10 research outputs found

    Guidelines of Assistive Courseware (AC) for hearing impaired students

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    This paper defines the disabilities and technologies suitable for the disabled which is called assistive technology (AT).Two types of AT are hardware-based and software-based. In this paper, the software-based is focused, specifically in the form of courseware which is referred to as assistive courseware (AC). With concerns to develop an AC for hearing impaired people, proper characteristics should be followed.The aim of this paper is to initiate a study to propose characteristics for developing AC for hearing-impaired (HI) people.This paper starts with an introduction containing the problem statement, scope, and the objective of the paper, followed with reviews of related literature, and methodology utilized which are adapted from the waterfall methodology.The characteristics and the prototype is outlined next, followed with some observation results whish show that the characteristics can make the HI students learn with the AC happily. The final part concludes this paper

    Developing the j-QAF e-Learning Application for Children on Islam Obligatory Duties (Fardhu Ain) under the Topic 'Ibadat'

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    Computer Aided Learning (CAL) has becomes the learning style at school and high institution. If before this, teachers used blackboard and text book, but nowadays teachers has been exposed with computer as an effective and interesting way. In Malaysia, utilization of computer was started in 1966, as long as it introduce,government try to apply it various field such as business, education, and life. Much effort has been done by government to increase the student skill in computer. In 1980’s, government was introduce computer club through the co curriculum activity at schools. In RMK-9, smart school project has been introduced by stages. It include three things, which is ICT hardware that supply to school, specific software and system application and also guidance for school admin, teacher, parent and community places. Learning through e-learning has been used at whole school in Malaysia either through CD ROM or online e-learning. The objective of this research is to help children understand the “ibadat” topic via j-QAF e-learning application. j-QAF e-learning application is developed by using dual coding theory by Paivio 1986,working memory theory by Baddley 1992 and cognitive load theory by Chanddler & Sweller 1991. In fact of design, multimedia learning theory by Richard Mayer has been used to make sure design of e-learning can be understood by children. All the theory are related each other to develop the j-QAF e-learning application. Dual coding theory explain that human brain in analyst information used two ways which is human’s process information through dual channels, one auditory and the other visual. So based on this theory, researcher has been developed e-learning with included two elements which is visual and verbal (auditory). It because according working memory theory human brain can actively process during learning process.But human brain can’t accept all the information that has been presented. So cognitive load theory has been used to assess that amount of information is limited to be process. Based on the three theories, so multimedia learning theory by Richard Mayer has been developed which is multimedia principle, spatial contiguity principle, temporal contiguity principle, Coherence Principle, Modality Principle,Redundancy Principle, and Individual Differences Principles which can balance the human brain. Evaluation session has been done at Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Kupang

    iMSL Interactive Malay Sign Language Courseware for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired

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    Malay Sign Language (MSL) or Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia is a language that has been used by the deaf people in Malaysia. The deaf and hearing-impaired people go to special schools to learn MSL. In current age, technology could be utilized for the purpose of providing MSL course for the hearing-impaired people and their stakeholders. With the provision of the technology based MSL course, learning MSL not only happen in schools, but also at home, or anywhere. This makes the learning activity pervasive. Based on that argument, this study aims at proposing a model for an interactive multimedia courseware which is called iMSL. Accordingly, this paper discusses the background concept for the needs and design of the iMSL. The objectives of the study include 1) To determine the interface necessity for the iMSL for the deaf and hearingimpaired, 2) To design and developed the iMSL, and 3) To evaluate the usefulness of iMSL through user testing. In accomplishing this study, Waterfall Methodology was adapted. There are involved three phase which are User Requirements, Prototype Development and finally the Testing and Evaluation phase. ADDIE Model also adapted in developing prototype of iMSL. The qualitative approaches such as observation and interview were conducted with four students in standard 1. The result of this study concluded that the technology based on courseware is an alternative tool that can be used to assist the learning process for the deaf and hearing-impaired students. It is easy to understand and help teacher to teach in interesting way

    Conceptual design model of interactive television advertising: towards influencing impulse purchase tendency

