaviours is through praising them. However, praise is tricky in interaction, as people are under pressure to accept the positive assessment whilst also avoiding self-praise. Applying conversation analysis to 21 video recordings of probation sessions originally collected for the Jersey Supervision Skills Study, we examine how this important aspect of probation features and functions in practice, and how clients respond. Our analysis shows how practitioners and clients manage the practice and dilemmas of praise

    Positive reinforcement in probation practice: The practice and dilemmas of praise

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    Positive reinforcement is a key part of probation practice, and linked to client desistance from offending. The main way practitioners positively reinforce clients’ prosocial comments or behaviours is through praising them. However, praise is tricky in interaction, as people are under pressure to accept the positive assessment whilst also avoiding self-praise. Applying conversation analysis to 21 video recordings of probation sessions originally collected for the Jersey Supervision Skills Study, we examine how this important aspect of probation features and functions in practice, and how clients respond. Our analysis shows how practitioners and clients manage the practice and dilemmas of praise

    Self-praise and dramatic patronage: the practice of dedications in the Restoration theatre

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    La práctica de las dedicatorias fue especialmente profusa en las publicaciones teatrales en la segunda mitad del XVII en Inglaterra. El apoyo de los poderosos era primordial, dada la precaria situación de los dramaturgos profesionales. Sus honorarios consistían únicamente en las ganancias de la tercera función y el pago por los derechos de publicación. Las dedicatorias ofrecían a los autores la ocasión de afianzar la relación de mecenazgo haciéndola pública, obtener nuevos beneficios, incrementar su prestigio, o incluso tratar de paliar la falta de éxito escénico. El presente trabajo analiza una de las estrategias más utilizadas con este fin, el recurso al autoelogio, abordando la mención de alabanzas y favores recibidos ya sea del dedicatario o de otras personas influyentes.The practice of dedications was widespread in printed playtexts during the second half of the 17th century in England. The support of the great was paramount, given the precarious situation of professional playwrights. Their earnings consisted only in the third-night benefit and the payment for publication rights. Dedications afforded authors an occasion to cement patronage relations by making them public, derive new profits, enhance their prestige, or even try to compensate for the lack of success on the stage. The present work analyses one of the strategies most often employed for this purpose in dedicatory epistles, the resort to self-praise, focusing on references to acclaim and marks of favour shown by either the dedicatee or other influential people

    Is a Perfect God Worthy of Our Praise?

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    This project examines the Judeo-Christian notion of God’s essential perfection as a problem for God’s praiseworthiness. Granted that God cannot commit any action less perfect than what God performs, God seems to lack the freedom to be responsible and is thus rendered ineligible for praise. In exploring another kind of responsibility, I argue that an essentially perfect God can be considered responsible in another sense, which may warrant at least one form of praise-practice: a praise that simply acknowledges expression of the Good

    Praise in the Elementary Classroom: The Teacher’s Perspective

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    While words of encouragement from teachers may seem innocuous on the surface, the practice may have hidden costs (Kohn, 1993). Although effective in the short-run, the use of extrinsic motivators, such as praise, has been shown to have an undermining effect on long-term motivation to learn (Deci & Ryan, 2000). Mindful of the fact that academic intrinsic motivation decreases from ages 9-18 (Gottfried & Gottfried, 1996, 2006), the present study sought to gain insight into the phenomenon of classroom praise from the perspective of 105 elementary teachers, revealing their explanation and justification for this practice. Although research has documented the effects of praise in the school setting (Deci & Ryan, 2000; Kohn, 1993; Reeve, 2006), there have been few accounts of how and why teachers administer praise. The realities of the elementary classroom, including student discipline, standardized curriculum, and high-stakes testing, provide context for understanding the implementation of systems of incentives. While the open-ended descriptions of motivational techniques are insightful in their own right, the teachers’ explanations and justification for these approaches represent a philosophy of education, one that both reflects and shapes our culture

    Apology of poetics

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    The article deals with Edward Balcerzan’s book called Pochwała poezji (Praise of poetry ) (Mikoł.w 2013). The author discusses it in the context of modern academic writing, as well as in relation to tradition and today’s autobiographical practice, but above all shows what task does structuralist poetics accomplish and how it influences the interpretation of a literary work.The article deals with Edward Balcerzan’s book called Pochwała poezji (Praise of poetry ) (Mikoł.w 2013). The author discusses it in the context of modern academic writing, as well as in relation to tradition and today’s autobiographical practice, but above all shows what task does structuralist poetics accomplish and how it influences the interpretation of a literary work

    Evaluating the Effects of an Independent versus Interdependent Reinforcement Contingency on Teachers\u27 Use of Behavior Specific Praise

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    The present study sought to evaluate the effects of two reinforcement contingencies on the use of behavior specific praise in the classroom setting. An alternating treatments design was used to rapidly evaluate the effects of both an independent and interdependent paired contingency to increase frequency of behavior specific praise delivery. Four general education elementary school teachers and their students participated. Teachers’ use of behavior specific and general praise, as well as, behavior specific and general reprimands were evaluated during baseline and treatment phases. Data were also collected on students’ levels of academic and disruptive behaviors. Both the independent and interdependent conditions resulted in higher frequencies of behavior specific praise and reduced use of reprimands, both general and behavior specific. Student levels of academic behavior increased while disruption decreased across both contingencies. Results of the present study are discussed in terms of related literature and implications for applied practice

    Every Remembrance of You

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    “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,” (Philippians 1:3, NKJV) Although Paul was in prison, he never neglected the practice of praise

    Effects of effort praise on struggling Filipino ESL readers’ motivation and mindset

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    Previous research on praising students to improve their motivation and their mindset had mixed results. This inconsistency was the impetus for this paper. The present study employed a mixed-method experimental design to examine the effects of effort praise on reading motivation and mindset of 60 Filipino seventh-grade students who were categorized as frustration-level readers. They studied English as a second language (ESL) where they were expected to comprehend various texts with appropriate reading styles based on the Grade 7 curriculum guide of the Department of Education in the Philippines. Using the Implicit Theory Scale (Dweck et al., 1995), the study found that effort praise led students in the positive rule group to endorse a growth mindset, while the students in the inverse rule group adopted a fixed mindset after receiving effort praise. Moreover, although it may increase reading motivation, the positive effect of effort praise on struggling ESL readers with fixed and growth mindsets may be short-term. This paper concludes with a schematic diagram to illustrate and explain how effort praise affects the mindset and the motivation of struggling ESL adolescents in reading. It also provides practical recommendations to improve reading teachers’ practice of giving positive feedback, specifically effort praise