316 research outputs found

    Index finger motion recognition using self-advise support vector machine

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    Because of the functionality of an index finger, the disability of its motion in the modern age can decrease the person's quality of life. As a part of rehabilitation therapy, the recognition of the index finger motion for rehabilitation purposes should be done properly. This paper proposes a novel recognition system of the index finger motion suing a cutting-edge method and its improvements. The proposed system consists of combination of feature extraction method, a dimensionality reduction and well-known classifier, Support Vector Machine (SVM). An improvement of SVM, Self-advise SVM (SA-SVM), is tested to evaluate and compare its performance with the original one. The experimental result shows that SA-SVM improves the classification performance by on average 0.63 %

    Application Of Gabor Transform In The Classification Of Myoelectric Signal

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    In recent day, Electromyography (EMG) signal are widely applied in myoelectric control. Unfortunately, most of studies focused on the classification of EMG signals based on healthy subjects. Due to the lack of study in amputee subject, this paper aims to investigate the performance of healthy and amputee subjects for the classification of multiple hand movement types. In this work, Gabor transform (GT) is used to transform the EMG signal into time-frequency representation. Five time-frequency features are extracted from GT coefficient. Feature extraction is an effective way to reduce the dimensionality, as well as keeping the valuable information. Two popular classifiers namely k-nearest neighbor (KNN) and support vector machine (SVM) are employed for performance evaluation. The developed system is evaluated using the EMG data acquired from the publicy available NinaPro Database. The results revealed that the extracting GT features can achieve promising performance in the classification of EMG signals


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    Myoelectric Control Systems for Hand Rehabilitation Device: A Review

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    One of the challenges of the hand rehabilitation device is to create a smooth interaction between the device and user. The smooth interaction can be achieved by considering myoelectric signal generated by human's muscle. Therefore, the so-called myoelectric control system (MCS) has been developed since the 1940s. Various MCS's has been proposed, developed, tested, and implemented in various hand rehabilitation devices for different purposes. This article presents a review of MCS in the existing hand rehabilitation devices. The MCS can be grouped into main groups, the non-pattern recognition and pattern recognition ones. In term of implementation, it can be classified as MCS for prosthetic and exoskeleton hand. Main challenges for MCS today is the robustness issue that hampers the implementation of MCS on the clinical application

    Classification of EMG signals to control a prosthetic hand using time-frequesncy representations and Support Vector Machines

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    Myoelectric signals (MES) are viable control signals for externally-powered prosthetic devices. They may improve both the functionality and the cosmetic appearance of these devices. Conventional controllers, based on the signal\u27s amplitude features in the control strategy, lack a large number of controllable states because signals from independent muscles are required for each degree of freedom (DoF) of the device. Myoelectric pattern recognition systems can overcome this problem by discriminating different residual muscle movements instead of contraction levels of individual muscles. However, the lack of long-term robustness in these systems and the design of counter-intuitive control/command interfaces have resulted in low clinical acceptance levels. As a result, the development of robust, easy to use myoelectric pattern recognition-based control systems is the main challenge in the field of prosthetic control. This dissertation addresses the need to improve the controller\u27s robustness by designing a pattern recognition-based control system that classifies the user\u27s intention to actuate the prosthesis. This system is part of a cost-effective prosthetic hand prototype developed to achieve an acceptable level of functional dexterity using a simple to use interface. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier implemented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) was created. It used wavelet features from multiple surface EMG channels strategically placed over five forearm muscles. The classifiers were evaluated across seven subjects. They were able to discriminate five wrist motions with an accuracy of 91.5%. Variations of electrode locations were artificially introduced at each recording session as part of the procedure, to obtain data that accounted for the changes in the user\u27s muscle patterns over time. The generalization ability of the SVM was able to capture most of the variability in the data and to maintain an average classification accuracy of 90%. Two principal component analysis (PCA) frameworks were also evaluated to study the relationship between EMG recording sites and the need for feature space reduction. The dimension of the new feature set was reduced with the goal of improving the classification accuracy and reducing the computation time. The analysis indicated that the projection of the wavelet features into a reduced feature space did not significantly improve the accuracy and the computation time. However, decreasing the number of wavelet decomposition levels did lower the computational load without compromising the average signal classification accuracy. Based on the results of this work, a myoelectric pattern recognition-based control system that uses an SVM classifier applied to time-frequency features may be used to discriminate muscle contraction patterns for prosthetic applications


