7 research outputs found

    Convolutional neural network (CNNs) based image diagnosis for failure analysis of power devices

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    An image diagnosis by deep learning was applied to failure analysis of power devices. A series of images during a process to failure by power cycling test was used for this method. The images were obtained by a scanning acoustic microscopy of our real-time monitoring system. An image classifier was designed based on a convolutional neural network (CNNs). A developed classifier successfully diagnosed input image into a normal device and an abnormal device. The accuracy of classification was improved by introducing a pre-training and an overlapping pooling into the system. A technique to extract a feature related a failure is essential for the failure analysis based on the real-time monitoring and the deep learning is one likely candidate for it

    Clasificación de lesiones en mamografías mediante una red neuronal convolucional

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    Breast cancer is one of the 2 most deadly cancers for women worldwide. This type of cancer is attributed to killing 411 000 people each year. Research has shown that early detection can improve survival rate in patients with breast cancer (Kamanger, 2006), which is why it is important to improve mammography Reading techniques in order to accurately diagnose patients...El cáncer de mama es el segundo causante de muerte por cáncer a nivel mundial. Aproximadamente 411 mil mujeres mueren por este cáncer al año (Kamanger, 2006). Se ha demostrado que la detección temprana de este cáncer incrementa la probabilidad de supervivencia del paciente de manera drástica..


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    Breast Cancer is a leading killer of women globally. It is a serious health concern caused by calcifications or abnormal tissue growth in the breast. Doing a screening and identifying the nature of the tumor as benign or malignant is important to facilitate early intervention, which drastically decreases the mortality rate. Usually, it uses ultrasound images, since they are easily accessible to most people and have no drawbacks as such, unlike in the other most famous screening technique of mammograms where in some cases you may not get a clear scan. In this thesis, the approach to this problem is to build a stacked model which makes predictions on the basis of the shape, pattern, and spread of the tumor. To achieve this, typical steps are pre-processing of images followed by segmentation of the image and classification. For pre-processing, the proposed approach in this thesis uses histogram equalization that helps in improving the contrast of the image, making the tumor stand out from its surroundings, and making it easier for the segmentation step. Through segmentation, the approach uses UNet architecture with a ResNet backbone. The UNet architecture is made specifically for biomedical imaging. The aim of segmentation is to separate the tumor from the ultrasound image so that the classification model can make its predictions from this mask. The metric result of the F1-score for the segmentation model turned out to be 97.30%. For classification, the CNN base model is used for feature extraction from provided masks. These are then fed into a network and the predictions are done. The base CNN model used is ResNet50 and the neural network used for the output layer is a simple 8-layer network with ReLU activation in the hidden layers and softmax in the final decision-making layer. The ResNet weights are initialized from training on ImageNet. The ResNet50 returns 2048 features from each mask. These are then fed into the network for decision-making. The hidden layers of the neural network have 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, and 10 neurons respectively. The classification accuracy achieved for the proposed model was 98.61% with an F1 score of 98.41%. The detailed experimental results are presented along with comparative data

    Improving the performance of machine learning classifiers for Breast Cancer diagnosis based on feature selection

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