4 research outputs found

    Improving Skin Lesion Segmentation with Generative Adversarial Networks

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    This paper proposes a novel strategy that employs Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to augment data in the image segmentation field, and a Convolutional-Deconvolutional Neural Network (CDNN) to automatically generate lesion segmentation mask from dermoscopic images. Training the CDNN with our GAN generated data effectively improves the state-of-the-art

    Heartbeat Anomaly Detection using Adversarial Oversampling

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    Cardiovascular diseases are one of the most common causes of death in the world. Prevention, knowledge of previous cases in the family, and early detection is the best strategy to reduce this fact. Different machine learning approaches to automatic diagnostic are being proposed to this task. As in most health problems, the imbalance between examples and classes is predominant in this problem and affects the performance of the automated solution. In this paper, we address the classification of heartbeats images in different cardiovascular diseases. We propose a two-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network for classification after using a InfoGAN architecture for generating synthetic images to unbalanced classes. We call this proposal Adversarial Oversampling and compare it with the classical oversampling methods as SMOTE, ADASYN, and RandomOversampling. The results show that the proposed approach improves the classifier performance for the minority classes without harming the performance in the balanced classes

    Evaluation of the Classification Accuracy of the Kidney Biopsy Direct Immunofluorescence through Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Background and objectives: Immunohistopathology is an essential technique in the diagnostic workflow of a kidney biopsy. Deep learning is an effective tool in the elaboration of medical imaging. We wanted to evaluate the role of a convolutional neural network as a support tool for kidney immunofluorescence reporting. Design, setting, participants, & measurements: High-magnification ( 7400) immunofluorescence images of kidney biopsies performed from the year 2001 to 2018 were collected. The report, adopted at the Division of Nephrology of the AOU Policlinico di Modena, describes the specimen in terms of \u201cappearance,\u201d \u201cdistribution,\u201d \u201clocation,\u201d and \u201cintensity\u201d of the glomerular deposits identified with fluorescent antibodies against IgG, IgA, IgM, C1q and C3 complement fractions, fibrinogen, and \u3ba- and \u3bb-light chains. The report was used as ground truth for the training of the convolutional neural networks. Results: In total, 12,259 immunofluorescence images of 2542 subjects undergoing kidney biopsy were collected. The test set analysis showed accuracy values between 0.79 (\u201cirregular capillary wall\u201d feature) and 0.94 (\u201cfine granular\u201d feature). The agreement test of the results obtained by the convolutional neural networks with respect to the ground truth showed similar values to three pathologists of our center. Convolutional neural networks were 117 times faster than human evaluators in analyzing 180 test images. A web platform, where it is possible to upload digitized images of immunofluorescence specimens, is available to evaluate the potential of our approach. Conclusions: The data showed that the accuracy of convolutional neural networks is comparable with that of pathologists experienced in the field

    Augmenting data with GANs to segment melanoma skin lesions

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    [EN] This paper presents a novel strategy that employs Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to augment data in the skin lesion segmentation task, which is a fundamental first step in the automated melanoma detection process. The proposed framework generates both skin lesion images and their segmentation masks, making the data augmentation process extremely straightforward. In order to thoroughly analyze how the quality and diversity of synthetic images impact the efficiency of the method, we remodel two different well known GANs: a Deep Convolutional GAN (DCGAN) and a Laplacian GAN (LAPGAN). Experimental results reveal that, by introducing such kind of synthetic data into the training process, the overall accuracy of a state-of-the-art Convolutional/Deconvolutional Neural Network for melanoma skin lesion segmentation is increased.Pollastri, F.; Bolelli, F.; Paredes Palacios, R.; Grana, C. (2020). Augmenting data with GANs to segment melanoma skin lesions. 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In: OAGM & ARW Joint workshop 2017 on “vision, automation & robotics”. Verlag der Technischen Universität GrazPollastri F, Bolelli F, Grana C (2018) Improving skin lesion segmentation with generative adversarial networks. In: 31St international symposium on computer-based medical systemsRadford A, Metz L, Chintala S (2015) Unsupervised representation learning with deep convolutional generative adversarial networks,. arXiv: 1511.06434Ronneberger O, Fischer P, Brox T (2015) U-net: convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation. In: International conference on medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention. Springer, pp 234–241Springenberg JT (2015) Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning with categorical generative adversarial networks, arXiv: 1511.06390Yuan Y, Chao M, Lo YC (2017) Automatic skin lesion segmentation with fully convolutional-deconvolutional networks, arXiv: 1703.05165Zeiler MD, Taylor GW, Fergus R (2011) Adaptive deconvolutional networks for mid and high level feature learning. In: 2011 IEEE international conference on computer vision (ICCV). IEEE, pp 2018–2025Zheng Z, Zheng L, Yang Y (2017) Unlabeled samples generated by GAN improve the person re-identification baseline in vitro, vol 3. arXiv: 1701.0771