17 research outputs found

    Improved Distributed Algorithms for Exact Shortest Paths

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    Computing shortest paths is one of the central problems in the theory of distributed computing. For the last few years, substantial progress has been made on the approximate single source shortest paths problem, culminating in an algorithm of Becker et al. [DISC'17] which deterministically computes (1+o(1))(1+o(1))-approximate shortest paths in O~(D+n)\tilde O(D+\sqrt n) time, where DD is the hop-diameter of the graph. Up to logarithmic factors, this time complexity is optimal, matching the lower bound of Elkin [STOC'04]. The question of exact shortest paths however saw no algorithmic progress for decades, until the recent breakthrough of Elkin [STOC'17], which established a sublinear-time algorithm for exact single source shortest paths on undirected graphs. Shortly after, Huang et al. [FOCS'17] provided improved algorithms for exact all pairs shortest paths problem on directed graphs. In this paper, we present a new single-source shortest path algorithm with complexity O~(n3/4D1/4)\tilde O(n^{3/4}D^{1/4}). For polylogarithmic DD, this improves on Elkin's O~(n5/6)\tilde{O}(n^{5/6}) bound and gets closer to the Ω~(n1/2)\tilde{\Omega}(n^{1/2}) lower bound of Elkin [STOC'04]. For larger values of DD, we present an improved variant of our algorithm which achieves complexity O~(n3/4+o(1)+min{n3/4D1/6,n6/7}+D)\tilde{O}\left( n^{3/4+o(1)}+ \min\{ n^{3/4}D^{1/6},n^{6/7}\}+D\right), and thus compares favorably with Elkin's bound of O~(n5/6+n2/3D1/3+D)\tilde{O}(n^{5/6} + n^{2/3}D^{1/3} + D ) in essentially the entire range of parameters. This algorithm provides also a qualitative improvement, because it works for the more challenging case of directed graphs (i.e., graphs where the two directions of an edge can have different weights), constituting the first sublinear-time algorithm for directed graphs. Our algorithm also extends to the case of exact κ\kappa-source shortest paths...Comment: 26 page

    Reachability and Shortest Paths in the Broadcast CONGEST Model

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    In this paper we study the time complexity of the single-source reachability problem and the single-source shortest path problem for directed unweighted graphs in the Broadcast CONGEST model. We focus on the case where the diameter D of the underlying network is constant. We show that for the case where D = 1 there is, quite surprisingly, a very simple algorithm that solves the reachability problem in 1(!) round. In contrast, for networks with D = 2, we show that any distributed algorithm (possibly randomized) for this problem requires Omega(sqrt{n/ log{n}}) rounds. Our results therefore completely resolve (up to a small polylog factor) the complexity of the single-source reachability problem for a wide range of diameters. Furthermore, we show that when D = 1, it is even possible to get an almost 3 - approximation for the all-pairs shortest path problem (for directed unweighted graphs) in just 2 rounds. We also prove a stronger lower bound of Omega(sqrt{n}) for the single-source shortest path problem for unweighted directed graphs that holds even when the diameter of the underlying network is 2. As far as we know this is the first lower bound that achieves Omega(sqrt{n}) for this problem

