472 research outputs found

    Efficient trusted cloud storage using parallel, pipelined hardware

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 85-90).Cloud storage provides a low-cost storage service with high efficiency and global accessibility via the Internet, but it also introduces security risks. One major security concern is the integrity and freshness of data stored on the cloud, that is, whether a storage provider can guarantee that the data received by its clients is always correct and up-to-date. Recent studies have focused on data integrity and freshness guarantees. However, systems that solely rely on cryptography are not able to immediately detect data freshness violations, while systems using resource-constrained trusted hardware are impractical due to long latency and low throughput. In this thesis, we describe a prototype of a trusted cloud storage system that efficiently ensures data integrity and freshness by attaching a piece of high-performance trusted hardware to an untrusted server. We propose a write access control scheme to prevent unauthorized writes and ensure all writes are fresh. We also introduce a crash-recovery mechanism to protect our prototype system from crashes and power loss events. In addition, we minimize the system overhead by (1) parallelizing and pipelining the operations that are carried out on the server and the trusted hardware and (2) judiciously partitioning the operations across the trusted and untrusted components. The throughput and latency of our prototype system are analyzed to provide customized solutions to performance-focused and budget-focused cloud storage providers. We believe this work takes a major step in making trusted cloud storage practical from an efficiency and cost standpoint.by Hsin-Jung Yang.S.M

    Secure data replication over untrusted hosts

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    In the Internet age, data replication is a popular technique for achieving fault tolerance and improved performance. With the advent of content delivery networks, it is becoming more and more frequent that data content is placed on hosts that are not directly controlled by the content owner, and because of this, security mechanisms to protect data integrity are necessary. In this paper we present a system architecture that allows arbitrary queries to be supported on data content replicated on untrusted servers. To prevent these servers from returning erroneous answers to client queries, we make use of a small number of trusted hosts that randomly check these answers and take corrective action whenever necessary. Additionally, our system employs an audit mechanism that guarantees that any untrusted server acting maliciously will eventually be detected and excluded from the system

    Data Auditing and Security in Cloud Computing: Issues, Challenges and Future Directions

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    Cloud computing is one of the significant development that utilizes progressive computational power and upgrades data distribution and data storing facilities. With cloud information services, it is essential for information to be saved in the cloud and also distributed across numerous customers. Cloud information repository is involved with issues of information integrity, data security and information access by unapproved users. Hence, an autonomous reviewing and auditing facility is necessary to guarantee that the information is effectively accommodated and used in the cloud. In this paper, a comprehensive survey on the state-of-art techniques in data auditing and security are discussed. Challenging problems in information repository auditing and security are presented. Finally, directions for future research in data auditing and security have been discussed

    Data auditing and security in cloud computing: issues, challenges and future directions

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    Cloud computing is one of the significant development that utilizes progressive computational power and upgrades data distribution and data storing facilities. With cloud information services, it is essential for information to be saved in the cloud and also distributed across numerous customers. Cloud information repository is involved with issues of information integrity, data security and information access by unapproved users. Hence, an autonomous reviewing and auditing facility is necessary to guarantee that the information is effectively accommodated and used in the cloud. In this paper, a comprehensive survey on the state-of-art techniques in data auditing and security are discussed. Challenging problems in information repository auditing and security are presented. Finally, directions for future research in data auditing and security have been discusse

    CryptDB: Protecting confidentiality with encrypted query processing

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    Online applications are vulnerable to theft of sensitive information because adversaries can exploit software bugs to gain access to private data, and because curious or malicious administrators may capture and leak data. CryptDB is a system that provides practical and provable confidentiality in the face of these attacks for applications backed by SQL databases. It works by executing SQL queries over encrypted data using a collection of efficient SQL-aware encryption schemes. CryptDB can also chain encryption keys to user passwords, so that a data item can be decrypted only by using the password of one of the users with access to that data. As a result, a database administrator never gets access to decrypted data, and even if all servers are compromised, an adversary cannot decrypt the data of any user who is not logged in. An analysis of a trace of 126 million SQL queries from a production MySQL server shows that CryptDB can support operations over encrypted data for 99.5% of the 128,840 columns seen in the trace. Our evaluation shows that CryptDB has low overhead, reducing throughput by 14.5% for phpBB, a web forum application, and by 26% for queries from TPC-C, compared to unmodified MySQL. Chaining encryption keys to user passwords requires 11--13 unique schema annotations to secure more than 20 sensitive fields and 2--7 lines of source code changes for three multi-user web applications.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CNS-0716273)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (IIS-1065219

