4 research outputs found

    Metadata And Data Management In High Performance File And Storage Systems

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    With the advent of emerging e-Science applications, today\u27s scientific research increasingly relies on petascale-and-beyond computing over large data sets of the same magnitude. While the computational power of supercomputers has recently entered the era of petascale, the performance of their storage system is far lagged behind by many orders of magnitude. This places an imperative demand on revolutionizing their underlying I/O systems, on which the management of both metadata and data is deemed to have significant performance implications. Prefetching/caching and data locality awareness optimizations, as conventional and effective management techniques for metadata and data I/O performance enhancement, still play their crucial roles in current parallel and distributed file systems. In this study, we examine the limitations of existing prefetching/caching techniques and explore the untapped potentials of data locality optimization techniques in the new era of petascale computing. For metadata I/O access, we propose a novel weighted-graph-based prefetching technique, built on both direct and indirect successor relationship, to reap performance benefit from prefetching specifically for clustered metadata serversan arrangement envisioned necessary for petabyte scale distributed storage systems. For data I/O access, we design and implement Segment-structured On-disk data Grouping and Prefetching (SOGP), a combined prefetching and data placement technique to boost the local data read performance for parallel file systems, especially for those applications with partially overlapped access patterns. One high-performance local I/O software package in SOGP work for Parallel Virtual File System in the number of about 2000 C lines was released to Argonne National Laboratory in 2007 for potential integration into the production mode

    Developing New Power Management and High-Reliability Schemes in Data-Intensive Environment

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    With the increasing popularity of data-intensive applications as well as the large-scale computing and storage systems, current data centers and supercomputers are often dealing with extremely large data-sets. To store and process this huge amount of data reliably and energy-efficiently, three major challenges should be taken into consideration for the system designers. Firstly, power conservation–Multicore processors or CMPs have become a mainstream in the current processor market because of the tremendous improvement in transistor density and the advancement in semiconductor technology. However, the increasing number of transistors on a single die or chip reveals a super-linear growth in power consumption [4]. Thus, how to balance system performance and power-saving is a critical issue which needs to be solved effectively. Secondly, system reliability–Reliability is a critical metric in the design and development of replication-based big data storage systems such as Hadoop File System (HDFS). In the system with thousands machines and storage devices, even in-frequent failures become likely. In Google File System, the annual disk failure rate is 2:88%,which means you were expected to see 8,760 disk failures in a year. Unfortunately, given an increasing number of node failures, how often a cluster starts losing data when being scaled out is not well investigated. Thirdly, energy efficiency–The fast processing speeds of the current generation of supercomputers provide a great convenience to scientists dealing with extremely large data sets. The next generation of exascale supercomputers could provide accurate simulation results for the automobile industry, aerospace industry, and even nuclear fusion reactors for the very first time. However, the energy cost of super-computing is extremely high, with a total electricity bill of 9 million dollars per year. Thus, conserving energy and increasing the energy efficiency of supercomputers has become critical in recent years. This dissertation proposes new solutions to address the above three key challenges for current large-scale storage and computing systems. Firstly, we propose a novel power management scheme called MAR (model-free, adaptive, rule-based) in multiprocessor systems to minimize the CPU power consumption subject to performance constraints. By introducing new I/O wait status, MAR is able to accurately describe the relationship between core frequencies, performance and power consumption. Moreover, we adopt a model-free control method to filter out the I/O wait status from the traditional CPU busy/idle model in order to achieve fast responsiveness to burst situations and take full advantage of power saving. Our extensive experiments on a physical testbed demonstrate that, for SPEC benchmarks and data-intensive (TPC-C) benchmarks, an MAR prototype system achieves 95.8-97.8% accuracy of the ideal power saving strategy calculated offline. Compared with baseline solutions, MAR is able to save 12.3-16.1% more power while maintain a comparable performance loss of about 0.78-1.08%. In addition, more simulation results indicate that our design achieved 3.35-14.2% more power saving efficiency and 4.2-10.7% less performance loss under various CMP configurations as compared with various baseline approaches such as LAST, Relax, PID and MPC. Secondly, we create a new reliability model by incorporating the probability of replica loss to investigate the system reliability of multi-way declustering data layouts and analyze their potential parallel recovery possibilities. Our comprehensive simulation results on Matlab and SHARPE show that the shifted declustering data layout outperforms the random declustering layout in a multi-way replication scale-out architecture, in terms of data loss probability and system reliability by upto 63% and 85% respectively. Our study on both 5-year and 10-year system reliability equipped with various recovery bandwidth settings shows that, the shifted declustering layout surpasses the two baseline approaches in both cases by consuming up to 79 % and 87% less recovery bandwidth for copyset, as well as 4.8% and 10.2% less recovery bandwidth for random layout. Thirdly, we develop a power-aware job scheduler by applying a rule based control method and taking into account real world power and speedup profiles to improve power efficiency while adhering to predetermined power constraints. The intensive simulation results shown that our proposed method is able to achieve the maximum utilization of computing resources as compared to baseline scheduling algorithms while keeping the energy cost under the threshold. Moreover, by introducing a Power Performance Factor (PPF) based on the real world power and speedup profiles, we are able to increase the power efficiency by up to 75%

