47 research outputs found

    The State of Network Neutrality Regulation

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    The Network Neutrality (NN) debate refers to the battle over the design of a regulatory framework for preserving the Internet as a public network and open innovation platform. Fueled by concerns that broadband access service providers might abuse network management to discriminate against third party providers (e.g., content or application providers), policymakers have struggled with designing rules that would protect the Internet from unreasonable network management practices. In this article, we provide an overview of the history of the debate in the U.S. and the EU and highlight the challenges that will confront network engineers designing and operating networks as the debate continues to evolve.BMBF, 16DII111, Verbundprojekt: Weizenbaum-Institut fĂźr die vernetzte Gesellschaft - Das Deutsche Internet-Institut; Teilvorhaben: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fĂźr Sozialforschung (WZB)EC/H2020/679158/EU/Resolving the Tussle in the Internet: Mapping, Architecture, and Policy Making/ResolutioNe

    Socio-geography of human mobility: a study using longitudinal mobile phone data

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    A relationship between people’s mobility and their social networks is presented based on an analysis of calling and mobility traces for one year of anonymized call detail records of over one million mobile phone users in Portugal. We find that about 80% of places visited are within just 20 km of their nearest (geographical) social ties’ locations. This figure rises to 90% at a ‘geo-social radius’ of 45 km. In terms of their travel scope, people are geographically closer to their weak ties than strong ties. Specifically, they are 15% more likely to be at some distance away from their weak ties than strong ties. The likelihood of being at some distance from social ties increases with the population density, and the rates of increase are higher for shorter geo-social radii. In addition, we find that area population density is indicative of geo-social radius where denser areas imply shorter radii. For example, in urban areas such as Lisbon and Porto, the geo-social radius is approximately 7 km and this increases to approximately 15 km for less densely populated areas such as Parades and Santa Maria da Feira

    Joint content placement and storage allocation based on federated learning in F-RANs

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    Funding: This work was supported in part by Innovation Project of the Common Key Technology of Chongqing Science and Technology Industry (cstc2018jcyjAX0383), the special fund of Chongqing key laboratory (CSTC), and the Funding of CQUPT (A2016-83, GJJY19-2-23, A2020-270).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Study on Large-scale Terrestrial Relaying of Satellite Broadcasted Real-time Multimedia Streams

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    none2The chapter describes an architecture to relay on demand a real-time IP multicast audio-video stream broadcasted by a satellite on a terrestrial link. The stream is received by suitably equipped sites and then relayed to other sites that are not equipped with satellite receiving hardware but are nonetheless willing to receive the stream. By exploiting the properties of satellite transmission and adopting a hybrid satellite/terrestrial, multicast/unicast approach, the described architecture allows to overcome the restrictions suffered by multicast traffic in the global Internet, allowing it to scale easily across autonomous systems. All things considered, the proposed architecture outlines a large-scale interactive audio-video distribution system similar to those based on Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) and it compares favourably with them when performances, costs and scalability are examined.openFranco Tommasi; Catiuscia MelleTommasi, Francesco; Melle, Catiusci

    UKAIRO: internet-scale bandwidth detouring

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    The performance of content distribution on the Internet is crucial for many services. While popular content can be delivered efficiently to users by caching it using content delivery networks, the distribution of less popular content is often constrained by the bandwidth of the Internet path between the content server and the client. Neither can influence the selected path and therefore clients may have to download content along a path that is congested or has limited capacity. We describe UKAIRO, a system that reduces Internet download times by using detour paths with higher TCP throughput. UKAIRO first discovers detour paths among an overlay network of potential detour hosts and then transparently diverts HTTP connections via these hosts to improve the throughput of clients downloading from content servers. Our evaluation shows that by performing infrequent bandwidth measurements between 50 randomly selected PlanetLab hosts, UKAIRO can identify and exploit potential detour paths that increase the median bandwidth to public Internet web servers by up to 80%

    Location privacy and public metadata in social media platforms: attitudes, behaviors and opinions

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    The highavailability of geolocation technologies is changing the social media mobile scenario and is exposing users to privacy risks. Different studies have focused on location privacy in the mobile scenario, but the results are conflicting: some say that users are concerned about location privacy, others say they are not. In this paper, we initially investigate attitudes and behaviors of people toward a location-aware scenario; then, we show users the amount of personal and sensitive data that can be extracted from contents publicly available in social platforms, and finally we ask for their opinions about a location-aware scenario. Results show that people who were not initially concerned about privacy are the most worried about the location-aware scenario; conversely, people who were initially concerned are less worried about the location-aware scenario and find the scenario interesting. A deeper analysis of the obtained results allows us to draw guidelines that might be helpful to build an effective location-aware scenario