102 research outputs found

    Improvement of Electronic Governance and Mobile Governance in Multilingual Countries with Digital Etymology using Sanskrit Grammar

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    With huge improvement of digital connectivity (Wifi,3G,4G) and digital devices access to internet has reached in the remotest corners now a days. Rural people can easily access web or apps from PDAs, laptops, smartphones etc. This is an opportunity of the Government to reach to the citizen in large number, get their feedback, associate them in policy decision with e governance without deploying huge man, material or resourses.But the Government of multilingual countries face a lot of problem in successful implementation of Government to Citizen (G2C) and Citizen to Government (C2G) governance as the rural people tend and prefer to interact in their native languages. Presenting equal experience over web or app to different language group of speakers is a real challenge. In this research we have sorted out the problems faced by Indo Aryan speaking netizens which is in general also applicable to any language family groups or subgroups.Then we have tried to give probable solutions using Etymology.Etymology is used to correlate the words using their ROOT forms.In 5th century BC Panini wrote Astadhyayi where he depicted sutras or rules- how a word is changed according to person,tense,gender,number etc.Later this book was followed in Western countries also to derive their grammar of comparatively new languages.We have trained our system for automatic root extraction from the surface level or morphed form of words using Panian Gramatical rules.We have tested our system over 10000 bengali Verbs and extracted the root form with 98% accuracy.We are now working to extend the program to successfully lemmatize any words of any language and correlate them by applying those rule sets in Artificial Neural Network

    Odor Localization using Gas Sensor for Mobile Robot

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    This paper discusses the odor localization using Fuzzy logic algorithm. The concentrations of the source that is sensed by the gas sensors are used as the inputs of the fuzzy. The output of the Fuzzy logic is used to determine the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) of driver motors of the robot. The path that the robot should track depends on the PWM of the right and left motors of the robot. When the concentration in the right side of the robot is higher than the middle and the left side, the fuzzy logic will give decision to the robot to move to the right. In that condition, the left motor is in the high speed condition and the right motor is in slow speed condition. Therefore, the robot will move to the right. The experiment was done in a conditioned room using a robot that is equipped with 3 gas sensors. Although the robot is still needed some improvements in accomplishing its task, the result shows that fuzzy algorithms are effective enough in performing odor localization task in mobile robot

    Honey Yield Prediction Using Tsukamoto Fuzzy Inference System

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    Honey is a natural product of bee. Since ancient times, honey has been known by humans as a source of natural food and also for traditional medicine. There are so many beneficial of honey, make people trying to do honeybee cultivate as a business solution to increase their income. However, to cultivate honey bees is not easy. Special knowledge is required on honey bee cultivation and capital is fairly large. In order for beekeepers not to lose from honey sales business, beekeepers should be able to estimate the honey yield accurately. Predicted yield of honey is used as a material consideration and help determine the decision in honey bee cultivation. This study provides a solution for prediction of honey yield type Apis Cerana with the main food of Calliandra flowers accurately. The method used in this research is Tsukamoto's fuzzy inference system (FIS) method. There are 3 input fuzzy used in this study, namely : Rainfall, number of box, and number of flower trees. The three fuzzy inputs are the determinants of the honey yield. The representation model used in the research is Trapezoid with fuzzy rules of 125 rules. While the test data in this research are rainfall and honey yield data for 21 years. The results of this study showed that the prediction of honey yield using FIS Tsukamoto closed the real honey yield with RMSE value of 9.44933860119277

    The Future of Information Sciences : INFuture2009 : Digital Resources and Knowledge Sharing

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    Challenges to the fee free basic education in Solomon Islands

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    This study evaluated the implementation of the ‘Fee Free Basic Education’ (FFBE) policy in Solomon Islands schools in order to gauge its strengths and weaknesses in achieving quality education The FFBE policy was implemented to achieve basic education which aims at preparing children through lifelong learning and gaining worthwhile information, knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary to develop their full potential to be useful citizens in their communities and nation and be able to live a worthwhile and happy life (MEHRD, 2009a; MEHRD, 2011a). The study involved 12 participants who were interviewed. There were also observations done at the schools visited at Malaita and Central Provinces and Honiara, the capital. Using Kumar’s (2014) method of analyzing data, factors that were identified included the classroom environment that are often not conducive to learning. Schools often lack proper facilities with the required equipment and materials. Continuous teacher absenteeism from work and lack of commitment to teaching, and minimal parental support for the school and student learning were other factors. Therefore, suggestions highlighted were that there must be a nationwide awareness of the policy’s requirements, improve mechanisms for teachers’ capacity building, change the school grant management system and schools should be properly monitored. The FFBE is a noble idea but addressing loopholes can ensure sustainability

    History of Philosophy and the Reflective Society

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    Make believe we are in 2028, attending the 26th World Congress of Philosophy, then the question is: how will philosophers delve into historic texts? Not on paper, but on devices. And each philosophical proposition uttered by any philosopher at any time will not stay on its own. It will instead be co-created by many others. The history of philosophy will be participative, thus contributing to the establishment of a reflective and inclusive society

    Problem space of modern society: philosophical-communicative and pedagogical interpretations. Part I

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    This collective monograph offers the description of philosophical bases of definition of communicative competence and pedagogical conditions for the formation of communication skills. The authors of individual chapters have chosen such point of view for the topic which they considered as the most important and specific for their field of study using the methods of logical and semantic analysis of concepts, the method of reflection, textual reconstruction and comparative analysis. The theoretical and applied problems of modern society are investigated in the context of philosophical, communicative and pedagogical interpretations

    “Parallel Worlds“. Clusters for a Theory of Concepts of Communications. Historical Intercultural and Cultural Comparative Studies in Perspectives of National and Transnational Constitutions, Values, Concepts, and Terms of ‘Communication’ - ‘Orality’ - ‘Literacy’ - ‘Rhetoric’ - ‘Media’.

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    This is a study regarding the history of communication based on several clusters traced back from ancient time to the 21st century. It contains also in the second part chapers on the specific conditions of communications in different cultures