359 research outputs found

    Web information search and sharing :

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲2735号 ; 学位の種類:博士(人間科学) ; 授与年月日:2009/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新493

    Improving Feature Selection Techniques for Machine Learning

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    As a commonly used technique in data preprocessing for machine learning, feature selection identifies important features and removes irrelevant, redundant or noise features to reduce the dimensionality of feature space. It improves efficiency, accuracy and comprehensibility of the models built by learning algorithms. Feature selection techniques have been widely employed in a variety of applications, such as genomic analysis, information retrieval, and text categorization. Researchers have introduced many feature selection algorithms with different selection criteria. However, it has been discovered that no single criterion is best for all applications. We proposed a hybrid feature selection framework called based on genetic algorithms (GAs) that employs a target learning algorithm to evaluate features, a wrapper method. We call it hybrid genetic feature selection (HGFS) framework. The advantages of this approach include the ability to accommodate multiple feature selection criteria and find small subsets of features that perform well for the target algorithm. The experiments on genomic data demonstrate that ours is a robust and effective approach that can find subsets of features with higher classification accuracy and/or smaller size compared to each individual feature selection algorithm. A common characteristic of text categorization tasks is multi-label classification with a great number of features, which makes wrapper methods time-consuming and impractical. We proposed a simple filter (non-wrapper) approach called Relation Strength and Frequency Variance (RSFV) measure. The basic idea is that informative features are those that are highly correlated with the class and distribute most differently among all classes. The approach is compared with two well-known feature selection methods in the experiments on two standard text corpora. The experiments show that RSFV generate equal or better performance than the others in many cases

    CEAI: CCM based Email Authorship Identification Model

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    In this paper we present a model for email authorship identification (EAI) by employing a Cluster-based Classification (CCM) technique. Traditionally, stylometric features have been successfully employed in various authorship analysis tasks; we extend the traditional feature-set to include some more interesting and effective features for email authorship identification (e.g. the last punctuation mark used in an email, the tendency of an author to use capitalization at the start of an email, or the punctuation after a greeting or farewell). We also included Info Gain feature selection based content features. It is observed that the use of such features in the authorship identification process has a positive impact on the accuracy of the authorship identification task. We performed experiments to justify our arguments and compared the results with other base line models. Experimental results reveal that the proposed CCM-based email authorship identification model, along with the proposed feature set, outperforms the state-of-the-art support vector machine (SVM)-based models, as well as the models proposed by Iqbal et al. [1, 2]. The proposed model attains an accuracy rate of 94% for 10 authors, 89% for 25 authors, and 81% for 50 authors, respectively on Enron dataset, while 89.5% accuracy has been achieved on authors' constructed real email dataset. The results on Enron dataset have been achieved on quite a large number of authors as compared to the models proposed by Iqbal et al. [1, 2]

    Text pre-processing of multilingual for sentiment analysis based on social network data

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    Sentiment analysis (SA) is an enduring area for research especially in the field of text analysis. Text pre-processing is an important aspect to perform SA accurately. This paper presents a text processing model for SA, using natural language processing techniques for twitter data. The basic phases for machine learning are text collection, text cleaning, pre-processing, feature extractions in a text and then categorize the data according to the SA techniques. Keeping the focus on twitter data, the data is extracted in domain specific manner. In data cleaning phase, noisy data, missing data, punctuation, tags and emoticons have been considered. For pre-processing, tokenization is performed which is followed by stop word removal (SWR). The proposed article provides an insight of the techniques, that are used for text pre-processing, the impact of their presence on the dataset. The accuracy of classification techniques has been improved after applying text pre-processing and dimensionality has been reduced. The proposed corpus can be utilized in the area of market analysis, customer behaviour, polling analysis, and brand monitoring. The text pre-processing process can serve as the baseline to apply predictive analysis, machine learning and deep learning algorithms which can be extended according to problem definition

    Ensemble feature selection using weighted concatenated voting for text classification

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    Following the increasing number of high dimensional data, selecting relevant features has always been better handled by filter feature selection techniques due to its improved generalization, faster training time, dimensionality reduction, less prone to overfitting, and improved model performance. However, the most used feature selection methods are unstable; a feature selection method chooses different subsets of characteristics that produce different classification accuracy. Selecting an appropriate hybrid harnesses the local feature relevant to the discriminative power of filter methods for improved text classification, which is lacking in past literature. In this paper, we proposed a novel multi-univariate hybrid feature selection method (MUNIFES) for enhanced discriminative power between the features and the target class. The proposed method utilizes multi-iterative processes to select the best feature sets from each univariate feature selection method. MUNIFES has employed the ensemble of multi-filter discriminative strength of Chi-Square (Chi2), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Infogain methods to select optimal feature subsets. To evaluate the success of the proposed method, several experiments were performed on the 20newsgroup dataset and its variant (17newsgroup) with 10 classifiers (including ensemble, classification and optimization algorithms, and Artificial Neural Network (ANN)), compared with the state-of-the-art feature selection methods. The MUNIFES results indicated a better accuracy classification performance

    An automatic email mining approach using semantic non-parametric K-Means++ clustering

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    Email inboxes are now filled with huge varieties of voluminous messages and thus increasing the problem of email overload which places financial burden on companies and individuals. Email mining provides solution to email overload problem by automatically grouping emails into meaningful and similar groups based on email subjects and contents. Existing email mining systems such as Kernel-Selected clustering and BuzzTrack, do not consider the semantic similarity between email contents, also when large number of email messages are clustered to a single folder they retain the problem of email overload. This thesis proposes a system named AEMS for automatic folder and sub-folder creation, indexing of the created folders with link to each folder and sub-folder, also an Apriori-based folder summarization containing important keywords from the folder. Thesis aims at solving email overload problem through semantic re-structuring of emails. In AEMS model, a novel approach named Semantic Non-parametric K-Means++ clustering is proposed for folder creation, which avoids, (1) random seed selection by selecting the seed according to email weights, and (2) pre-defined number of clusters using the similarity between the email contents. Experiments show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed techniques using large volumes of email datasets. Keywords: Email Mining, Email Overload, Email Management, Data Mining, Clustering, Feature Selection, Folder Summarization

    Collaborative trails in e-learning environments

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    This deliverable focuses on collaboration within groups of learners, and hence collaborative trails. We begin by reviewing the theoretical background to collaborative learning and looking at the kinds of support that computers can give to groups of learners working collaboratively, and then look more deeply at some of the issues in designing environments to support collaborative learning trails and at tools and techniques, including collaborative filtering, that can be used for analysing collaborative trails. We then review the state-of-the-art in supporting collaborative learning in three different areas – experimental academic systems, systems using mobile technology (which are also generally academic), and commercially available systems. The final part of the deliverable presents three scenarios that show where technology that supports groups working collaboratively and producing collaborative trails may be heading in the near future