14,333 research outputs found

    Robust Beamforming and DOA Estimation

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    Cut Size Statistics of Graph Bisection Heuristics

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    We investigate the statistical properties of cut sizes generated by heuristic algorithms which solve approximately the graph bisection problem. On an ensemble of sparse random graphs, we find empirically that the distribution of the cut sizes found by ``local'' algorithms becomes peaked as the number of vertices in the graphs becomes large. Evidence is given that this distribution tends towards a Gaussian whose mean and variance scales linearly with the number of vertices of the graphs. Given the distribution of cut sizes associated with each heuristic, we provide a ranking procedure which takes into account both the quality of the solutions and the speed of the algorithms. This procedure is demonstrated for a selection of local graph bisection heuristics.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, submitted to SIAM Journal on Optimization also available at http://ipnweb.in2p3.fr/~martin

    Prototype selection for parameter estimation in complex models

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    Parameter estimation in astrophysics often requires the use of complex physical models. In this paper we study the problem of estimating the parameters that describe star formation history (SFH) in galaxies. Here, high-dimensional spectral data from galaxies are appropriately modeled as linear combinations of physical components, called simple stellar populations (SSPs), plus some nonlinear distortions. Theoretical data for each SSP is produced for a fixed parameter vector via computer modeling. Though the parameters that define each SSP are continuous, optimizing the signal model over a large set of SSPs on a fine parameter grid is computationally infeasible and inefficient. The goal of this study is to estimate the set of parameters that describes the SFH of each galaxy. These target parameters, such as the average ages and chemical compositions of the galaxy's stellar populations, are derived from the SSP parameters and the component weights in the signal model. Here, we introduce a principled approach of choosing a small basis of SSP prototypes for SFH parameter estimation. The basic idea is to quantize the vector space and effective support of the model components. In addition to greater computational efficiency, we achieve better estimates of the SFH target parameters. In simulations, our proposed quantization method obtains a substantial improvement in estimating the target parameters over the common method of employing a parameter grid. Sparse coding techniques are not appropriate for this problem without proper constraints, while constrained sparse coding methods perform poorly for parameter estimation because their objective is signal reconstruction, not estimation of the target parameters.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOAS500 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Partially adaptive array signal processing with application to airborne radar

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    Null Steering of Adaptive Beamforming Using Linear Constraint Minimum Variance Assisted by Particle Swarm Optimization, Dynamic Mutated Artificial Immune System, and Gravitational Search Algorithm

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    Linear constraint minimum variance (LCMV) is one of the adaptive beamforming techniques that is commonly applied to cancel interfering signals and steer or produce a strong beam to the desired signal through its computed weight vectors. However, weights computed by LCMV usually are not able to form the radiation beam towards the target user precisely and not good enough to reduce the interference by placing null at the interference sources. It is difficult to improve and optimize the LCMV beamforming technique through conventional empirical approach. To provide a solution to this problem, artificial intelligence (AI) technique is explored in order to enhance the LCMV beamforming ability. In this paper, particle swarm optimization (PSO), dynamic mutated artificial immune system (DM-AIS), and gravitational search algorithm (GSA) are incorporated into the existing LCMV technique in order to improve the weights of LCMV. The simulation result demonstrates that received signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR) of target user can be significantly improved by the integration of PSO, DM-AIS, and GSA in LCMV through the suppression of interference in undesired direction. Furthermore, the proposed GSA can be applied as a more effective technique in LCMV beamforming optimization as compared to the PSO technique. The algorithms were implemented using Matlab program

    Improving the Convergence of Vector Fitting for Equivalent Circuit Extraction From Noisy Frequency Responses

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    The vector fitting (VF) algorithm has become a common tool in electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity studies. This algorithm allows the derivation of a rational approximation to the transfer matrix of a given linear structure starting from measured or simulated frequency responses. This paper addresses the convergence properties of a VF when the frequency samples are affected by noise.We show that small amounts of noise can seriously impair or destroy convergence. This is due to the presence of spurious poles that appear during the iterations. To overcome this problem we suggest a simple modification of the basic VF algorithm, based on the identification and removal of the spurious poles. Also, an incremental pole addition and relocation process is proposed in order to provide automatic order estimation even in the presence of significant noise.We denote the resulting algorithm as vector fitting with adding and skimming (VF-AS). A thorough validation of the VF-AS algorithm is presented using a Monte Carlo analysis on synthetic noisy frequency responses. The results show excellent convergence and significant improvements with respect to the basic VF iteration scheme. Finally, we apply the new VF-AS algorithm to measured scattering responses of interconnect structures and networks typical of high-speed digital systems

    Single Frame Image super Resolution using Learned Directionlets

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    In this paper, a new directionally adaptive, learning based, single image super resolution method using multiple direction wavelet transform, called Directionlets is presented. This method uses directionlets to effectively capture directional features and to extract edge information along different directions of a set of available high resolution images .This information is used as the training set for super resolving a low resolution input image and the Directionlet coefficients at finer scales of its high-resolution image are learned locally from this training set and the inverse Directionlet transform recovers the super-resolved high resolution image. The simulation results showed that the proposed approach outperforms standard interpolation techniques like Cubic spline interpolation as well as standard Wavelet-based learning, both visually and in terms of the mean squared error (mse) values. This method gives good result with aliased images also.Comment: 14 pages,6 figure