23 research outputs found

    Improved uncertainty capture for nonsingleton fuzzy systems

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    In non-singleton fuzzy logic systems (NSFLSs), input uncertainties are modelled with input fuzzy sets in order to capture input uncertainty (e.g., sensor noise). The performance of NSFLSs in handling such uncertainties depends on both: the appropriate modelling in the input fuzzy sets of the uncertainties present in the system’s inputs, and on how the input fuzzy sets (and their inherent model of uncertainty) interact with the antecedent and thus affect the inference within the remainder of the NSFLS. This paper proposes a novel development on the latter. Specifically, an alteration to the standard composition method of type-1 fuzzy relations is proposed, and applied to build a new type of NSFLS. The proposed approach is based on employing the centroid of the intersection of input and antecedent sets as origin of the firing degree, rather than the traditional maximum of their intersection, thus making the NSFLS more sensitive to changes in the input’s uncertainty characteristics. The traditional and novel approach to NSFLSs are experimentally compared for two well-known problems of Mackey-Glass and Lorenz chaotic time series predictions, where the NSFLSs’ inputs have been perturbed with different levels of Gaussian noise. Experiments are repeated for system training under noisy and noise-free conditions. Analyses of the results show that the new method outperforms the traditional approach. Moreover, it is shown that while formally more complex, in practice, the new method has no significant computational overhead compared to the standard approach

    Comparing the Performance Potentials of Singleton and Non-singleton Type-1 and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Systems in Terms of Sculpting the State Space

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    This paper provides a novel and better understanding of the performance potential of a nonsingleton (NS) fuzzy system over a singleton (S) fuzzy system. It is done by extending sculpting the state space works from S to NS fuzzification and demonstrating uncertainties about measurements, modeled by NS fuzzification: first, fire more rules more often, manifested by a reduction (increase) in the sizes of first-order rule partitions for those partitions associated with the firing of a smaller (larger) number of rules—the coarse sculpting of the state space; second, this may lead to an increase or decrease in the number of type-1 (T1) and interval type-2 (IT2) first-order rule partitions, which now contain rule pairs that can never occur for S fuzzification—a new rule crossover phenomenon —discovered using partition theory; and third, it may lead to a decrease, the same number, or an increase in the number of second-order rule partitions, all of which are system dependent—the fine sculpting of the state space. The authors' conjecture is that it is the additional control of the coarse sculpting of the state space, accomplished by prefiltering and the max–min (or max-product) composition, which provides an NS T1 or IT2 fuzzy system with the potential to outperform an S T1 or IT2 system when measurements are uncertain

    A new dynamic approach for non-singleton fuzzification in noisy time-series prediction

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    Non-singleton fuzzification is used to model uncertain (e.g. noisy) inputs within fuzzy logic systems. In the standard approach, assuming the fuzzification type is known, the observed [noisy] input is usually considered to be the core of the input fuzzy set, usually being the centre of its membership function. This paper proposes a new fuzzification method (not type), in which the core of an input fuzzy set is not necessarily located at the observed input, rather it is dynamically adjusted based on statistical methods. Using the weighted moving average, a few past samples are aggregated to roughly estimate where the input fuzzy set should be located. While the added complexity is not huge, applying this method to the well-known Mackey-Glass and Lorenz time-series prediction problems, show significant error reduction when the input is corrupted by different noise levels

    Changes under the hood - a new type of non-singleton fuzzy logic system

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    A major asset of fuzzy logic systems is dealing with uncertainties arising in their various applications, thus it is important to make them achieve this task as effectively and comprehensively as possible. While singleton fuzzy logic systems provide some capacity to deal with such uncertainty aspects, non-singleton fuzzy logic systems (NSFLSs) have further enhanced this capacity, particularly in handling input uncertainties. This paper proposes a novel approach to NSFLSs, which further develops this potential by changing the method of handling input fuzzy sets within the inference engine. While the standard approach is getting the maximum of the intersection between input’s and antecedent’s fuzzy sets (in the ”pre-filtering” stage), it is proposed to employ the centroid of the intersection as the basis of each rule’s firing degree. The motivation is to capture the interaction of input and antecedent fuzzy sets with high fidelity, thus making NSFLSs more sensitive to the input’s uncertainty information. The testbed is the common problem of Mackey-Glass time series prediction in the presence of input noise. Analyses of the results show that the new method outperforms the standard approach (by reducing the prediction error) and has potential for a more efficient uncertainty handling in NSFLS applications

