15 research outputs found

    Designing for a Moving Target

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    Designing for a Moving Target

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    Medienkombinatorik für selektive Interface-Kulturen: Alternativen zu Paradigmen-geleiteten HCI-Entwicklungen

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    "Die langjährige Beschäftigung mit der Geschichte und Gegenwart von Interfaces und Interaktionsstilen von Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken in der Forschung und vor allem in der Lehre in der Elektrotechnik und Informatik vermittelte mir Einsichten, die die meist nur mit kurzen Zeithorizonten arbeitenden technisch-wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen nicht bieten. Die Langzeitperspektive ermöglicht konkretere Einblicke in die spezifische Entwicklungsdynamik von Bedienphilosophien und Bauweisen der Interfaces als die in der Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) stark verbreiteten schematischen Entwicklungsphasenmodelle. Denn die HCI ist eine von vielen Faktoren abhängige Gestaltungsdisziplin, die weder einem szientistischen Stufenkonzept folgt noch einer klar definierbaren technischen, ökonomischen, sozialen oder kulturellen Eigenlogik unterliegt. Betrachtet man dagegen Positionspapiere der HCICommunity auf Fachtagungen und theoretische Grundsatzartikel in den Fachzeitschriften über einen längeren Zeitraum, so zeigt sich sehr deutlich, dass Erweiterungen des Designraums der HCI regelmäßig zu Neuformulierungen von Entwicklungsgesetzen führen, die die neue modale Qualität als logischen nächsten Schritt oder gar Zielpunkt der Entwicklung deklarieren (vgl hierzu Hellige 2008b, Kap. 1). Ich werde dies in einem ersten Abschnitt anhand von früheren und aktuellen Beispielen demonstrieren und dabei zugleich in einem Zeitraffer den Wandel der Entwicklungsschwerpunkte der HCI skizzieren. Im zweiten Abschnitt möchte ich dann zeigen, dass Entwicklungsrichtungen in der HCI durchaus widersprüchlich sind, so dass von einer verbindlichen Entwicklungslogik nicht die Rede sein kann. Vielmehr mischen neue Interfaces und Medien den jeweiligen technischen Mix neu auf, sie setzen die bestehenden Interface- und Medienkulturen aber nicht außer Kraft. Im dritten Abschnitt wird anstelle des Denkens in Phasenmodellen und vorgegebenen Entwicklungsrichtungen eine medienkombinatorische Betrachtungsweise empfohlen und in Ansätzen vorgeführt. Der letzte Abschnitt stellt aufschlussreiche Beispiele von auf universellen HCI-Paradigmen basierenden und medienkombinatorisch angelegten Design-Konzepten gegenüber." (Autorenreferat

    Structured approaches to interaction design : a way to bridge the gap between the results of foundational user research and the final design of a user interface

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    The present manuscript-based doctoral thesis addresses the question of how approaches to interaction design can be made more structured. This is an attempt to make it more transparent how one can come to a final design of a user interface starting from the results of foundational user research. The results of this analysis can help designers to work very systematic at times, to better reflect on their own idiosyncratic design process “on the job”, or to learn interaction design in the first place. In user-centered design (UCD) there are lifecycles and methods that already provide a certain degree of structuring with the discrimination of different phases etc. But they leave open some gaps here and there. This work is an attempt to close some of the gaps and bring closer together these individual methods. Interaction design patterns are a way to describe solutions to problems in designing user in-terfaces in a very systematic way. However, pattern libraries usually are far from complete. They mostly lack patterns to support the early phases of interaction design and therefore they do usually not link to the abstract models of conceptual design. The third manuscript describes an organizational scheme for interaction design patterns to support the process of implementing a complete pattern language covering all the different levels of the solution domain. The scheme has been found by analyzing several established UCD lifecycles and it has been evaluated by organizing all the individual patterns of several public pattern libraries into it. The first manuscript describes a process of systematically building up a pattern language alongside of a redesign project of a complex application in a corporate environment. The second manuscript describes how patterns have been evaluated in the aforementioned project, when there were several different solutions for one problem. This is shown with two interaction design patterns for the problem of making required input fields visible to users. The fourth manuscript is an attempt to bring together the idea of a complete pattern language, as a description of the solution domain of interaction design, with the different parts of the problem domain. Therefore, the same UCD lifecycles (as in the third manuscript) have been analyzed to find a universal structure of the problem domain. Then all the mappings between the individual parts of the two domains have been described in order to link the two domains in this direct way. Another way of looking at the gap between the problem domain and the solution domain is by seeing it as a distance of levels of abstraction between results of foundational user research and the final user interface. From this point of view a bridging of the gap can be seen in different intermediate representations (abstract models, sketches, and prototypes) and linking them together in a coherent way. These different ways of bridging the gap between foundational user research and the final design of a user interface can be seen as cognitive artifacts to foster problem solving and learning of interaction designers

    Architectural memorialisation of war: ars memoriae and landscape of Gallipoli Battles