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    Previous research indicates the importance of content creation development in interactive television (iTV) advertising, which could bring the opportunities for advertisers to increase the effectiveness and interactivity of the iTV advertising. Impulse purchase is one of the important factors that influence consumers to purchase product. Previous studies revealed that impulse purchase behavior has been studied in different medium such as website, traditional television, and retail store. However, those studies are not dedicated to design models to increase impulse purchase tendency on iTV advertising. Hence, this study focuses on the development of a Conceptual Design Model of Interactive Television Advertising that could influence impulse purchase tendency. The model is shortnamed as iTVAdIP. Four (4) specific objectives were formulated: (i) to identify relevant impulse purchase components for iTV advertising, (ii) to develop a conceptual design model and a conformity tool of the iTVAdIP that embed impulse purchase tendency elements, (iii) to validate the proposed conceptual design model, and (iv) to measure the perceived influence of the conceptual design model elements on impulse purchase tendency. This study followed design science research methodology. The conceptual design model was validated through expert review. Then, an instrument was developed to measure the perceived influence of the conceptual design model. Eight dimensions were elicited from various relevant studies to form the instrument which are perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, clarity, flexibility, visibility, applicability, satisfaction and motivation. A total of 37 potential advertising designers participated in this study. The results show that all dimensions are significantly correlated to the overall perceived influence, and the mean score of the overall perceived influence is high. Therefore, it is concluded that the iTVAdIP conceptual design model with its proposed elements is perceived as able to influence impulse purchase tendency. The iTVAdIP conceptual design model together with the conformity tool are the main contributions of this study. Both can be adopted as impulse purchase design guidelines for the advertising designers particularly the novice ones

    A case study on collaboration with clients, in community interaction and learning design

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    Abstract In this paper the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Research Group reports on the pre-phase of an e-learning project, which was carried out in collaboration with the client. The project involved an initial exploration of the problem spaces, possibilities and challenges for an online accredited Continued Medical Education (CME) programme at the Lundbeck Institute. The CME programme aims at end-users, which are primarily general practitioners, but also specialists (psychiatrist and psychologists), from all over the world. The assumption was that it would be possible to identify and build on resources and competencies already existing in the client organisation. We asked: What is it we know? Uncovering the prerequisites and background of and with the client allowed us concurrently to identify: What do we not know? Working iteratively in collaboration with the client, allowed us to build on existing resources and networks, suggesting a design, which also included end-users community needs and work-context. Our argument is that if a preparation phase both seeks to confirm knowledge and contemplate what is not yet known, giving attention to the context and need of the client (i.e. not only end-users,) then it is possible to build on existing resources within the client organisation, leading to grounding of design decisions and a match between the e-learning environment designed and the capabilities of the client

    Improving Courseware Quality through Life-Cycle Encompassing Quality Assurance

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    The quality of courseware development is a#ected by four factors: content and instructional issues; management; technical and graphical issues; and concerns of the customer. In this paper we describe IntView, a courseware development method that integrates these four factors throughout the whole development life-cycle. By combining existing courseware quality assurance methodologies with software engineering techniques such as inspections and tests the interests of the participating roles are balanced. Both the IntView methodology and the quality assurance techniques are described and the results of some preliminary case studies are reported

    The synthesis of a unified pedagogy for the design and evaluation of e-learning software for high-school computing

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    In recent decades, several countries have applied a resurgent focus to high-school computer science in the hope that it will provide the foundations for strong and innovative national IT sectors. The UK is one example undertaking this transition, and experiencing the associated challenges placed on the teaching community. In parallel, recent years have seen a trend towards enriching education with digital resources, specifically e-learning software. This study offers a practical contribution to the computer science teaching community by supporting the provision of e-learning software, and hence the increased use of e-learning in high-school teaching. However, it recognises that there remains a concern over the inconsistent pedagogical quality of many e-learning implementations. To safeguard the pedagogical quality of e-learning software, this study offers a research contribution by defining: (1) a comprehensive set of pedagogical heuristics to inform the design of e-learning software; (2) an associated e-learning evaluation protocol to guide the evaluation and selection of e-learning software for use in schools; and in doing so, (3) contributes to the under-researched area of high- school computing pedagogy. The proposed pedagogy synthesises a vast body of knowledge on learning theories into a comprehensive, yet accessible, set of heuristics. These heuristics supplement existing literature by focusing more tightly and in depth on pedagogy, rather than usability. The pedagogy synthesises the following learning theories: constructivism, social constructivism, connectivism, and cognitive load, and additionally gives pedagogical focus to VARK learning styles, ARCS motivational design, collaborative learning, gamification, and computational thinking. The e-learning evaluation protocol builds upon existing best practice in evaluation procedures but is unique in its characteristics and focus. The study follows a rigorous three phase mixed methods exploratory design in which the e-learning pedagogy and evaluation protocol were explored and iteratively developed in concert with input and evaluation from education experts and teachers. In parallel, practice-based input was secured via student usage of prototype e-learning software designed in adherence to the pedagogy. The findings of this research offer preliminary validation of the appropriateness and comprehensiveness of the e- learning pedagogy, and the final phase demonstrates statistically significant learning increases based on student usage of the e-learning software prototype. Additionally, this research offers preliminary validation of the reliability and validity of the evaluation protocol. Building on the findings of this research, several possibilities are outlined to further empirically establish this research, or develop it further into new avenues