    Streaming Complexity of Spanning Tree Computation

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    The semi-streaming model is a variant of the streaming model frequently used for the computation of graph problems. It allows the edges of an n-node input graph to be read sequentially in p passes using Õ(n) space. If the list of edges includes deletions, then the model is called the turnstile model; otherwise it is called the insertion-only model. In both models, some graph problems, such as spanning trees, k-connectivity, densest subgraph, degeneracy, cut-sparsifier, and (Δ+1)-coloring, can be exactly solved or (1+ε)-approximated in a single pass; while other graph problems, such as triangle detection and unweighted all-pairs shortest paths, are known to require Ω̃(n) passes to compute. For many fundamental graph problems, the tractability in these models is open. In this paper, we study the tractability of computing some standard spanning trees, including BFS, DFS, and maximum-leaf spanning trees. Our results, in both the insertion-only and the turnstile models, are as follows. Maximum-Leaf Spanning Trees: This problem is known to be APX-complete with inapproximability constant ρ ∈ [245/244, 2). By constructing an ε-MLST sparsifier, we show that for every constant ε > 0, MLST can be approximated in a single pass to within a factor of 1+ε w.h.p. (albeit in super-polynomial time for ε ≤ ρ-1 assuming P ≠ NP) and can be approximated in polynomial time in a single pass to within a factor of ρ_n+ε w.h.p., where ρ_n is the supremum constant that MLST cannot be approximated to within using polynomial time and Õ(n) space. In the insertion-only model, these algorithms can be deterministic. BFS Trees: It is known that BFS trees require ω(1) passes to compute, but the naïve approach needs O(n) passes. We devise a new randomized algorithm that reduces the pass complexity to O(√n), and it offers a smooth tradeoff between pass complexity and space usage. This gives a polynomial separation between single-source and all-pairs shortest paths for unweighted graphs. DFS Trees: It is unknown whether DFS trees require more than one pass. The current best algorithm by Khan and Mehta [STACS 2019] takes Õ(h) passes, where h is the height of computed DFS trees. Note that h can be as large as Ω(m/n) for n-node m-edge graphs. Our contribution is twofold. First, we provide a simple alternative proof of this result, via a new connection to sparse certificates for k-node-connectivity. Second, we present a randomized algorithm that reduces the pass complexity to O(√n), and it also offers a smooth tradeoff between pass complexity and space usage.ISSN:1868-896

    A Faster Distributed Single-Source Shortest Paths Algorithm

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    We devise new algorithms for the single-source shortest paths (SSSP) problem with non-negative edge weights in the CONGEST model of distributed computing. While close-to-optimal solutions, in terms of the number of rounds spent by the algorithm, have recently been developed for computing SSSP approximately, the fastest known exact algorithms are still far away from matching the lower bound of Ω~(n+D) \tilde \Omega (\sqrt{n} + D) rounds by Peleg and Rubinovich [SIAM Journal on Computing 2000], where n n is the number of nodes in the network and D D is its diameter. The state of the art is Elkin's randomized algorithm [STOC 2017] that performs O~(n2/3D1/3+n5/6) \tilde O(n^{2/3} D^{1/3} + n^{5/6}) rounds. We significantly improve upon this upper bound with our two new randomized algorithms for polynomially bounded integer edge weights, the first performing O~(nD) \tilde O (\sqrt{n D}) rounds and the second performing O~(nD1/4+n3/5+D) \tilde O (\sqrt{n} D^{1/4} + n^{3/5} + D) rounds. Our bounds also compare favorably to the independent result by Ghaffari and Li [STOC 2018]. As side results, we obtain a (1+ϵ) (1 + \epsilon) -approximation O~((nD1/4+D)/ϵ) \tilde O ((\sqrt{n} D^{1/4} + D) / \epsilon) -round algorithm for directed SSSP and a new work/depth trade-off for exact SSSP on directed graphs in the PRAM model.Comment: Presented at the the 59th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2018

    Energy Complexity of Distance Computation in Multi-hop Networks

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    Energy efficiency is a critical issue for wireless devices operated under stringent power constraint (e.g., battery). Following prior works, we measure the energy cost of a device by its transceiver usage, and define the energy complexity of an algorithm as the maximum number of time slots a device transmits or listens, over all devices. In a recent paper of Chang et al. (PODC 2018), it was shown that broadcasting in a multi-hop network of unknown topology can be done in polylogn\text{poly} \log n energy. In this paper, we continue this line of research, and investigate the energy complexity of other fundamental graph problems in multi-hop networks. Our results are summarized as follows. 1. To avoid spending Ω(D)\Omega(D) energy, the broadcasting protocols of Chang et al. (PODC 2018) do not send the message along a BFS tree, and it is open whether BFS could be computed in o(D)o(D) energy, for sufficiently large DD. In this paper we devise an algorithm that attains O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}) energy cost. 2. We show that the framework of the Ω(n){\Omega}(n) round lower bound proof for computing diameter in CONGEST of Abboud et al. (DISC 2017) can be adapted to give an Ω~(n)\tilde{\Omega}(n) energy lower bound in the wireless network model (with no message size constraint), and this lower bound applies to O(logn)O(\log n)-arboricity graphs. From the upper bound side, we show that the energy complexity of O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}) can be attained for bounded-genus graphs (which includes planar graphs). 3. Our upper bounds for computing diameter can be extended to other graph problems. We show that exact global minimum cut or approximate ss--tt minimum cut can be computed in O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}) energy for bounded-genus graphs