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    Thesis (Doctoral)--İzmir Institute Of Technology, Architecture, İzmir, 2008Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 244-263)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxiii, 263 leavesThis dissertation examines the change in the understanding of memorial architecture through an analysis of different attitudes to commemorate Dardanelles Campaign in the boundaries of Gallipoli Peninsula National and Historical (Peace) Park. Memorialisation process at the Peninsula, which has continued from the end of the war onwards (1916), has undergone a transformation from traditional to counter approaches pivoted on the Gallipoli Peace Park International Ideas and Design Competition. Parallel to the changes in memorial architecture in the world, the approach of erecting a conventional dominant monument to exalt suffering and to glorify death has superseded by the approach of highlighting the war remains and the memory of battlefields to protest the warfare. In this process, not only the function and the form of memorials but also remembering proposed to individuals by memorialisation have changed. This dissertation questions the pre-suppositions of traditional and counter memorial architecture with a new method of analysis. This method is derived from classical memorising technique of ars memoriae (the art of memory). By means of this method, this dissertation analyses war memorials in the battlefields of Gallipoli aiming at revealing similarities and disparities among different memorialisation approaches.Keywords: memory, collective remembering, war memorial, counter-monument, art of memory (ars memoriae), Dardanelles Campaign, Gallipoli Peninsula

    The Pneuma Network: Transnational Pentecostal Print Culture In The United States And South Africa, 1906-1948

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    Exploding on the American scene in 1906, Pentecostalism became arguably the most influential religious phenomenon of the twentieth century. Sparked by the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, the movement grew rapidly throughout the United States and garnered global momentum. This study investigates the original Los Angeles Apostolic Faith Mission and the subsequent extension of the mission to South Africa through an examination of periodicals, mission records, and personal documents. Using the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa as a case study, this study measures the significance of print media in the emergence and evolution of the early Pentecostal movement. Based on historical analysis of more than 260 issues of the mission’s periodical, “The Comforter and Messenger of Hope,” this dissertation demonstrates how the publication served a variety of functions critical to the establishment of Pentecostalism in South Africa. As a work of cultural history, it situates the periodical within larger trends in South African culture and society. It illustrates how the periodical functioned simultaneously at the local and international level to standardize Pentecostal discourse and formulate an early Pentecostal identity. Finally, this dissertation argues that Pentecostal periodicals formed a transnational network of Pentecostal thought, connections, and support in the early twentieth century that influenced the development of Pentecostalism in the South African context

    The impact of Edward Perry Warren on the study and collections of Greek and Roman antiquities in American academia.

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    This dissertation assesses the influence of Edward Perry Warren (1860- 1928) on the development of collegiate collections of Greek and Roman art and the rise of art history and archaeology in elite academic institutions in the United States. It employs archival research to explore Warren\u27s motivations for acquiring thousands of antiquities which he sold or gave to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and six collegiate museums and study collections. Organized into six chapters, this multidisciplinary dissertation describes Warren\u27s roles at these institutions. It highlights antiquities that have figured prominently in scholarship and that demonstrate the range and variety of his collecting tastes. In the first three chapters, the dissertation places Warren\u27s collecting in light of its social, economic, intellectual, and cultural backdrop and considers how Warren both reflects and diverges from his family\u27s values. It also weighs how Warren\u27s sexuality impacted his collecting tastes and resulted in the establishment of his antiquities emporium in Lewes, England. It chronicles his partnership with John Marshall, Edward Robinson, and John Davidson Beazley and ascertains what is known about his relationships with those who established the classical collections at Harvard, Bowdoin, the University of Pennsylvania, Bryn Mawr, the University of Chicago, and the Rhode Island School of Design. Chapters 4,5, and 6 function as a selective catalogue of Warren\u27s antiquities, organized by medium. Chapter 4 is devoted to a discussion of how the Greek vases and other ceramic antiquities he obtained for American collections have been pivotal in developing the American scholarship on these objects. Chapter 5 considers the impact of Warren\u27s collecting on Greek numismatics as well as on ancient gems, jewelry, ivory, and glass. Chapter 6 features bronze and stone antiquities that illustrate his connoisseurial acumen. This dissertation argues that the collecting of Edward Perry Warren is essential to understanding the rise of art history and archaeology as academic disciplines in the United States. Antiquities that he obtained for American collections continue to figure prominently in the scholarship and exhibitions focusing on Greek and Roman material culture and social history

    Mjerenje uspješnosti interaktivnih mobilnih informacijskih sustava na osobnoj razini upotrebe