    Research In High Performance And Low Power Computer Systems For Data-intensive Environment

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    According to the data affinity, DAFA re-organizes data to maximize the parallelism of the affinitive data, and also subjective to the overall load balance. This enables DAFA to realize the maximum number of map tasks with data-locality. Besides the system performance, power consumption is another important concern of current computer systems. In the U.S. alone, the energy used by servers which could be saved comes to 3.17 million tons of carbon dioxide, or 580,678 cars {Kar09}. However, the goals of high performance and low energy consumption are at odds with each other. An ideal power management strategy should be able to dynamically respond to the change (either linear or nonlinear, or non-model) of workloads and system configuration without violating the performance requirement. We propose a novel power management scheme called MAR (modeless, adaptive, rule-based) in multiprocessor systems to minimize the CPU power consumption under performance constraints. By using richer feedback factors, e.g. the I/O wait, MAR is able to accurately describe the relationships among core frequencies, performance and power consumption. We adopt a modeless control model to reduce the complexity of system modeling. MAR is designed for CMP (Chip Multi Processor) systems by employing multi-input/multi-output (MIMO) theory and per-core level DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling).; TRAID deduplicates this overlap by only logging one compact version (XOR results) of recovery references for the updating data. It minimizes the amount of log content as well as the log flushing overhead, thereby boosts the overall transaction processing performance. At the same time, TRAID guarantees comparable RAID reliability, the same recovery correctness and ACID semantics of traditional transactional processing systems. On the other hand, the emerging myriad data intensive applications place a demand for high-performance computing resources with massive storage. Academia and industry pioneers have been developing big data parallel computing frameworks and large-scale distributed file systems (DFS) widely used to facilitate the high-performance runs of data-intensive applications, such as bio-informatics {Sch09}, astronomy {RSG10}, and high-energy physics {LGC06}. Our recent work {SMW10} reported that data distribution in DFS can significantly affect the efficiency of data processing and hence the overall application performance. This is especially true for those with sophisticated access patterns. For example, Yahoo\u27s Hadoop {refg} clusters employs a random data placement strategy for load balance and simplicity {reff}. This allows the MapReduce {DG08} programs to access all the data (without or not distinguishing interest locality) at full parallelism. Our work focuses on Hadoop systems. We observed that the data distribution is one of the most important factors that affect the parallel programming performance. However, the default Hadoop adopts random data distribution strategy, which does not consider the data semantics, specifically, data affinity. We propose a Data-Affinity-Aware (DAFA) data placement scheme to address the above problem. DAFA builds a history data access graph to exploit the data affinity.; The evolution of computer science and engineering is always motivated by the requirements for better performance, power efficiency, security, user interface (UI), etc {CM02}. The first two factors are potential tradeoffs: better performance usually requires better hardware, e.g., the CPUs with larger number of transistors, the disks with higher rotation speed; however, the increasing number of transistors on the single die or chip reveals super-linear growth in CPU power consumption {FAA08a}, and the change in disk rotation speed has a quadratic effect on disk power consumption {GSK03}. We propose three new systematic approaches as shown in Figure 1.1, Transactional RAID, data-affinity-aware data placement DAFA and Modeless power management, to tackle the performance problem in Database systems, large scale clusters or cloud platforms, and the power management problem in Chip Multi Processors, respectively. The first design, Transactional RAID (TRAID), is motivated by the fact that in recent years, more storage system applications have employed transaction processing techniques Figure 1.1 Research Work Overview] to ensure data integrity and consistency. In transaction processing systems(TPS), log is a kind of redundancy to ensure transaction ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) properties and data recoverability. Furthermore, high reliable storage systems, such as redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID), are widely used as the underlying storage system for Databases to guarantee system reliability and availability with high I/O performance. However, the Databases and storage systems tend to implement their independent fault tolerant mechanisms {GR93, Tho05} from their own perspectives and thereby leading to potential high overhead. We observe the overlapped redundancies between the TPS and RAID systems, and propose a novel reliable storage architecture called Transactional RAID (TRAID)