12,439 research outputs found

    Achieving a New Standard in Primary Care for Low-Income Populations -- Case Studies of Redesign and Change Through a Learning Collaborative

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    Describes four case studies that focus on improving patient care delivery systems through learning collaboratives that were undertaken by New York City's nonprofit Primary Care Development Corporation

    Distributed Algorithms for Scheduling on Line and Tree Networks

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    We have a set of processors (or agents) and a set of graph networks defined over some vertex set. Each processor can access a subset of the graph networks. Each processor has a demand specified as a pair of vertices , along with a profit; the processor wishes to send data between uu and vv. Towards that goal, the processor needs to select a graph network accessible to it and a path connecting uu and vv within the selected network. The processor requires exclusive access to the chosen path, in order to route the data. Thus, the processors are competing for routes/channels. A feasible solution selects a subset of demands and schedules each selected demand on a graph network accessible to the processor owning the demand; the solution also specifies the paths to use for this purpose. The requirement is that for any two demands scheduled on the same graph network, their chosen paths must be edge disjoint. The goal is to output a solution having the maximum aggregate profit. Prior work has addressed the above problem in a distibuted setting for the special case where all the graph networks are simply paths (i.e, line-networks). Distributed constant factor approximation algorithms are known for this case. The main contributions of this paper are twofold. First we design a distributed constant factor approximation algorithm for the more general case of tree-networks. The core component of our algorithm is a tree-decomposition technique, which may be of independent interest. Secondly, for the case of line-networks, we improve the known approximation guarantees by a factor of 5. Our algorithms can also handle the capacitated scenario, wherein the demands and edges have bandwidth requirements and capacities, respectively.Comment: Accepted to PODC 2012, full versio

    Autonomous Algorithms for Centralized and Distributed Interference Coordination: A Virtual Layer Based Approach

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    Interference mitigation techniques are essential for improving the performance of interference limited wireless networks. In this paper, we introduce novel interference mitigation schemes for wireless cellular networks with space division multiple access (SDMA). The schemes are based on a virtual layer that captures and simplifies the complicated interference situation in the network and that is used for power control. We show how optimization in this virtual layer generates gradually adapting power control settings that lead to autonomous interference minimization. Thereby, the granularity of control ranges from controlling frequency sub-band power via controlling the power on a per-beam basis, to a granularity of only enforcing average power constraints per beam. In conjunction with suitable short-term scheduling, our algorithms gradually steer the network towards a higher utility. We use extensive system-level simulations to compare three distributed algorithms and evaluate their applicability for different user mobility assumptions. In particular, it turns out that larger gains can be achieved by imposing average power constraints and allowing opportunistic scheduling instantaneously, rather than controlling the power in a strict way. Furthermore, we introduce a centralized algorithm, which directly solves the underlying optimization and shows fast convergence, as a performance benchmark for the distributed solutions. Moreover, we investigate the deviation from global optimality by comparing to a branch-and-bound-based solution.Comment: revised versio

    Energy-Efficient Resource Management in Ultra Dense Small Cell Networks: A Mean-Field Approach

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    In this paper, a novel approach for joint power control and user scheduling is proposed for optimizing energy efficiency (EE), in terms of bits per unit power, in ultra dense small cell networks (UDNs). To address this problem, a dynamic stochastic game (DSG) is formulated between small cell base stations (SBSs). This game enables to capture the dynamics of both queues and channel states of the system. To solve this game, assuming a large homogeneous UDN deployment, the problem is cast as a mean field game (MFG) in which the MFG equilibrium is analyzed with the aid of two low-complexity tractable partial differential equations. User scheduling is formulated as a stochastic optimization problem and solved using the drift plus penalty (DPP) approach in the framework of Lyapunov optimization. Remarkably, it is shown that by weaving notions from Lyapunov optimization and mean field theory, the proposed solution yields an equilibrium control policy per SBS which maximizes the network utility while ensuring users' quality-of-service. Simulation results show that the proposed approach achieves up to 18:1% gains in EE and 98.2% reductions in the network's outage probability compared to a baseline model.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, GLOBECOM 2015 (published
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