296 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Prediction Approach to Enhance Congestion Control in 5G IoT Environment

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    [EN] The 5G network is a next-generation wireless form of communication and the latest mobile technology. In practice, 5G utilizes the Internet of Things (IoT) to work in high-tra_ c networks with multiple nodes/ sensors in an attempt to transmit their packets to a destination simultaneously, which is a characteristic of IoT applications. Due to this, 5G o_ ers vast bandwidth, low delay, and extremely high data transfer speed. Thus, 5G presents opportunities and motivations for utilizing next-generation protocols, especially the stream control transmission protocol (SCTP). However, the congestion control mechanisms of the conventional SCTP negatively influence overall performance. Moreover, existing mechanisms contribute to reduce 5G and IoT performance. Thus, a new machine learning model based on a decision tree (DT) algorithm is proposed in this study to predict optimal enhancement of congestion control in the wireless sensors of 5G IoT networks. The model was implemented on a training dataset to determine the optimal parametric setting in a 5G environment. The dataset was used to train the machine learning model and enable the prediction of optimal alternatives that can enhance the performance of the congestion control approach. The DT approach can be used for other functions, especially prediction and classification. DT algorithms provide graphs that can be used by any user to understand the prediction approach. The DT C4.5 provided promising results, with more than 92% precision and recall.Najm, IA.; Hamoud, AK.; Lloret, J.; Bosch Roig, I. (2019). Machine Learning Prediction Approach to Enhance Congestion Control in 5G IoT Environment. Electronics. 8(6):1-23. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics8060607S12386Rahem, A. A. T., Ismail, M., Najm, I. A., & Balfaqih, M. (2017). Topology sense and graph-based TSG: efficient wireless ad hoc routing protocol for WANET. 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    Multipath TCP in LTE networks

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    The results of experiments with Multipath TCP (Multipath Transmission Control Protocol) in LTE (3GPP Long Term Evolution) networks are presented. Our results show increased resiliency and availability of network Multipath TCP connection. Using multiple sub-flows over diverse network paths inside Multipath TCP session results in greatly increased bandwidth and availability. When Multipath TCP is used the behavior of this protocol is consistent in situation of adding new sub-flow or removing flow on a faulty line. Different strategies for path selection are possible with great impact on Multipath TCP session performance. Network structure consisting of few connections with similar parameters is optimal for full mesh Multipath TCP path topology. In this case the behavior of Multipath TCP predictable

    A Performance Analysis Model of TCP over Multiple Heterogeneous Paths for 5G Mobile Services

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    Driven by the primary requirement of emerging 5G mobile services, the demand for concurrent multipath transfer (CMT) is still prominent. Yet, multipath transport protocols are not widely adopted and TCP-based CMT schemes will still be in dominant position in 5G. However, the performance of TCP flow transferred over multiple heterogeneous paths is prone to the link quality asymmetry, the extent of which was revealed to be significant by our field investigation. In this paper, we present a performance analysis model for TCP over multiple heterogeneous paths in 5G scenarios, where both bandwidth and delay asymmetry are taken into consideration. The evaluation adopting parameters from field investigation shows that the proposed model can achieve high accuracy in practical environments. Some interesting inferences can be drawn from the proposed model, such as the dominant factor that affect the performance of TCP over heterogeneous networks, and the criteria of determining the appropriate number of links to be used under different circumstances of path heterogeneity. Thus, the proposed model can provide a guidance to the design of TCP-based CMT solutions for 5G mobile services