6,323 research outputs found

    DMFSGD: A Decentralized Matrix Factorization Algorithm for Network Distance Prediction

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    The knowledge of end-to-end network distances is essential to many Internet applications. As active probing of all pairwise distances is infeasible in large-scale networks, a natural idea is to measure a few pairs and to predict the other ones without actually measuring them. This paper formulates the distance prediction problem as matrix completion where unknown entries of an incomplete matrix of pairwise distances are to be predicted. The problem is solvable because strong correlations among network distances exist and cause the constructed distance matrix to be low rank. The new formulation circumvents the well-known drawbacks of existing approaches based on Euclidean embedding. A new algorithm, so-called Decentralized Matrix Factorization by Stochastic Gradient Descent (DMFSGD), is proposed to solve the network distance prediction problem. By letting network nodes exchange messages with each other, the algorithm is fully decentralized and only requires each node to collect and to process local measurements, with neither explicit matrix constructions nor special nodes such as landmarks and central servers. In addition, we compared comprehensively matrix factorization and Euclidean embedding to demonstrate the suitability of the former on network distance prediction. We further studied the incorporation of a robust loss function and of non-negativity constraints. Extensive experiments on various publicly-available datasets of network delays show not only the scalability and the accuracy of our approach but also its usability in real Internet applications.Comment: submitted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking on Nov. 201

    Simultaneous Measurement Imputation and Outcome Prediction for Achilles Tendon Rupture Rehabilitation

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    Achilles Tendon Rupture (ATR) is one of the typical soft tissue injuries. Rehabilitation after such a musculoskeletal injury remains a prolonged process with a very variable outcome. Accurately predicting rehabilitation outcome is crucial for treatment decision support. However, it is challenging to train an automatic method for predicting the ATR rehabilitation outcome from treatment data, due to a massive amount of missing entries in the data recorded from ATR patients, as well as complex nonlinear relations between measurements and outcomes. In this work, we design an end-to-end probabilistic framework to impute missing data entries and predict rehabilitation outcomes simultaneously. We evaluate our model on a real-life ATR clinical cohort, comparing with various baselines. The proposed method demonstrates its clear superiority over traditional methods which typically perform imputation and prediction in two separate stages

    A Probabilistic Model for the Cold-Start Problem in Rating Prediction using Click Data

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    One of the most efficient methods in collaborative filtering is matrix factorization, which finds the latent vector representations of users and items based on the ratings of users to items. However, a matrix factorization based algorithm suffers from the cold-start problem: it cannot find latent vectors for items to which previous ratings are not available. This paper utilizes click data, which can be collected in abundance, to address the cold-start problem. We propose a probabilistic item embedding model that learns item representations from click data, and a model named EMB-MF, that connects it with a probabilistic matrix factorization for rating prediction. The experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed model is not only effective in recommending items with no previous ratings, but also outperforms competing methods, especially when the data is very sparse.Comment: ICONIP 201

    ACCAMS: Additive Co-Clustering to Approximate Matrices Succinctly

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    Matrix completion and approximation are popular tools to capture a user's preferences for recommendation and to approximate missing data. Instead of using low-rank factorization we take a drastically different approach, based on the simple insight that an additive model of co-clusterings allows one to approximate matrices efficiently. This allows us to build a concise model that, per bit of model learned, significantly beats all factorization approaches to matrix approximation. Even more surprisingly, we find that summing over small co-clusterings is more effective in modeling matrices than classic co-clustering, which uses just one large partitioning of the matrix. Following Occam's razor principle suggests that the simple structure induced by our model better captures the latent preferences and decision making processes present in the real world than classic co-clustering or matrix factorization. We provide an iterative minimization algorithm, a collapsed Gibbs sampler, theoretical guarantees for matrix approximation, and excellent empirical evidence for the efficacy of our approach. We achieve state-of-the-art results on the Netflix problem with a fraction of the model complexity.Comment: 22 pages, under review for conference publicatio

    Scalable and interpretable product recommendations via overlapping co-clustering

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    We consider the problem of generating interpretable recommendations by identifying overlapping co-clusters of clients and products, based only on positive or implicit feedback. Our approach is applicable on very large datasets because it exhibits almost linear complexity in the input examples and the number of co-clusters. We show, both on real industrial data and on publicly available datasets, that the recommendation accuracy of our algorithm is competitive to that of state-of-art matrix factorization techniques. In addition, our technique has the advantage of offering recommendations that are textually and visually interpretable. Finally, we examine how to implement our technique efficiently on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs).Comment: In IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 201