53 research outputs found

    Simple Model Analysis and Performance Tuning of Hybrid TCP Congestion Control

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    Comparative Performance Testing of the Impact of ACK Loss in TCP Tahoe, TCP Reno, and TCP New Reno on the ns-2 Simulator

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    In TCP/IP networks, TCP provides reliable delivery service with the guarantee that packets sent reach their destination. This is achieved through the use of acknowledgments (ACK) as a mechanism. In TCP/IP networks, TCP provides reliable delivery service with the guarantee that packets sent reach their destination. This is achieved through the use of acknowledgments (ACK) as a mechanism. In all three variants of TCP, they rely on the presence of ACK packets. Therefore, testing will be conducted to observe the effect of ACK loss on TCP performance. The testing involves introducing disruptive traffic on the ACK path with varying magnitudes. This disruptive traffic results in the loss of some ACK packets, depending on the magnitude of the disruptive traffic. The testing was conducted using the ns-2 simulator software. The research findings indicate that the loss of ACK packets leads to a decrease in TCP performance. TCP Reno successfully improves the performance of TCP Tahoe, but the algorithm improvement in TCP New Reno does not have an effect on TCP Reno.

    TCP Performance Over Mobile IP Wired-cum-Wireless Networks

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    Reliable transport protocol like TCP has served well the wired Internet where the packet losses are mainly due to congestion but is not ready for Mobile IP wired-cum-wireless environments where the significant packet losses are due to bit errors and handoffs In this paper we have investigated the performance of TCP among the various TCP variants We have observed both TCP senders Newreno Vegas and TCP receivers Base Delayed-Ack Using ns-2 we have evaluated the TCP throughput and packet delay over a single TCP connection The simulation results suggest that a particular combination one TCP sender with one TCP receiver of TCP shows the best result in such Mobile IP network

    Performance of TCP variants over LTE network

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    One of the implementation of a wireless network is based on mobile broadband technology Long Term Evolution (LTE).LTE offers a variety of advantages, especially in terms of access speed, capacity, architectural simplicity and ease of implementation, as well as the breadth of choice of the type of user equipment (UE) that can establish the access.The majority of the Internet connections in the world happen using the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) due to the TCP’s reliability in transmitting packets in the network.TCP reliability lies in the ability to control the congestion.TCP was originally designed for wired media, but LTE connected through a wireless medium that is not stable in comparison to wired media.A wide variety of TCP has been made to produce a better performance than its predecessor. In this study, we simulate the performance provided by the TCP NewReno and TCP Vegas based on simulation using network simulator version 2 (ns2).The TCP performance is analyzed in terms of throughput, packet loss and end-to-end delay.In comparing the performance of TCP NewReno and TCP Vegas, the simulation result shows that the throughput of TCP NewReno is slightly higher than TCP Vegas, while TCP Vegas gives significantly better end-to-end delay and packet loss. The analysis of throughput, packet loss and end-to-end delay are made to evaluate the simulation

    Measuring Performance of Web Protocol with Updated Transport Layer Techniques for Faster Web Browsing

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    The author acknowledges the Electronics Research Group of University of Aberdeen, UK, for all the support in conducting these experiments. This research was completed as a part of the University of Aberdeen, dot.rural project. (EP/G066051/1).Publisher PD

    TCP/IP Protocol-Based Model for Increasing the Efficiency of Data Transfer in Computer Networks

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    This chapter provides solutions for increasing the efficiency of data transfer in modern computer network applications and computing network environments based on the TCP/IP protocol suite. In this work, an imitation model and simulation was used as the basic method in the research. A simulation model was developed for designing and analyzing the computer networks based on TCP/IP protocols suite which fully allows the exact features in realizing the protocols and their impact on increasing the efficiency of data transfer in local and corporate networks. The method of increasing efficiency in the performance of computer networks was offered, based on the TCP/IP protocols by perfection of the modes of data transfer in them. This allows an increased efficient usage of computer networks and network applications without additional expenditure on infrastructure of the network. Practically, the results obtained from this research enable significant increase in the performance efficiency of data transfer in the computer networks environment. An example is the “Donetsk National Technical University” network