    Dynamic proofs of retrievability with low server storage

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    Proofs of Retrievability (PoRs) are protocols which allow a client to store data remotely and to efficiently ensure, via audits, that the entirety of that data is still intact. A dynamic PoR system also supports efficient retrieval and update of any small portion of the data. We propose new, simple protocols for dynamic PoR that are designed for practical efficiency, trading decreased persistent storage for increased server computation, and show in fact that this tradeoff is inherent via a lower bound proof of time-space for any PoR scheme. Notably, ours is the first dynamic PoR which does not require any special encoding of the data stored on the server, meaning it can be trivially composed with any database service or with existing techniques for encryption or redundancy. Our implementation and deployment on Google Cloud Platform demonstrates our solution is scalable: for example, auditing a 1TB file takes just less than 5 minutes and costs less than $0.08 USD. We also present several further enhancements, reducing the amount of client storage, or the communication bandwidth, or allowing public verifiability, wherein any untrusted third party may conduct an audit

    Secure and efficient processing of outsourced data structures using trusted execution environments

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    In recent years, more and more companies make use of cloud computing; in other words, they outsource data storage and data processing to a third party, the cloud provider. From cloud computing, the companies expect, for example, cost reductions, fast deployment time, and improved security. However, security also presents a significant challenge as demonstrated by many cloud computing–related data breaches. Whether it is due to failing security measures, government interventions, or internal attackers, data leakages can have severe consequences, e.g., revenue loss, damage to brand reputation, and loss of intellectual property. A valid strategy to mitigate these consequences is data encryption during storage, transport, and processing. Nevertheless, the outsourced data processing should combine the following three properties: strong security, high efficiency, and arbitrary processing capabilities. Many approaches for outsourced data processing based purely on cryptography are available. For instance, encrypted storage of outsourced data, property-preserving encryption, fully homomorphic encryption, searchable encryption, and functional encryption. However, all of these approaches fail in at least one of the three mentioned properties. Besides approaches purely based on cryptography, some approaches use a trusted execution environment (TEE) to process data at a cloud provider. TEEs provide an isolated processing environment for user-defined code and data, i.e., the confidentiality and integrity of code and data processed in this environment are protected against other software and physical accesses. Additionally, TEEs promise efficient data processing. Various research papers use TEEs to protect objects at different levels of granularity. On the one end of the range, TEEs can protect entire (legacy) applications. This approach facilitates the development effort for protected applications as it requires only minor changes. However, the downsides of this approach are that the attack surface is large, it is difficult to capture the exact leakage, and it might not even be possible as the isolated environment of commercially available TEEs is limited. On the other end of the range, TEEs can protect individual, stateless operations, which are called from otherwise unchanged applications. This approach does not suffer from the problems stated before, but it leaks the (encrypted) result of each operation and the detailed control flow through the application. It is difficult to capture the leakage of this approach, because it depends on the processed operation and the operation’s location in the code. In this dissertation, we propose a trade-off between both approaches: the TEE-based processing of data structures. In this approach, otherwise unchanged applications call a TEE for self-contained data structure operations and receive encrypted results. We examine three data structures: TEE-protected B+-trees, TEE-protected database dictionaries, and TEE-protected file systems. Using these data structures, we design three secure and efficient systems: an outsourced system for index searches; an outsourced, dictionary-encoding–based, column-oriented, in-memory database supporting analytic queries on large datasets; and an outsourced system for group file sharing supporting large and dynamic groups. Due to our approach, the systems have a small attack surface, a low likelihood of security-relevant bugs, and a data owner can easily perform a (formal) code verification of the sensitive code. At the same time, we prevent low-level leakage of individual operation results. For all systems, we present a thorough security evaluation showing lower bounds of security. Additionally, we use prototype implementations to present upper bounds on performance. For our implementations, we use a widely available TEE that has a limited isolated environment—Intel Software Guard Extensions. By comparing our systems to related work, we show that they provide a favorable trade-off regarding security and efficiency

    Privacy in characterizing and recruiting patients for IoHT-aided digital clinical trials

