90 research outputs found

    Prenatal determinants of early behavioral and cognitive development

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    Methodological considerations related to the epidemiologic study of birth outcomes: maternal ART use and adverse birth outcomes

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    Background A major factor contributing to continued high under-five mortality in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), is maternal HIV infection, which is associated with adverse birth outcomes such as preterm delivery (PTD), small-for-gestational age (SGA) and low birthweight (LBW) infants. Introduction of antiretroviral therapy (ART) during pregnancy has been a successful intervention for promotion of maternal and infant health, however it has also been linked to an increased risk of adverse birth outcomes. Consequently, the association between maternal ART use and these adverse outcomes is an important area of research in SSA which has the majority of pregnant women living with HIVand the highest rates of PTD, SGA and LBW infants. However, the current state of epidemiologic knowledge remains limited because most evidence on this association comes from observational studies, which have previously given inconsistent findings. Accordingly, the overarching aim of this PhD was to reliably quantify the relationship between maternal ART use and adverse birth outcomes, by addressing the role of methodological factors inherent in observational research in this association. Methods This research included pregnant women (aged ≥18 years) seeking antenatal care at a public sector midwife obstetric unit in Gugulethu (GMOU), Cape Town, enrolled into two separate dedicated research cohort studies. Enrolled women were followed-up during pregnancy and postpartum with their infants, with data obtained from study questionnaires, physical examinations and abstraction of clinical and obstetric records. In parallel, routine electronic data, linked across clinics and data sources were obtained for all pregnant women at the GMOU (pregnancy exposure registry (PER)) and across the Western Cape province (PHDC). Findings The incidence of gestational age (GA) based birth outcomes and the association between maternal ART use and these outcomes, was found to be substantially influenced by method of GA assessment used. While GA based on both last menstrual period (LMP) and measurement of symphysis fundal height (SFH) led to under and over estimation (relative to ultrasound), only LMP-based GA gave rise to a biased measure of association. Across data sources used in this research, an overall PTD incidence of 17% was observed which was lower than incidences observed in the pre-universal ART era. In the cohort studies, there was no significantly increased PTD risk in women living with HIV (compared to living without HIV), predominantly on the tenofovir + emtricitabine + efavirenz regimen. However, when assessed in the significantly larger population of pregnant women (PHDC), an increased PTD risk in women living with HIV was observed. There did not appear to be differences in PTD risk by ART status in the cohort studies or PER. However, across the province those initiating ART preconception were at increased PTD risk compared to those initiating during pregnancy. Blood pressure, particularly when assessed longitudinally played an important role in the association between maternal ART use and PTD, high normal and abnormal blood pressure trajectories associated with increased PTD risk. There did not appear to be any effect modification in the trajectory groups by HIV status for PTD. In the cohort study the overall incidence of SGA infants was 9%, with an increased SGA risk observed in women living with HIV compared to living without HIV. While no differences were observed in SGA risk by ART status, the highest risk was observed among women initiating in the second trimester. An overall LBW incidence of 13% was observed in the cohort study, with no differences observed in risk by HIV status or ART status. Blood pressure also played a role in the occurrence of LBW infants, with abnormal trajectories associated with increased LBW infant risk. Additionally, effect modification among women with abnormal trajectory groups, with women living without HIV at increased risk of LBW infants compared to women living HIV was observed. Finally, investigating this association using both cohort studies and population based electronic health care data proved to be valuable. The three data sources gave similar effect estimates, with varying levels of precision, and each with distinct but complementary benefits. The cohort studies and PER included smaller select groups of women and provided detailed investigation of risk factors that could impact the overall association. In contrast the provincial dataset, had limited risk factor data, but provided overall associations with the ability to detect subtle differences. Conclusion Reassuringly, the magnitude of difference in PTD risk by HIV status under policies of universal maternal ART use, appears to be smaller than in the past. Of concern, however, was the finding of increased SGA risk. Taken together, these findings highlight the need to improve mechanistic understanding of ART-mediated adverse birth outcomes, in order to ensure optimal maternal and infant outcomes. The methodological findings underscore the importance of considering the potential for bias related to selection and measurement when designing and/or evaluating findings from studies investigating this association and by extension other medications in pregnancy

    Bayesian Imputation of Missing Covariates

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    Missing values are a pervasive problem in almost all kinds of studies. In large cohort studies, the type of study most often conducted in the field of epidemiology, missing observations in covariates pose the major challenge. Since measurements are taken in an uncontrolled environment, typically many covariates need to be considered as potential confounders to filter out unwanted influences that environmental factors may have on the estimates of interest. Due to the large number of variables measured and the fact that measurement often relies on participants recalling and reporting detailed information, large proportions of missing data are common in these types of studies. In light of the above, the research that forms this thesis focuses on the analysis of incomplete cohort study data where missingness is in the covariates. We describe a fully Bayesian approach to analyse and impute data in this setting and discuss a number of naive and more sophisticated approaches to impute such data using multiple imputation with chained equations (MICE). The fully Bayesian approach is applied to multiple applications from the field of Epidemiology, and is further extended to settings with time-varying covariates, in which additional challenges, such as the functional form of the association between outcome and covariate and potential endogeneity arise. Moreover, the implementation of the fully Bayesian approach in the R package JointAI is described and illustrated by mean

    Haloacetic acids in public drinking water and risk of adverse birth outcomes in the Born in Bradford cohort

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    Disinfection of drinking water is vital to protect the public against disease. However disinfectants such as chlorine react with organic matter in drinking water to produce a wide range of chemical disinfection by-products (DBPs) of potential health concern including haloacetic acids (HAAs). This thesis is an epidemiologic analysis investigating the relationship between prenatal exposure to HAAs in drinking water and adverse birth outcomes in “Born in Bradford”, a large multi-ethnic prospective birth cohort study based in Bradford, England. It focuses on the understudied and as yet unregulated HAAs which are the second most prevalent class of chlorination DBPs in UK drinking waters. To assess exposure, area-level concentrations to three select HAAs (measured in drinking water samples newly collected for this study, modelled in time and space, and weighted to each cohort woman’s specific trimester of pregnancy by postcode of residence) were combined with individual water consumption information collected via questionnaire at recruitment to the cohort. Despite the benefits of state-of-the-art exposure metrics and a large sample size, this study does not find any significant patterns of association between prenatal exposure to HAAs and either birth weight, being born term low birth weight or small-for-gestational age. Water consumption over the course of late pregnancy was further studied in a subset of cohort women. A small but significant increase in water consumption was reported, bearing in mind that both behaviour change over the third trimester of pregnancy and measurement error likely contributed to this effect. This research addresses some of the limitations of previous DBP studies in terms of exposure assessment and birth outcome definitions, and uniquely evaluates the variability of individual water consumption over time. It also identifies areas for future research and examines the importance of HAAs and birth weight-based outcomes in the larger research context.Open Acces

    Determinants of brain health across the lifespan:Stress, mental health and mechanisms

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    Prenatal determinants of early behavioral and cognitive development

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