3 research outputs found

    Enhanced grey wolf optimisation algorithm for feature selection in anomaly detection

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    Anomaly detection deals with identification of items that do not conform to an expected pattern or items present in a dataset. The performance of different mechanisms utilized to perform the anomaly detection depends heavily on the group of features used. Thus, not all features in the dataset can be used in the classification process since some features may lead to low performance of classifier. Feature selection (FS) is a good mechanism that minimises the dimension of high-dimensional datasets by deleting the irrelevant features. Modified Binary Grey Wolf Optimiser (MBGWO) is a modern metaheuristic algorithm that has successfully been used for FS for anomaly detection. However, the MBGWO has several issues in finding a good quality solution. Thus, this study proposes an enhanced binary grey wolf optimiser (EBGWO) algorithm for FS in anomaly detection to overcome the algorithm issues. The first modification enhances the initial population of the MBGWO using a heuristic based Ant Colony Optimisation algorithm. The second modification develops a new position update mechanism using the Bat Algorithm movement. The third modification improves the controlled parameter of the MBGWO algorithm using indicators from the search process to refine the solution. The EBGWO algorithm was evaluated on NSL-KDD and six (6) benchmark datasets from the University California Irvine (UCI) repository against ten (10) benchmark metaheuristic algorithms. Experimental results of the EBGWO algorithm on the NSL-KDD dataset in terms of number of selected features and classification accuracy are superior to other benchmark optimisation algorithms. Moreover, experiments on the six (6) UCI datasets showed that the EBGWO algorithm is superior to the benchmark algorithms in terms of classification accuracy and second best for the number of selected features. The proposed EBGWO algorithm can be used for FS in anomaly detection tasks that involve any dataset size from various application domains

    Enhancing graph routing algorithm of industrial wireless sensor networks using the covariance-matrix adaptation evolution strategy

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    The emergence of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has accelerated the adoption of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs) for numerous applications. Effective communication in such applications requires reduced end-to-end transmission time, balanced energy consumption and increased communication reliability. Graph routing, the main routing method in IWSNs, has a significant impact on achieving effective communication in terms of satisfying these requirements. Graph routing algorithms involve applying the first-path available approach and using path redundancy to transmit data packets from a source sensor node to the gateway. However, this approach can affect end-to-end transmission time by creating conflicts among transmissions involving a common sensor node and promoting imbalanced energy consumption due to centralised management. The characteristics and requirements of these networks encounter further complications due to the need to find the best path on the basis of the requirements of IWSNs to overcome these challenges rather than using the available first-path. Such a requirement affects the network performance and prolongs the network lifetime. To address this problem, we adopt a Covariance-Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) to create and select the graph paths. Firstly, this article proposes three best single-objective graph routing paths according to the IWSN requirements that this research focused on. The sensor nodes select best paths based on three objective functions of CMA-ES: the best Path based on Distance (PODis), the best Path based on residual Energy (POEng) and the best Path based on End-to-End transmission time (POE2E). Secondly, to enhance energy consumption balance and achieve a balance among IWSN requirements, we adapt the CMA-ES to select the best path with multiple-objectives, otherwise known as the Best Path of Graph Routing with a CMA-ES (BPGR-ES). A simulation using MATALB with different configurations and parameters is applied to evaluate the enhanced graph routing algorithms. Furthermore, the performance of PODis, POEng, POE2E and BPGR-ES is compared with existing state-of-the-art graph routing algorithms. The simulation results reveal that the BPGR-ES algorithm achieved 87.53% more balanced energy consumption among sensor nodes in the network compared to other algorithms, and the delivery of data packets of BPGR-ES reached 99.86%, indicating more reliable communication

    Enhancing graph-routing algorithm for industrial wireless sensor networks

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    Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs) are gaining increasing traction, especially in domains such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). Devised for industrial automation, they have stringent requirements regarding data packet delivery, energy consumption balance, and End-to-End Transmission (E2ET) time. Achieving effective communication is critical to the fulfilment of these requirements and is significantly facilitated by the implementation of graph-routing – the main routing method in the Wireless Highway Addressable Remote Transducer (WirelessHART), which is the global standard of IWSNs. However, graph-routing in IWSN creates a hotspot challenge resulting from unbalanced energy consumption. This issue stems from the typical configuration of WirelessHART paths, which transfers data packets from sensor nodes through mesh topology to a central system called the Network Manager (NM), which is connected to a network gateway. Therefore, the overall aim of this research is to improve the performance of IWSNs by implementing a graph-routing algorithm with unequal clustering and optimisation techniques. In the first part of this thesis, a basic graph-routing algorithm based on unequal clustering topologies is examined with the aim of helping to balance energy consumption, maximise data packet delivery, and reduce the number of hops in the network. To maintain network stability, the creation of static clusters is proposed using the WirelessHART Density-controlled Divide-and-Rule (WDDR) topology. Graph-routing can then be built between Cluster Heads (CHs), which are selected according to the maximum residual energy rate between the sensor nodes in each static cluster. Simulation results indicate that graph-routing with the WDDR topology and probabilistic unequal clustering outperforms mesh topology, even as the network density increased, despite isolated nodes found in the WDDR topology. The second part of this thesis focuses on using the Covariance-Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) algorithm. This addresses the three IWSN requirements that form the focus of this research, by proposing three single-objective graph-routing paths: minimum distance (PODis), maximum residual energy (POEng), and minimum end-to-end transmission time (POE2E). The research also adapts the CMA-ES to balance multiple objectives, resulting in the Best Path of Graph-Routing with a CMA-ES (BPGR-ES). Simulation results show that the BPGR-ES effectively balances IWSN requirements, but single-objective paths of graph-routing does not achieve balanced energy consumption with mesh topology, resulting in a significant reduction in the efficiency of the network. Therefore, the third part of this thesis focuses on an Improvement of the WDDR (IWDDR) topology to avoid isolated nodes in the static cluster approaches. The IWDDR topology is used to evaluate the performance of the single-objective graph-routing paths (PODis, POEng, and POE2E). The results show that in IWDDR topology, single-objective graph-routing paths result in more balanced energy consumption