    A similarity-based inference engine for non-singleton fuzzy logic systems

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    In non-singleton fuzzy logic systems (NSFLSs) input uncertainties are modelled with input fuzzy sets in order to capture input uncertainty such as sensor noise. The performance of NSFLSs in handling such uncertainties depends both on the actual input fuzzy sets (and their inherent model of uncertainty) and on the way that they affect the inference process. This paper proposes a novel type of NSFLS by replacing the composition-based inference method of type-1 fuzzy relations with a similarity-based inference method that makes NSFLSs more sensitive to changes in the input's uncertainty characteristics. The proposed approach is based on using the Jaccard ratio to measure the similarity between input and antecedent fuzzy sets, then using the measured similarity to determine the firing strength of each individual fuzzy rule. The standard and novel approaches to NSFLSs are experimentally compared for the well-known problem of Mackey-Glass time series predictions, where the NSFLS's inputs have been perturbed with different levels of Gaussian noise. The experiments are repeated for system training under both noisy and noise-free conditions. Analyses of the results show that the new method outperforms the standard approach by substantially reducing the prediction errors

    A similarity-based inference engine for non-singleton fuzzy logic systems

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    In non-singleton fuzzy logic systems (NSFLSs) input uncertainties are modelled with input fuzzy sets in order to capture input uncertainty such as sensor noise. The performance of NSFLSs in handling such uncertainties depends both on the actual input fuzzy sets (and their inherent model of uncertainty) and on the way that they affect the inference process. This paper proposes a novel type of NSFLS by replacing the composition-based inference method of type-1 fuzzy relations with a similarity-based inference method that makes NSFLSs more sensitive to changes in the input's uncertainty characteristics. The proposed approach is based on using the Jaccard ratio to measure the similarity between input and antecedent fuzzy sets, then using the measured similarity to determine the firing strength of each individual fuzzy rule. The standard and novel approaches to NSFLSs are experimentally compared for the well-known problem of Mackey-Glass time series predictions, where the NSFLS's inputs have been perturbed with different levels of Gaussian noise. The experiments are repeated for system training under both noisy and noise-free conditions. Analyses of the results show that the new method outperforms the standard approach by substantially reducing the prediction errors

    ADONiS - Adaptive Online Non-Singleton Fuzzy Logic Systems

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    Non-Singleton Fuzzy Logic Systems (NSFLSs) have the potential to capture and handle input noise within the design of input fuzzy sets. In this paper, we propose an online learning method which utilises a sequence of observations to continuously update the input Fuzzy Sets (FSs) of an NSFLS, thus providing an improved capacity to deal with variations in the level of input-affecting noise, common in real-world applications. The method removes the requirement for both a priori knowledge of noise levels or relying on offline training procedures to define input FS parameters. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed ADaptive, ONline Non-Singleton (ADONiS) Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) framework represents the first end-to-end framework to adaptively configure non-singleton input FSs. The latter is achieved through online uncertainty detection applied to a sliding window of observations. Since real-world environments are influenced by a broad range of noise sources, which can vary greatly in magnitude over time, the proposed technique for combining online determination of noise levels with associated adaptation of input FSs provides an efficient and effective solution which elegantly models input uncertainty in the FLS's input FSs, without requiring changes in any other part (e.g. antecedents, rules or consequents) of the FLS. In this paper, two common chaotic time series (Mackey-Glass, Lorenz) are used to perform prediction experiments to demonstrate and evaluate the proposed framework. Results indicate that the proposed adaptive NSFLS framework provides significant advantages, particularly in environments that include high variation in noise levels, which are common in real-world applications

    Similarity-based non-singleton fuzzy logic control for improved performance in UAVs

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    As non-singleton fuzzy logic controllers (NSFLCs) are capable of capturing input uncertainties, they have been effectively used to control and navigate unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) recently. To further enhance the capability to handle the input uncertainty for the UAV applications, a novel NSFLC with the recently introduced similarity-based inference engine, i.e., Sim-NSFLC, is developed. In this paper, a comparative study in a 3D trajectory tracking application has been carried out using the aforementioned Sim-NSFLC and the NSFLCs with the standard as well as centroid composition-based inference engines, i.e., Sta-NSFLC and Cen-NSFLC. All the NSFLCs are developed within the robot operating system (ROS) using the C++ programming language. Extensive ROS Gazebo simulation-based experiments show that the Sim-NSFLCs can achieve better control performance for the UAVs in comparison with the Sta-NSFLCs and Cen-NSFLCs under different input noise levels

    Real-world utility of non-singleton fuzzy logic systems: a case of environmental management

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    The potentials of non-singleton fuzzy logic systems (NSFLSs) in dealing with uncertainties are widely known. However, their utilities and possible challenges in real-world applications, particularly beyond fuzzy controls, are still not widely examined. This paper presents some user-centric design approaches in making NSFLSs usable in a real-world problem of environmental management. In previous work, a singleton FLS was developed based on an established environmental management framework. After further investigation of the users’ requirements, it was realized that the effective capture, representation and visualization of the system’s inputs and outputs are critical, particularly when there are uncertainties involved in data collection and decision-making processes. For addressing the new requirements, the system has been extended to a NSFLS, so it can make use of non-singleton fuzzification in handling uncertain (e.g., noisy) environmental data. Inspired by the user-centric design of this particular system extension, the contribution of this paper is the development of some practical methods to capture/represent input/output uncertainties in NSFLSs. Subject to further users evaluation, the explained methods have potential to be employed in many similar real-world applications, thus extending the NSFLSs applicability to a wider context than the present

