245 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a SoC for Real-time 3D SLAM

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    SLAM, or Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, is the combined problem of constructing a map of an agent’s environment while localizing, or tracking that same agent’s pose in tandem. It is among the most challenging and fundamental tasks in computer vision, with applications ranging from augmented reality to robotic navigation. With the increasing capability and ubiquity of mobile computers such as cell phones, portable 3D SLAM systems are becoming feasible for widespread use. The Microsoft Hololens, Google Project Tango, and other 3D aware devices are modern day examples of the potential of SLAM and the challenges it has yet to face. The ICP, or Iterative Closest Point Algorithm, is a popular solution for retrieving the relative transformation between two scans of the same object. It has gained a resurgence in popularity due to the rise of affordable depth sensors such as the Kinect in robotics and augmented reality research. ICP, while providing a high certainty of correctness given similar point clouds, is challenging to implement in real time due to its computational complexity. In this thesis, a basic 3D SLAM algorithm is implemented and evaluated, and two proposed FPGA architectures to accelerate the Nearest Neighbor component of ICP for use in a mobile ARM-based System-on-Chip (SoC) are presented. These architectures are predicted to achieve speedups of up to 7.89x and 17.22x over a naive embedded software implementation

    Novel techniques of computational intelligence for analysis of astronomical structures

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    Gravitational forces cause the formation and evolution of a variety of cosmological structures. The detailed investigation and study of these structures is a crucial step towards our understanding of the universe. This thesis provides several solutions for the detection and classification of such structures. In the first part of the thesis, we focus on astronomical simulations, and we propose two algorithms to extract stellar structures. Although they follow different strategies (while the first one is a downsampling method, the second one keeps all samples), both techniques help to build more effective probabilistic models. In the second part, we consider observational data, and the goal is to overcome some of the common challenges in observational data such as noisy features and imbalanced classes. For instance, when not enough examples are present in the training set, two different strategies are used: a) nearest neighbor technique and b) outlier detection technique. In summary, both parts of the thesis show the effectiveness of automated algorithms in extracting valuable information from astronomical databases

    Deep learning for intracellular particle tracking and motion analysis

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    Deep learning for intracellular particle tracking and motion analysis

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    Multiple target tracking with RF sensor networks

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    pre-printRF sensor networks are wireless networks that can localize and track people (or targets) without needing them to carry or wear any electronic device. They use the change in the received signal strength (RSS) of the links due to the movements of people to infer their locations. In this paper, we consider real-time multiple target tracking with RF sensor networks. We apply radio tomographic imaging (RTI), which generates images of the change in the propagation field, as if they were frames of a video. Our RTI method uses RSS measurements on multiple frequency channels on each link, combining them with a fade level-based weighted average. We introduce methods, inspired by machine vision and adapted to the peculiarities of RTI, that enable accurate and real-time multiple target tracking. Several tests are performed in an open environment, a one-bedroom apartment, and a cluttered office environment. The results demonstrate that the system is capable of accurately tracking in real-time up to four targets in cluttered indoor environments, even when their trajectories intersect multiple times, without mis-estimating the number of targets found in the monitored area. The highest average tracking error measured in the tests is 0.45 m with two targets, 0.46 m with three targets, and 0.55 m with four targets

    Nonlocal smoothing and adaptive morphology for scalar- and matrix-valued images

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    In this work we deal with two classic degradation processes in image analysis, namely noise contamination and incomplete data. Standard greyscale and colour photographs as well as matrix-valued images, e.g. diffusion-tensor magnetic resonance imaging, may be corrupted by Gaussian or impulse noise, and may suffer from missing data. In this thesis we develop novel reconstruction approaches to image smoothing and image completion that are applicable to both scalar- and matrix-valued images. For the image smoothing problem, we propose discrete variational methods consisting of nonlocal data and smoothness constraints that penalise general dissimilarity measures. We obtain edge-preserving filters by the joint use of such measures rich in texture content together with robust non-convex penalisers. For the image completion problem, we introduce adaptive, anisotropic morphological partial differential equations modelling the dilation and erosion processes. They adjust themselves to the local geometry to adaptively fill in missing data, complete broken directional structures and even enhance flow-like patterns in an anisotropic manner. The excellent reconstruction capabilities of the proposed techniques are tested on various synthetic and real-world data sets.In dieser Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit zwei klassischen Störungsquellen in der Bildanalyse, nämlich mit Rauschen und unvollständigen Daten. Klassische Grauwert- und Farb-Fotografien wie auch matrixwertige Bilder, zum Beispiel Diffusionstensor-Magnetresonanz-Aufnahmen, können durch Gauß- oder Impulsrauschen gestört werden, oder können durch fehlende Daten gestört sein. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir neue Rekonstruktionsverfahren zum zur Bildglättung und zur Bildvervollständigung, die sowohl auf skalar- als auch auf matrixwertige Bilddaten anwendbar sind. Zur Lösung des Bildglättungsproblems schlagen wir diskrete Variationsverfahren vor, die aus nichtlokalen Daten- und Glattheitstermen bestehen und allgemeine auf Bildausschnitten definierte Unähnlichkeitsmaße bestrafen. Kantenerhaltende Filter werden durch die gemeinsame Verwendung solcher Maße in stark texturierten Regionen zusammen mit robusten nichtkonvexen Straffunktionen möglich. Für das Problem der Datenvervollständigung führen wir adaptive anisotrope morphologische partielle Differentialgleichungen ein, die Dilatations- und Erosionsprozesse modellieren. Diese passen sich der lokalen Geometrie an, um adaptiv fehlende Daten aufzufüllen, unterbrochene gerichtet Strukturen zu schließen und sogar flussartige Strukturen anisotrop zu verstärken. Die ausgezeichneten Rekonstruktionseigenschaften der vorgestellten Techniken werden anhand verschiedener synthetischer und realer Datensätze demonstriert

    Gaussian belief propagation for real-time decentralised inference

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    For embodied agents to interact intelligently with their surroundings, they require perception systems that construct persistent 3D representations of their environments. These representations must be rich; capturing 3D geometry, semantics, physical properties, affordances and much more. Constructing the environment representation from sensory observations is done via Bayesian probabilistic inference and in practical systems, inference must take place within the power, compactness and simplicity constraints of real products. Efficient inference within these constraints however remains computationally challenging and current systems often require heavy computational resources while delivering a fraction of the desired capabilities. Decentralised algorithms based on local message passing with in-place processing and storage offer a promising solution to current inference bottlenecks. They are well suited to take advantage of recent rapid developments in distributed asynchronous processing hardware to achieve efficient, scalable and low-power performance. In this thesis, we argue for Gaussian belief propagation (GBP) as a strong algorithmic framework for distributed, generic and incremental probabilistic estimation. GBP operates by passing messages between the nodes on a factor graph and can converge with arbitrary asynchronous message schedules. We envisage the factor graph being the fundamental master environment representation, and GBP the flexible inference tool to compute local in-place probabilistic estimates. In large real-time systems, GBP will act as the `glue' between specialised modules, with attention based processing bringing about local convergence in the graph in a just-in-time manner. This thesis contains several technical and theoretical contributions in the application of GBP to practical real-time inference problems in vision and robotics. Additionally, we implement GBP on novel graph processor hardware and demonstrate breakthrough speeds for bundle adjustment problems. Lastly, we present a prototype system for incrementally creating hierarchical abstract scene graphs by combining neural networks and probabilistic inference via GBP.Open Acces
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