22 research outputs found

    How can I learn more when I collaborate in a virtual group?

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    Learning in virtual groups has been a process studied and analysed long from multiple perspectives. However, the literature is scarce when we look for models to explain information problem solving skills in online collaboration. A descriptive model of cognitive skills involved in individual information problem solving while using internet information can be found in recent research. The purpose of this study was to find out what information problem solving skills (IPS) students apply when working collaboratively online, and secondly, to analyse what differentiates students who do well on their knowledge tests after collaboration, in relation to these IPS skills. We conducted a research with more than 40 students in 10 virtual groups to analyse the correlation between learning and IPS skills applied by students during an online task that lasted more than 4 weeks. Students completed a weekly self-report with actions related to IPS skills and time devoted to the collaborative task. Findings show that students applied more frequently the skill to check the communication (30%), secondly, read de information (22%), in the third place exchange information (20%), followed by write the information (15%), analyze the information (8%), and finally, search for information (5%). However, only three skills correlate with learning: information exchange, analysis of information and checking communication. Two of them (exchange and check) are collaborative skills and one of them (analysis) is an information problem-solving skill. The conclusions of this study may provide guidelines for instructors and students on ways to improve learning in online collaborative group work

    Análisis del discurso colaborativo en el entorno Knowledge Forum: categorización de los mensajes

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la tipología de aportaciones, que se producen en el entorno virtual colaborativo Knowledge Forum y comprobar si está teniendo lugar un aprendizaje colaborativo a través del ordenador (CSCL). Las contribuciones a los diferentes 30 foros han sido analizados y categorizados usando un esquema de codificación en base a las scaffolds o andamiajes que dicho entorno proporciona. Los resultados muestran que en conjunto los 308 estudiantes universitarios aportan nueva información y opinan, pero hay escasez de mensajes con diferentes opiniones que lleven a la discusión y a intercambios de puntos de vista distintos

    Automatic assessment of creativity in heuristic problem-solving based on query diversity

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.Research, development and innovation are the pillars on which companies rely to offer new products and services capable of attracting consumer demand. This is why creative problem-solving emerges as one of the most relevant skills of the 21st century. Fortunately, there are many creativity training programs that have proven effective. However, many of these programs and methods base on a previous measurement of creativity and require experienced reviewers, they consume time for being manual, and they are far from everyday activities. In this study, we propose a model to estimate the creative quality of users' solutions dealing with heuristic problems, based on the automatic analysis of query patterns issued during the information search to solve the problem. This model has been able to predict the creative quality of solutions produced by 226 users, reaching a sensitivity of 78.43%. Likewise, the level of agreement among reviewers in relation to the creative characteristics is evaluated through two rubrics, and thereby, observing the difficulties of the manual evaluation: subjectivity and effort. The proposed model could be used to foster prompt detection of non-creative solutions and it could be implemented in diverse industrial processes that can range from the recruitment of talent to the evaluation of performance in R&D&I processes.https://www.revistadyna.com/search/automatic-assessment-of-creativity-in-heuristic-problem-solving-based-on-query-diversit

    Pengembangan LKS Larutan Elektrolit Dan Non Elektrolit Berbasis Problem Solving

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    This research was conducted to develop student worksheets based on problem solving on electrolyte and non electrolyte so­lution. This research used the method of research and development (R&D). The research phase begun with design and made the initial draft based on literature studies and field studies with teacher and student respondents. Then carried out the de­velopment of student worksheets and validated by an expert. Characteristics of stu­­d­ent worksheets that validated include as­pects of readability, construction, and su­­it­­ability content which validation results in the category strongly agree. The next pha­se was limited trial to find out teacher and student responses from Xth IPA 2 SMAN 13 Bandarlampung. Results of teacher and student responses was included in the category strongly agree. The conclusions of this research showed that development result of student worksheets based on problem solving is good to use.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan LKS berbasis problem solving pada materi larutan elektrolit dan non elektrolit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pe­ne­litian dan pengembangan (R&D). Tahap penelitian diawali dengan perancangan dan pembuatan draft awal berdasarkan hasil studi pustaka dan studi lapangan dengan responden guru dan siswa. Selanjutnya, dilakukan pengembangan LKS dan divalida­si oleh seorang ahli. Karakteristik LKS yang divalidasi tersebut meliputi aspek keter­bacaan, konstruksi, dan kesesuaian isi materi dengan hasil validasi termasuk da­lam kategori sangat setuju. Tahap selanjutnya dilakukan uji coba terbatas untuk menge­tahui tanggapan guru dan siswa kelas X IPA 2 SMAN 13 Bandarlampung terhadap LKS yang dikembangkan. Hasil tanggapan guru dan siswa terhadap LKS termasuk dalam kategori sangat setuju. Kesimpulan da­ri penelitian ini adalah hasil pengembangan LKS berbasis problem solving baik untuk digunakan

    Can middle schoolers learn to read the web like experts? Possibilities and limits of a strategy-based intervention

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    This paper describes the strategies 8th graders used to evaluate the credibility of unfamiliar websites after a curricular intervention. Website topics were somewhat contested, and students could navigate the open web in order to assess the credibility of the sites. Findings reveal that students were more likely to leave the presented webpages and investigate the sources before making a credibility judgment after the curricular intervention. Furthermore, after the intervention students were more likely to prefer a more credible source of information over a less credible source when the two sources were presented. However, few students improved in their ability to assess a single deceptive website, despite applying several of the strategies taught in the intervention. We conclude that strategy- and skills-based information literacy instruction holds promise but must be paired with foundational knowledge about how the internet is structured and the kinds of online sources

    Pengembangan LKS Larutan Elektrolit dan Non Elektrolit Berbasis Problem Solving

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    This research was conducted to develop student worksheets based on problem solving on electrolyte and non electrolyte solution. This research used the method of research and development (RD). The research phase begun with design and made the initial draft based on literature studies and field studies with teacher and student respondents. Then carried out the development of student worksheets and validated by an expert. Characteristics of student worksheets that validated include aspects of readability, construction, and suitability content which validation results in the category strongly agree. The next phase was limited trial to find out teacher and student responses from XthIPA 2 SMAN 13 Bandarlampung. Results of teacher and student responses was included in the category strongly agree. The conclusions of this research showed that development result of student worksheets based on problem solving is good to use.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan LKS berbasis problem solving pada materi larutan elektrolit dan non elektrolit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (RD). Tahap penelitian diawali dengan perancangan dan pembuatan draft awal berdasarkan hasil studi pustaka dan studi lapangan dengan responden guru dan siswa. Selanjutnya, dilakukan pengembangan LKS dan divalidasi oleh seorang ahli. Karakteristik LKS yang divalidasi tersebut meliputi aspek keterbacaan, konstruksi, dan kesesuaian isi materi dengan hasil validasi termasuk dalam kategori sangat setuju. Tahap selanjutnya dilakukan uji coba terbatas untuk mengetahui tanggapan guru dan siswa kelas X IPA 2 SMAN 13 Bandarlampung terhadap LKS yang dikembangkan. Hasil tanggapan guru dan siswa terhadap LKS termasuk dalam kategori sangat setuju. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah hasil pengembangan LKS berbasis problem solving baik untuk digunakan.Kata kunci: larutan elektrolit dan non elektrolit, LKS, problem solvin