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    In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of Plymouth University's products or services.There are many amputees around the world who have lost a limb through conflict, disease or an accident. Upper-limb prostheses controlled using surface Electromyography (sEMG) offer a solution to help the amputees; however, their functionality is limited by the small number of movements they can perform and their slow reaction times. Pattern recognition (PR)-based EMG control has been proposed to improve the functional performance of prostheses. It is a very promising approach, offering intuitive control, fast reaction times and the ability to control a large number of degrees of freedom (DOF). However, prostheses controlled with PR systems are not available for everyday use by amputees, because there are many major challenges and practical problems that need to be addressed before clinical implementation is possible. These include lack of individual finger control, an impractically large number of EMG electrodes, and the lack of deployment protocols for EMG electrodes site selection and movement optimisation. Moreover, the inability of PR systems to handle multiple forces is a further practical problem that needs to be addressed. The main aim of this project is to investigate the research challenges mentioned above via non-invasive EMG signal acquisition, and to propose practical solutions to help amputees. In a series of experiments, the PR systems presented here were tested with EMG signals acquired from seven transradial amputees, which is unique to this project. Previous studies have been conducted using non-amputees. In this work, the challenges described are addressed and a new protocol is proposed that delivers a fast clinical deployment of multi-functional upper limb prostheses controlled by PR systems. Controlling finger movement is a step towards the restoration of lost human capabilities, and is psychologically important, as well as physically. A central thread running through this work is the assertion that no two amputees are the same, each suffering different injuries and retaining differing nerve and muscle structures. This work is very much about individualised healthcare, and aims to provide the best possible solution for each affected individual on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, the approach has been to optimise the solution (in terms of function and reliability) for each individual, as opposed to developing a generic solution, where performance is optimised against a test population. This work is unique, in that it contributes to improving the quality of life for each individual amputee by optimising function and reliability. The main four contributions of the thesis are as follows: 1- Individual finger control was achieved with high accuracy for a large number of finger movements, using six optimally placed sEMG channels. This was validated on EMG signals for ten non-amputee and six amputee subjects. Thumb movements were classified successfully with high accuracy for the first time. The outcome of this investigation will help to add more movements to the prosthesis, and reduce hardware and computational complexity. 2- A new subject-specific protocol for sEMG site selection and reliable movement subset optimisation, based on the amputee’s needs, has been proposed and validated on seven amputees. This protocol will help clinicians to perform an efficient and fast deployment of prostheses, by finding the optimal number and locations of EMG channels. It will also find a reliable subset of movements that can be achieved with high performance. 3- The relationship between the force of contraction and the statistics of EMG signals has been investigated, utilising an experimental design where visual feedback from a Myoelectric Control Interface (MCI) helped the participants to produce the correct level of force. Kurtosis values were found to decrease monotonically when the contraction level increased, thus indicating that kurtosis can be used to distinguish different forces of contractions. 4- The real practical problem of the degradation of classification performance as a result of the variation of force levels during daily use of the prosthesis has been investigated, and solved by proposing a training approach and the use of a robust feature extraction method, based on the spectrum. The recommendations of this investigation improve the practical robustness of prostheses controlled with PR systems and progress a step further towards clinical implementation and improving the quality of life of amputees. The project showed that PR systems achieved a reliable performance for a large number of amputees, taking into account real life issues such as individual finger control for high dexterity, the effect of force level variation, and optimisation of the movements and EMG channels for each individual amputee. The findings of this thesis showed that the PR systems need to be appropriately tuned before usage, such as training with multiple forces to help to reduce the effect of force variation, aiming to improve practical robustness, and also finding the optimal EMG channel for each amputee, to improve the PR system’s performance. The outcome of this research enables the implementation of PR systems in real prostheses that can be used by amputees.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Baghdad University- Baghdad/Ira

    Transradial Amputee Gesture Classification Using an Optimal Number of sEMG Sensors: An Approach Using ICA Clustering

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    © 2001-2011 IEEE. Surface electromyography (sEMG)-based pattern recognition studies have been widely used to improve the classification accuracy of upper limb gestures. Information extracted from multiple sensors of the sEMG recording sites can be used as inputs to control powered upper limb prostheses. However, usage of multiple EMG sensors on the prosthetic hand is not practical and makes it difficult for amputees due to electrode shift/movement, and often amputees feel discomfort in wearing sEMG sensor array. Instead, using fewer numbers of sensors would greatly improve the controllability of prosthetic devices and it would add dexterity and flexibility in their operation. In this paper, we propose a novel myoelectric control technique for identification of various gestures using the minimum number of sensors based on independent component analysis (ICA) and Icasso clustering. The proposed method is a model-based approach where a combination of source separation and Icasso clustering was utilized to improve the classification performance of independent finger movements for transradial amputee subjects. Two sEMG sensor combinations were investigated based on the muscle morphology and Icasso clustering and compared to Sequential Forward Selection (SFS) and greedy search algorithm. The performance of the proposed method has been validated with five transradial amputees, which reports a higher classification accuracy (> 95%). The outcome of this study encourages possible extension of the proposed approach to real time prosthetic applications
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