4 research outputs found

    Automatic Short Answer Grading Using Deep Learning

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    Under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional in-person teaching has undergone significant changes. Online courses become an essential education method. However, online teaching lacks adequate evaluation approaches. That\u27s why exams are still indispensable. However, grading short answer exam questions can be an onerous task. In this work, we propose a novel Automatic Short Answer Grading (ASAG) model based on the Sentence BERT model. On the Short Answer Scoring V2.0 dataset, our proposed model shows improvements on accuracy, Marco F1 score, and Weighted F1 score comparing to the results obtained from the BERT model. In addition, we also compare different task functions and different lengths of answers to further evaluate our model’s performance. A better result is achieved when using the regression task function. At the same time, we find that shorter answers’ result is better than the result obtained from longer answers

    La tecnología central detrás y más allá de ChatGPT: Una revisión exhaustiva de los modelos de lenguaje en la investigación educativa

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    ChatGPT has garnered significant attention within the education industry. Given the core technology behind ChatGPT is language model, this study aims to critically review related publications and suggest future direction of language model in educational research. We aim to address three questions: i) what is the core technology behind ChatGPT, ii) what is the state of knowledge of related research and iii) the potential research direction. A critical review of related publications was conducted in order to evaluate the current state of knowledge of language model in educational research. In addition, we further suggest a purpose oriented guiding framework for future research of language model in education. Our study promptly responded to the concerns raised by ChatGPT from the education industry and offers the industry with a comprehensive and systematic overview of related technologies. We believe this is the first time that a study has been conducted to systematically review the state of knowledge of language model in educational research. ChatGPT ha atraído una gran atención en el sector educativo. Dado que la tecnología central detrás de ChatGPT es el modelo de lenguaje, este estudio tiene como objetivo revisar críticamente publicaciones relacionadas y sugerir la dirección futura del modelo de lenguaje en la investigación educativa. Nuestro objetivo es abordar tres preguntas: i) cuál es la tecnología central detrás de ChatGPT, ii) cuál es el nivel de conocimiento de la investigación relacionada y iii) la dirección del potencial de investigación. Se llevó a cabo una revisión crítica de publicaciones relacionadas con el fin de evaluar el estado actual del conocimiento del modelo lingüístico en la investigación educativa. Además, sugerimos un marco rector para futuras investigaciones sobre modelos lingüísticos en educación. Nuestro estudio respondió rápidamente a las preocupaciones planteadas por el uso de ChatGPT en la industria educativa y proporciona a la industria una descripción general completa y sistemática de las tecnologías relacionadas. Creemos que esta es la primera vez que se realiza un estudio para revisar sistemáticamente el nivel de conocimiento del modelo lingüístico en la investigación educativa

    Survey on Automated Short Answer Grading with Deep Learning:from Word Embeddings to Transformers

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    Automated short answer grading (ASAG) has gained attention in education as a means to scale educational tasks to the growing number of students. Recent progress in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning has largely influenced the field of ASAG, of which we survey the recent research advancements. We complement previous surveys by providing a comprehensive analysis of recently published methods that deploy deep learning approaches. In particular, we focus our analysis on the transition from hand engineered features to representation learning approaches, which learn representative features for the task at hand automatically from large corpora of data. We structure our analysis of deep learning methods along three categories: word embeddings, sequential models, and attention-based methods. Deep learning impacted ASAG differently than other fields of NLP, as we noticed that the learned representations alone do not contribute to achieve the best results, but they rather show to work in a complementary way with hand-engineered features. The best performance are indeed achieved by methods that combine the carefully hand-engineered features with the power of the semantic descriptions provided by the latest models, like transformers architectures. We identify challenges and provide an outlook on research direction that can be addressed in the futur

    Short-text semantic similarity (STSS): Techniques, challenges and future perspectives

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    In natural language processing, short-text semantic similarity (STSS) is a very prominent field. It has a significant impact on a broad range of applications, such as question-answering systems, information retrieval, entity recognition, text analytics, sentiment classification, and so on. Despite their widespread use, many traditional machine learning techniques are incapable of identifying the semantics of short text. Traditional methods are based on ontologies, knowledge graphs, and corpus-based methods. The performance of these methods is influenced by the manually defined rules. Applying such measures is still difficult, since it poses various semantic challenges. In the existing literature, the most recent advances in short-text semantic similarity (STSS) research are not included. This study presents the systematic literature review (SLR) with the aim to (i) explain short sentence barriers in semantic similarity, (ii) identify the most appropriate standard deep learning techniques for the semantics of a short text, (iii) classify the language models that produce high-level contextual semantic information, (iv) determine appropriate datasets that are only intended for short text, and (v) highlight research challenges and proposed future improvements. To the best of our knowledge, we have provided an in-depth, comprehensive, and systematic review of short text semantic similarity trends, which will assist the researchers to reuse and enhance the semantic information.Yayasan UTP Pre-commercialization grant (YUTP-PRG) [015PBC-005]; Computer and Information Science Department of Universiti Teknologi PETRONASYayasan UTP, YUTP: 015PBC-00