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    Nowadays there is a tremendous amount of smart and connected devices that produce data. The so-called IoT is so pervasive that its devices (in particular the ones that we take with us during all the day - wearables, smartphones...) often provide some insights on our lives to third parties. People habitually exchange some of their private data in order to obtain services, discounts and advantages. Sharing personal data is commonly accepted in contexts like social networks but individuals suddenly become more than concerned if a third party is interested in accessing personal health data. The healthcare systems worldwide, however, begun to take advantage of the data produced by eHealth solutions. It is clear that while on one hand the technology proved to be a great ally in the modern medicine and can lead to notable benefits, on the other hand these processes pose serious threats to our privacy. The process of testing, validating and putting on the market a new drug or medical treatment is called clinical trial. These trials are deeply impacted by the technological advancements and greatly benefit from the use of eHealth solutions. The clinical research institutes are the entities in charge of leading the trials and need to access as much health data of the patients as possible. However, at any phase of a clinical trial, the personal information of the participants should be preserved and maintained private as long as possible. During this thesis, we will introduce an architecture that protects the privacy of personal data during the first phases of digital clinical trials (namely the characterization phase and the recruiting phase), allowing potential participants to freely join trials without disclosing their personal health information without a proper reward and/or prior agreement. We will illustrate what is the trusted environment that is the most used approach in eHealth and, later, we will dig into the untrusted environment where the concept of privacy is more challenging to protect while maintaining usability of data. Our architecture maintains the individuals in full control over the flow of their personal health data. Moreover, the architecture allows the clinical research institutes to characterize the population of potentiant users without direct access to their personal data. We validated our architecture with a proof of concept that includes all the involved entities from the low level hardware up to the end application. We designed and realized the hardware capable of sensing, processing and transmitting personal health data in a privacy preserving fashion that requires little to none maintenance

    New directions for remote data integrity checking of cloud storage

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    Cloud storage services allow data owners to outsource their data, and thus reduce their workload and cost in data storage and management. However, most data owners today are still reluctant to outsource their data to the cloud storage providers (CSP), simply because they do not trust the CSPs, and have no confidence that the CSPs will secure their valuable data. This dissertation focuses on Remote Data Checking (RDC), a collection of protocols which can allow a client (data owner) to check the integrity of data outsourced at an untrusted server, and thus to audit whether the server fulfills its contractual obligations. Robustness has not been considered for the dynamic RDCs in the literature. The R-DPDP scheme being designed is the first RDC scheme that provides robustness and, at the same time, supports dynamic data updates, while requiring small, constant, client storage. The main challenge that has to be overcome is to reduce the client-server communication during updates under an adversarial setting. A security analysis for R-DPDP is provided. Single-server RDCs are useful to detect server misbehavior, but do not have provisions to recover damaged data. Thus in practice, they should be extended to a distributed setting, in which the data is stored redundantly at multiple servers. The client can use RDC to check each server and, upon having detected a corrupted server, it can repair this server by retrieving data from healthy servers, so that the reliability level can be maintained. Previously, RDC has been investigated for replication-based and erasure coding-based distributed storage systems. However, RDC has not been investigated for network coding-based distributed storage systems that rely on untrusted servers. RDC-NC is the first RDC scheme for network coding-based distributed storage systems to ensure data remain intact when faced with data corruption, replay, and pollution attacks. Experimental evaluation shows that RDC-NC is inexpensive for both the clients and the servers. The setting considered so far outsources the storage of the data, but the data owner is still heavily involved in the data management process (especially during the repair of damaged data). A new paradigm is proposed, in which the data owner fully outsources both the data storage and the management of the data. In traditional distributed RDC schemes, the repair phase imposes a significant burden on the client, who needs to expend a significant amount of computation and communication, thus, it is very difficult to keep the client lightweight. A new self-repairing concept is developed, in which the servers are responsible to repair the corruption, while the client acts as a lightweight coordinator during repair. To realize this new concept, two novel RDC schemes, RDC-SR and ERDC-SR, are designed for replication-based distributed storage systems, which enable Server-side Repair and minimize the load on the client side. Version control systems (VCS) provide the ability to track and control changes made to the data over time. The changes are usually stored in a VCS repository which, due to its massive size, is often hosted at an untrusted CSP. RDC can be used to address concerns about the untrusted nature of the VCS server by allowing a data owner to periodically check that the server continues to store the data. The RDC-AVCS scheme being designed relies on RDC to ensure all the data versions are retrievable from the untrusted server over time. The RDC-AVCS prototype built on top of Apache SVN only incurs a modest decrease in performance compared to a regular (non-secure) SVN system
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