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    Information technology is not only crucial for the success of commercial business, but also an important part of individuals daily activities. There are many technological solutions used to make our life easier. However, not every technological solution is successful. The research into the meaning of success regarding the interactive mobile information systems, benefits both science and industry. This dissertation deals with the improvements to the DeLone and McLean information systems success model and proposes new success dimensions, as well as relationships between these dimensions, in order to explain the success of todays interactive mobile information systems that are used at the individual level (e.g. for entertainment, informationseeking, communication, etc.). The main contributions of this thesis are a valid and reliable measuringinstrument questionnaire, and a valid and reliable multi-dimensional interactive mobile information systems success model. Both developed artefacts are results of the application of the design science methodology and represent valuable toolsthat serve both science and practice. Scientists can use these artefacts as a theoretical basis for similar studies, while providers of interactive mobile information systems can use these artefacts to measure the success of their products, in order to find out which features contribute to the perception of benefits as a result of system use in a greater or lesser degree, to detect whether users have the intention of system reuse, and use this information as a strategy for future system improvements.Informacijska tehnologija nije samo ključna za uspjeh komercijalnih poduzeća, već je također važan dio svakodnevnih aktivnosti pojedinaca. Postoji mnogo tehnoloških rješenja koje koristimo kako bismo si olakšali život. Međutim, nije svako tehnološko rješenje uspješno. Istraživanje što znači uspjeh u slučaju interaktivnih mobilnih informacijskih sustava, predstavlja korist ne samo za znanost već i za industriju. Disertacija se bavi unapređenjem DeLone i McLean modela uspješnosti informacijskih sustava i predlaže nove dimenzije uspješnosti kao i odnose između tih dimenzija kako bi se objasnila uspješnost današnjih interaktivnih mobilnih informacijskih sustava koji se koriste na individualnoj razini (npr. za zabavu, informiranje, komuniciranje itd.). Glavni doprinosi ove disertacije su valjan i pouzdan mjerni instrument upitnik te valjan i pouzdan višedimenzionalni model uspješnosti interaktivnih mobilnih informacijskih sustava. Oba razvijena artefakta nastala su kao rezultat primjene metodologije znanosti o dizajnu (engl. design science) te predstavljaju vrijedan alat koji služi znanosti i praksi. Znanstvenici mogu koristiti ove artefakte kao teorijske osnove za slična istraživanja, a pružatelji interaktivnih mobilnih informacijskih sustava primjenom ovih artefakata mogu izmjeriti uspješnost svojih proizvoda, otkriti koje značajke sustava više ili manje utječu na percepciju dobiti kao posljedicu upotrebe sustava, otkriti da li korisnici imaju namjeru nastaviti koristiti sustav, te koristiti ove informacije kao strategije za buduća poboljšanja sustava

    Mjerenje uspješnosti interaktivnih mobilnih informacijskih sustava na osobnoj razini upotrebe

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    Information technology is not only crucial for the success of commercial business, but also an important part of individuals daily activities. There are many technological solutions used to make our life easier. However, not every technological solution is successful. The research into the meaning of success regarding the interactive mobile information systems, benefits both science and industry. This dissertation deals with the improvements to the DeLone and McLean information systems success model and proposes new success dimensions, as well as relationships between these dimensions, in order to explain the success of todays interactive mobile information systems that are used at the individual level (e.g. for entertainment, informationseeking, communication, etc.). The main contributions of this thesis are a valid and reliable measuringinstrument questionnaire, and a valid and reliable multi-dimensional interactive mobile information systems success model. Both developed artefacts are results of the application of the design science methodology and represent valuable toolsthat serve both science and practice. Scientists can use these artefacts as a theoretical basis for similar studies, while providers of interactive mobile information systems can use these artefacts to measure the success of their products, in order to find out which features contribute to the perception of benefits as a result of system use in a greater or lesser degree, to detect whether users have the intention of system reuse, and use this information as a strategy for future system improvements.Informacijska tehnologija nije samo ključna za uspjeh komercijalnih poduzeća, već je također važan dio svakodnevnih aktivnosti pojedinaca. Postoji mnogo tehnoloških rješenja koje koristimo kako bismo si olakšali život. Međutim, nije svako tehnološko rješenje uspješno. Istraživanje što znači uspjeh u slučaju interaktivnih mobilnih informacijskih sustava, predstavlja korist ne samo za znanost već i za industriju. Disertacija se bavi unapređenjem DeLone i McLean modela uspješnosti informacijskih sustava i predlaže nove dimenzije uspješnosti kao i odnose između tih dimenzija kako bi se objasnila uspješnost današnjih interaktivnih mobilnih informacijskih sustava koji se koriste na individualnoj razini (npr. za zabavu, informiranje, komuniciranje itd.). Glavni doprinosi ove disertacije su valjan i pouzdan mjerni instrument upitnik te valjan i pouzdan višedimenzionalni model uspješnosti interaktivnih mobilnih informacijskih sustava. Oba razvijena artefakta nastala su kao rezultat primjene metodologije znanosti o dizajnu (engl. design science) te predstavljaju vrijedan alat koji služi znanosti i praksi. Znanstvenici mogu koristiti ove artefakte kao teorijske osnove za slična istraživanja, a pružatelji interaktivnih mobilnih informacijskih sustava primjenom ovih artefakata mogu izmjeriti uspješnost svojih proizvoda, otkriti koje značajke sustava više ili manje utječu na percepciju dobiti kao posljedicu upotrebe sustava, otkriti da li korisnici imaju namjeru nastaviti koristiti sustav, te koristiti ove informacije kao strategije za buduća poboljšanja sustava