2 research outputs found


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    Abstract : The problem in this research is to make a suitable learning media applied to high school students as an independent media and interkative, So that the application of learning model used by the teacher is not boring tend to be fun and can improve learning outcomes. The objectives of the researcher to accomplish is to develop and produce android application products in the form of educational media learning games about Chemistry, and know the feasibility and effectiveness of educational game applications as learning media for student study supplement with Chemical material. This research method using Research and Development method with design / design is pre-experimental design with one-group pretest-posttest design. The results that have been obtained is to produce application products android educational game Chemistry. It can be concluded educational game media application of Chemistry learning and effective as learning media for student study supplement. Keywords-App Inventor, Chemistry, Androi

    Sistema electr贸nico para el monitoreo de bovinos hembra en su ciclo estral

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    Investigaci贸n Tecnol贸gicaLa detecci贸n del ciclo estral es un factor clave para aumentar la producci贸n en el sector ganadero, la detecci贸n del ciclo estral normalmente se realiza por medio visuales o qu铆micos lo que genera gastos agregados para el ganadero, por esta raz贸n se pretende dise帽ar un dispositivo capaz de monitorear variables indicadoras del ciclo estral, adem谩s de que el dispositivo no sea invasivo para el bovino hembra en estudio.1 INTRODUCCI脫N 2 PLANTEAMIENTO Y FORMULACI脫N DEL PROBLEMA 3 OBJETIVOS 4 JUSTIFICACI脫N 5 ANTECEDENTES 6 MARCO TE脫RICO 7 METODOLOG脥A 8 RECOPILACI脫N DE INFORMACI脫N 9 DISE脩O 10 IMPLEMENTACI脫N 11 PRUEBAS DEL PROTOTIPO 12 CONCLUSIONES 13 RECOMENDACIONES Y TRABAJOS FUTUROS 14 BIBLIOGRAF脥A 15 ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Electr贸nic