    Towards Better Performance in the Face of Input Uncertainty while Maintaining Interpretability in AI

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    Uncertainty is a pervasive element of many real-world applications and very often existing sources of uncertainty (e.g. atmospheric conditions, economic parameters or precision of measurement devices) have a detrimental impact on the input and ultimately results of decision-support systems. Thus, the ability to handle input uncertainty is a valuable component of real-world decision-support systems. There is a vast amount of literature on handling of uncertainty through decision-support systems. While they handle uncertainty and deliver a good performance, providing an insight into the decision process (e.g. why or how results are produced) is another important asset in terms of having trust in or providing a ‘debugging’ process in given decisions. Fuzzy set theory provides the basis for Fuzzy Logic Systems which are often associated with the ability for handling uncertainty and possessing mechanisms for providing a degree of interpretability. Specifically, Non-Singleton Fuzzy Logic Systems are essential in dealing with uncertainty that affects input which is one of the main sources of uncertainty in real-world systems. Therefore, in this thesis, we comprehensively explore enhancing non-singleton fuzzy logic systems capabilities considering both capturing-handling uncertainty and also maintaining interpretability. To that end the following three key aspects are investigated; (i) to faithfully map input uncertainty to outputs of systems, (ii) to propose a new framework to provide the ability for dynamically adapting system on-the-fly in changing real-world environments. (iii) to maintain level of interpretability while leveraging performance of systems. The first aspect is to leverage mapping uncertainty from input to outputs of systems through the interaction between input and antecedent fuzzy sets i.e. firing strengths. In the context of Non-Singleton Fuzzy Logic Systems, recent studies have shown that the standard technique for determining firing strengths risks information loss in terms of the interaction of the input uncertainty and antecedent fuzzy sets. This thesis explores and puts forward novel approaches to generating firing strengths which faithfully map the uncertainty affecting system inputs to outputs. Time-series forecasting experiments are used to evaluate the proposed alternative firing strength generating technique under different levels of input uncertainty. The analysis of the results shows that the proposed approach can also be a suitable method to generate appropriate firing levels which provide the ability to map different uncertainty levels from input to output of FLS that are likely to occur in real-world circumstances. The second aspect is to provide dynamic adaptive behaviours to systems at run-time in changing conditions which are common in real-world environments. Traditionally, in the fuzzification step of Non-Singleton Fuzzy Logic Systems, approaches are generally limited to the selection of a single type of input fuzzy sets to capture the input uncertainty, whereas input uncertainty levels tend to be inherently varying over time in the real-world at run-time. Thus, in this thesis, input uncertainty is modelled -where it specifically arises- in an online manner which can provide an adaptive behaviour to capture varying input uncertainty levels. The framework is presented to generate Type-1 or Interval Type-2 input fuzzy sets, called ADaptive Online Non-singleton fuzzy logic System (ADONiS). In the proposed framework, an uncertainty estimation technique is utilised on a sequence of observations to continuously update the input fuzzy sets of non-singleton fuzzy logic systems. Both the type-1 and interval type-2 versions of the ADONiS frameworks remove the limitation of the selection of a specific type of input fuzzy sets. Also this framework enables input fuzzy sets to be adapted to unknown uncertainty levels which is not perceived at the design stage of the model. Time-series forecasting experiments are implemented and results show that our proposed framework provides performance advantages over traditional counterpart approaches, particularly in environments that include high variation in noise levels, which are common in real-world applications. In addition, the real-world medical application study is designed to test the deployability of the ADONiS framework and to provide initial insight in respect to its viability in replacing traditional approaches. The third aspect is to maintain levels of interpretability, while increasing performance of systems. When a decision-support model delivers a good performance, providing an insight of the decision process is also an important asset in terms of trustworthiness, safety and ethical aspects etc. Fuzzy logic systems are considered to possess mechanisms which can provide a degree of interpretability. Traditionally, while optimisation procedures provide performance benefits in fuzzy logic systems, they often cause alterations in components (e.g. rule set, parameters, or fuzzy partitioning structures) which can lead to higher accuracy but commonly do not consider the interpretability of the resulting model. In this thesis, the state of the art in fuzzy logic systems interpretability is advanced by capturing input uncertainty in the fuzzification -where it arises- and by handling it the inference engine step. In doing so, while the performance increase is achieved, the proposed methods limit any optimisation impact to the fuzzification and inference engine steps which protects key components of FLSs (e.g. fuzzy sets, rule parameters etc.) and provide the ability to maintain the given level of interpretability